Categories > Books > Phantom of the Opera > The Phantom Romance

The Deal

by drellnco 0 reviews

A mysterious murder of the school's stagehand sets the high school abuzz, but not as abuzz as when Elizabeth Mayers proves her outstanding vocal talent at the re-scheduled callbacks. Unfortunately,...

Category: Phantom of the Opera - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Romance - Characters: Erik, Raoul - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-08-01 - Updated: 2006-08-02 - 3348 words

I found myself in detention at 7:28 the next morning, upset and shivering ever so slightly. It was the beginning of March, but it might have just as easily been the middle of January, it was so cold. Miss Lazerth was waiting for me when I arrived, her face puckered into a typically sour expression.

"Sit," she said coldly.

Not meeting her eyes, I obeyed. I wasn't sure why I even had detention, really .I wasn't just trying to act innocent or anything-- All I had done was listen to the stagehand's fantastical story. I knew it wasn't true, just as I knew Santa Clause wasn't real. Though I was an "impressionable youth", I didn't think myself THAT stupid, and surely, Miss Lazerth knew that. However, judging by her behavior, she thought me as naive and silly as someone who DID believe in Santa Clause.

"I was disappointed in you yesterday," she said smoothly and quietly, shuffling a stack of papers.

"But Miss Lazerth, I didn't actually--"


Again, I obeyed. Though I knew her to be a tough disciplinarian, I felt this was going a little too far. I felt as if I was back in the 1800's and I was being punished for allowing my petticoat to show.

"You will serve detention until the start of school at 8:00," she hissed lowly. "Then, you will proceed to your homeroom."

"Okay," I replied, my voice quivering slightly.

"Don't you dare leave this room," she commanded. "I'm going to get some coffee."

I nodded obediently, even though I felt her commands a little unnecessary. I wasn't a bad kid, really, and I didn't think I really needed to be told not to move. As soon as she left, I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. I'd had to get up a half hour earlier than usual just to serve this stupid detention, and it was definitely affecting me. I couldn't fall asleep, though... She'd kill me if she found me sleeping... But oh, it felt so good to have my eyes closed...

"She will not return for some time."

I snapped straight up in my chair. I suddenly felt as if an icy wave had just washed over me. An eerie, high-pitched voice had just spoken, and I had just heard it. Could I have been dreaming? No, I had definitely heard it. It sounded almost as if it belonged to a woman, but I knew it belonged to a man. It had a certain quality to it that was definitely masculine.

"Do not be afraid," the voice went on. "I will not harm you."

"Who ARE you? No, WHERE are you?" I breathed, my heart racing like a bird's. "Who's there?"

"Hush," whispered the voice. Though I was frightened out of my wits, I had to admit to myself that the voice had a certain soothing manner. It had an almost musical ring to it, and each spoken word seemed like a note in a song.

"This isn't funny," I snapped suddenly. "Mr. Kellog, if you're playing some stupid joke on me just because of your stupid Opera Ghost story--"

A soft, slightly maniacal laughter echoed throughout the room. Then, a mournful voice said, "Mr. Kellog is no more."

"What do you mean?" I turned my eyes towards the ceiling, looking around for a place where whoever was doing this could be hiding. It was then that I noticed a vent in the far left corner of the room. By this point, I was really angry. Whoever was doing this was obviously having a really good laugh about my fear, and I didn't appreciate it at all. Without pausing to think, I grabbed the chair from behind Miss Lazerth's desk and leaned it up against the wall. I stood on my tiptoes to lean my lips towards the vent.

"Very funny, whoever you are," I said irritably. I then leaned my ear against the vent to see what the moron playing this joke would have to say in reply.

Again came the soft laughter. Then, a mere two words, spoken by a voice that was both admiring and amused: "Clever girl."

I cursed whoever it was under my breath. I was about to hop off the chair when all of a sudden, Miss Lazerth burst through the door.

"What are you doing?" she snapped.

"I heard someone talking through the vent," I said weakly, quickly climbing off the chair.

I thought she'd yell at me some more, but she didn't. Instead, she sank into a chair at one of the student tables and buried her face in her hands.

