Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I love you too much

Chapter 14

by pepe_soldier 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2013-04-22 - 441 words - Complete

Chapter 14

Frank's pov:

I don't remember when I fell asleep. I heard my phone. Someone was calling me.
-He-Hello? -I answered tiredly
-Hey, Frank -I heard Gerard's voice.
-Hey, what's up?
-Nothing special. I can't come to your place. Can you come to my place, please?
-Yes, sure. I'll be there in ten minutes
-Okay, bye
-Bye- I said and hanged up. I fastly grabbed jacket and stuff I needed.
Gerard's pov:
I didn't know what is happening to me. I felt strange. After I ended call I went to the bathroom. I washed my face and looked into the mirror. Last what I've seen was that my eyes turned red...
Frank's pov:
I knocked on the door.
-It's opened! -I heard Gerard. I opened the door and walked inside. Where was he? Then he walked out of bathroom. I couldn't see his face, he was looking away. Something happened. Something was wrong.
-Gee? What happened?
-Nothing- he mumbled and then he looked at me. His eyes were red. I backed away a little. He was thirsty, for blood. I kept backing away slowly.
-What' wrong, Frankie? -he asked me.
-N-Nothing -I mumbled. I started moving slowly into the kitchen. When I was inside, I shut the door fastly. He qas punching the door and shouting that I open it, but I fastly grabbed pan from the cupboard and stood close the door. After few moments, he broke in and I hit him in the head with pan. I hadn't other choice. He fell down.
-Sorry -I whispered. Then I took a little bottle and injection from my pocket. I poured liquid from the bootle into injection. Then I rolled his sleeve up and injected it into his hand. I just hoped it will work. I put a little band aid on the place where I injected and then I grab him for his hands. I was too short to carry him, so I was pulling him back to the living room. I layed him on the sofa and just waited. I was waiting for hours. Then I moved his top lip. Fangs were gone. I sighed happily. And then I mentioned one more thing. His heartbeat...was gone.
Gerard's pov:
Empty and dark. Where am I? I was in the bathroom, and now I'm not even in my house. What happened?
Frank's pov:
What have I done? I tried to hold tears, but I couldn't. I...I killed him! Instead of making things easier and better, I destroyed everything! Destroying something perfect inorder to make it doesn't always give the best results. What now? I lost him. Forever.
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