Categories > Original > Poetry > Series of My Messed Up Poems


by totheark 1 review

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-04-25 - 161 words

One step ahead of the game.
They walk as if they are higher than the others,
placing themselves on pedestals while driving others into the ground.
If they mean to or not,
it's more than I can tell.
Everyone just doing what they do to get by,
everyone just working alone in life.
Alone or together,
a choice and a condemnation.
Lonelieness is a comfort,
yet is a shelter from hurt.
They are not afraid of the pain,
or rather know nothing of the possibility of it.
Stupid nor pretty nor special nor rare,
they are what they are because of belief.
But the fuck do I care?
The fuck does anyone care?
They make them care.
An ability which is profoundly beyond me.
They make them care.
Naiive nor creul,
they are despised and loved.
They have everything it seems to those who have none.
Possession of charisma is enviable indeed.
But what is special?
Does it even matter?
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