"Erm, Miss Lazerth? Are you okay?" I managed to say through my surprise.

"Go. Please. Just go."

I was even more surprised at this concession. I still had ten minutes more of detention to serve, and from what I'd heard of Lazerth, she was hard about sticking to the rules. But hey, I wasn't one to protest. After all, who ever complained about getting out of detention?

There were quite a few students by the time I left the room, and I said hello to many of my friends as I walked. I admit, I was quite conceited and pleased with the bit of popularity I had. Everyone seemed to know me. It was probably because I was an athlete, not to mention I had some vocal talent. I didn't see Amy yet, but I figured she was down in the basement near our lockers. Turning on my heel, I began to stride quickly back past where I had served detention to the stage. Our lockers were down the stairs next to the auditorium. Unfortunately, the auditorium was usually locked up during school hours, so Amy and I rarely got to fool around up there.

As I approached the stage area, I heard a dull drone slowly get louder and louder. It was then that I noticed (I hadn't before, since I'm blind as a bat... I swear, I need glasses, if only my mom would let me get some!) that there was a huge crowd of people in the lobby in front of the main auditorium doors. Not only was there a crowd, but there were policemen, girls crying, and a very harassed looking superintendent of schools.

"Hey there, Lizzy."

Before I knew what was happening, I felt a hand on my backside.

"Sean!" I shrieked. "Get OFF me!" I turned around and hit him, hard, on the side of his arm.

"Owww. What'd you do that for?" he moaned, rubbing his arm.

"Don't ever touch me like that," I hissed, mad as a goose. "How dare you--"

"Oh calm down, Lizzy Mayers," he laughed, reaching to put his arm around my shoulders.

"It's Elizabeth," I replied stiffly, dodging his arm.

"Such a prude," he sighed, finally folding his arms and keeping his hands to himself.

"You're a moron," I snapped irritably. I was inclined to stay angry with him, but he had been at the crime scene longer than I had, so I decided to ask, "What's going on here?"

"Ah, no one's told you yet?" He gave me a mysterious look.

"Um, obviously not," I said snobbishly.

"The old stagehand Kellog decided life wasn't worth living anymore, if you know what I mean," Sean told me, his eyes gleaming.

"You mean..." I gasped.

"Yup. Found him with a rope around his neck."

"Oh my God," I exclaimed, clutching my chest. "It's horrible! Whatever made him do such a thing?"

Sean shrugged. "Do I look like a psychologist? C'mon, Lizzy, you're a smart girl. I'm sure you can see why he'd do it. Being a smelly old stagehand for some high school in the middle of no where-- Who wouldn't commit suicide?"

"You're a rude, insensitive..." I searched for the right insult, but couldn't will myself to curse-- "JERK and I have no further use for you!" I practically yelled, wanting to hit him again. Instead, I adjusted my backpack and began to walk away. I could hear his laughter echoing in my ears as I left.

"A jerk? That's all?" he called after me.

"I don't curse, unlike some people!" I yelled back. "I wouldn't expect you to understand!"


The school was still buzzing with ideas of suicide and occasionally murder by 4:30 that afternoon, the time at which callbacks were supposed to recommence. No one wanted to go anywhere near the stage now that it was tainted with death. Then again, no one wanted to lose his or her chance at a good part, either. So at 4:45, Amy May and I trudged up the stairs to the stage entrance. We gave each other a long look before throwing open the door and stepping through. To our shock and bewilderment, the auditorium was completely empty except for some yellow police tape on the stage.

"It's awful," Amy whispered, leaning up against me.

I was about to shove her off, but just then, I felt a little queasy myself. So instead, I grabbed her hand and held it close to my side.

"Were they cancelled or something?" I mumbled, feeling frozen.

"But wouldn't the door have been locked?" Amy replied, her voice quavering.

"We should probably go," I muttered uncomfortably.

It was then that something really terrible happened. Well, it wasn't terrible then. But looking back on it, it really was terrible, because it was part of how it all began. I was still staring up at the stage when I had the distinct notion that someone was standing behind me. Before I could turn, however, I felt someone playfully flick the back of my ponytail. My hair was long-- down to my waist-- and one of my most treasured possessions, and NO ONE was allowed to touch my hair without previous permission.

"What was that?" I cried, turning around violently.

"What are you talking about?" exclaimed Amy, jumping a few inches away from me. "God, you scared me!"

"I felt someone touch my hair," I explained hurriedly, grabbing my long blonde hair in my hands, as if the violator might come back and touch it again.

"Oh, give me a break." Amy laughed nervously. "Your hair's so long, you can never tell who's touching it."

"That's not true," I snapped bitterly. "I felt someone touch it."

"Maybe it's a ghost, then," she teased. "Come on, let's get out of here. Between you and your hair, I'm getting creeped out."

"You'd be a lot more creeped out if someone touched YOUR hair," I muttered unhappily.

We quickly went back out into the hall. As we slammed the door closed, we saw that there was an obvious white sign on the door: DO NOT ENTER STAGE AREA. Musical callbacks have been moved to the upstairs cafeteria.

"We're morons. Did you know that?" I sighed, relieved.

"Speak for yourself," Amy giggled.

I turned around and hit her. Not hard. But hard enough to make her squeal a bit.


Callbacks were drawing to a close at about 7:00, but I still hadn't gone yet. Yes, I had read from the script (and had done horribly), but I hadn't sung. My singing was the most important aspect of my callback, especially since I couldn't act. I could sing, though. I could definitely sing. The whole acting thing was just plain embarrassing, especially since it was done in front of everyone-- Sean Winters included. I even had to read a scene with him, with me reading the part of Sarah and he the part of Sky. Everyone "ooooh"ed when our names were called, which I felt was slightly inappropriate. I mean, we had gone out in our freshman year. What was the big deal that we had to read a love scene when we were mature juniors? Honestly.

Still, I couldn't help but be pretty pink in the cheeks the whole time. Sean kept imitating my gestures from across the room, and whenever I caught his eye, he'd smirk at me teasingly. He knew how bad I was at acting. Not that he was one to talk-- He was an even worse actor than me! All he had was his voice. In a way, we were very similar, I guess. We both had what people called "outstanding" vocal talent, but our acting skills left much to be desired.

Callbacks seemed to be winding down, and I still hadn't gotten to sing. Finally, Miss Lazerth said, "Did anyone not get to sing? I think I've heard everyone, haven't I?"

"I didn't go," I said, not bothering to hide my disappointment. Were my chances for the part so little that she didn't even care if I sang or not?

"Oh. Yes." Lazerth blinked distractedly. "How could I forget?" she added unconvincingly. "Go ahead... You may sing 'I'll Know'." She turned to Fitz and nodded his cue to start the introduction.

I stood up in front of the entire room, swaying slightly on my feet. I could already begin to feel the intoxication beginning. When I was singing for an audience, I became someone different. Everything I tried to hide away suddenly was torn open and thrown into the air for everyone to witness. My deepest emotions-- love, hate, lust, pain-- they all gleamed like forgotten jewels in front of the eyes of all my peers. But only when I was singing. Only then could they see the effort it took to force each note, like a piece of my soul, out of my body. Only then could they hear my vocal chords sliding across each part of the music, making love to every word in the song.

By the time the song had concluded, the entire audience looked shocked. One person in the back began to applaud me, but Miss Lazerth silenced him with a look. My face rushed with blood. Suddenly, I was the person everyone knew again. I felt the judgement of my peers. I felt their cold eyes boring into my body, scrutinizing each movement I made, every facial expression I allowed to cross my face. I quickly sat back down next to Amy, whose eyes were filled with tears.

"I forget how well you can sing sometimes," she croaked, holding my arm affectionately. "It's just... shocking."

This time, I took no notice as I shoved her arm away. I hated the way she touched me all the damn time. Especially after something like this had just occurred-- I needed time to think and reflect over my performance, to pull out and moan over any flaws that I might've noticed. But I couldn't think of anything I had done wrong. My breathing, my posture, the positioning of my mouth... It had all been perfect. Surely Miss Lazerth had noticed this? Surely she would give me a chance...?

But as I looked up, I saw her smiling and laughing with Jessica Klein. Sean Winters was lurking in the background, waiting his turn to hold hands with the little wench. I couldn't help it. I was angry. I was angry because Jessica Klein didn't have half the talent I did, and yet, she was going to get the part.

"I have to get something from my locker. Don't tell them where I am if anyone asks," I snapped, practically jumping out of my seat.

"Elizabeth! Where are you going?" cried Amy, reaching for my hand. I pulled it out of her reach. "What's wrong? Elizabeth?" She followed me to the door.

"Just leave me alone!" I said in a hot whisper, slamming the door in her face.

My heart was still pounding by the time I made it down two flights of stairs. As I crossed through the doors into the basement where my locker was, I realized that it was as dark as a tomb. The stupid janitors had already turned off all the lights downstairs, even though it was only 7:15 and people were still in the school. I unhappily began to feel my way along the wall, unable to stop the hopeless despair that occasionally seemed to swallow me whole. I didn't feel ready for tears-- I rarely did-- but I did feel ready for something else. It was too dark, though, to even think about that.

Actually, considering how dark it was, it would be a miracle if I ever did find my locker. I had a vague idea of where I was, but every single cold locker felt the same to me, and I couldn't figure out which was mine. I made a desolate noise and sank to the floor, my back against the wall. What was the point? All I needed was my Biology book, really. Who cared if I failed Biology anyway? I wasn't going to get the part and I knew it. Failing Biology would be among the least of my problems, especially since I knew I was going to be stuck in the chorus again.

I closed my eyes for a moment, but as I did, a red light appeared behind my eyelids. My eyes fluttered open, only to focus on a small flame that seemed to be suspended in the air. I gasped loudly. Kellog's story of the ghost came rushing back into my head before I could stop it. Could it really be a ghost? No, it couldn't be-- Ghosts aren't real! I thought. But there it was, a flame suspended in midair.

"Do not be afraid," said a familiar voice. Why, I'd heard those exact words from that very voice-- It was the voice I'd heard in Lazerth's room during detention!

"You again!" I cried in a strangled voice. "Who are you?"

"You may call me your teacher," replied the voice, sounding pleased.

I realized that the flame was not suspended in midair after all. There was a body behind it, and from what I could gather, the voice was coming from behind the flame. I reached forward to touch whoever it was, but he backed away, avoiding my hand.

"You will suffer much disappointment at the hands of the fools who run my theater," he said softly, his voice surrounding me like a cold wind. "But I can teach you to be better than all of them. So much better that they will not be able to deny you your right any longer."

"What right?" I whispered unsteadily.

"Your right to sing upon my stage!" he laughed. His cackling sliced right through my body, cold like a piece of ice. "I will not force you. I will simply offer my knowledge to you. You may not be the ambitious type... After all, that can be very unbecoming in ladies..."

Hot anger swept through my veins, dispelling any cold fear I had felt previously. "I'm more ambitious than most people I know! And I really could care less about being a lady!"

"Then what do you say, my ingenue? Shall we train?"

I had no idea what had come over me. I was talking to a shadow of a man, to someone who might be a ghost or a flame or even just a whacked-out custodian. But the way he had taunted me had struck me in the heart. Wasn't I ambitious enough to take any chance to be the best? Didn't I have the drive and the willpower to put myself into the hands of a complete stranger, all to become the best? Of course I did!


"I'll see you here at 7:00 tomorrow night. Not earlier, not later. 7:00 is when the lights go off, my ingenue."

And just like that, the flame was gone. But all of a sudden, the lights overhead flickered back on. I blinked several times, adjusting my eyes to the light. I realized that I had been in front of my own locker the entire time. I quickly unlocked it and found my Biology book.

Why my heart wasn't pounding, I didn't know. I had just made an exchange with a possible madman. But for what I was getting in return, it seemed worth it. Right then, just about anything would have seemed worth it.
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