Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Don't Ever Look Back

These Trials

by lalatherapist16 1 review

They acted like I was a zombie myself...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2013-04-25 - 856 words

That night at eleven seventeen, I heard the soft knock on the door. There was no way I could sleep.

The others were passed out, my brother and friend in their hammocks, the girls on the floor. I stepped over the girls on my toes, hoping to not hit the floor board that squeaked so loud we all woke up when Frankie went to the bathroom at night

I paused at the door and looked back at them in the muted light. Like she could feel my eyes on her, Bandit groaned and say up. "Daddy?" She whispered. "Whatre ya doin?" She mumbled, half asleep.

"Just goin to the bathroom baby." I smiled at her. She yawned and stretched, blinking at me.

"But you're all dressed." I suppressed the flinch that threatened breaking my calm appearance.

"It's cold. Well I think it is." I got on one knee next to her. "Go to sleep sweetie. I'll be back." I kissed her forehead and lightly pushed her back down.

She watched me open the door and step out. Once I was in the hall, I was grabbed by my firearms and pulled along to the door closest to us. "What's wrong?" I looked at Emma and Sin. Sin's face was set in stone.

Emma's usually bright face was serious, her bright brown eyes seemingly darker. I saw the rain outside, soaking the girls who stood on either side of the long path.

Ren was at the end, Ally and Cass on either side behind her. I was led to them in silence, the eyes of the girls following me but no sound to greet me. Only the rain hitting the sidewalk and grass.

Emma and Sin let go of me as we reached Ren to stand at Cass and Ally's flanks. Ren looked at me, her face as deep as the rest. "Ren?" I asked, my clothes getting soaked as we stood there.

Silently, she held out a sword. It looked just like hers. Until I took it out of the case. "Ladies." With one word, the girls left, taking a stand at the doors around us. Ren backed away from me, into the grass.

"The trial will start in ten seconds." She held a small red flag in her hand. "Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two." The flag dropped to the ground.

I whirled, looking at the gate as it opened a couple feet. Somewhere around twenty five dead bodies came in, headed straight up to me. Swallowing hard, I gripped the sword and ran at them.

Aim and sights. I kept my eyes on all of them at once. Focus and reflexes. I ducked as one swung at my head, hitting it with the hard sword case in it's head.

Speed. I sliced into eight in less than a minute. Killer instinct. What should it feel like?

I sliced and dismembered bodies left and right until there were only five left to shuffle toward me. With a quick look back at Ren's almost uncaring expression, I was on my back.

One snapped it's jaws at me like some dog. I put the sword to its neck and pushed hard. The head fell next to mine, the body falling on top of me.

I shoved it off and got to my feet. I could feel the inklike blood on my face and neck, slowly getting washed away with the rain. And, for a second, I didn't want it too. It was a badge of honor.

I wanted more of it on me, not less. Swinging the blade, I chopped a second head off. Before I realized it, I was laughing.

"Come on. I won't hurt ya." I purred. The last three came at me slowly. My body moved before my mind had.

I speared one on the sword through its head and spun, throwing it onto the other. They tumbled to the ground, the latter cracking its head on the sidewalk.

When I looked at what I'd just done, I was nervous. Though in my past weeks here I'd seen Ren do worse, I was worried if she'd still like me.

I felt arms around me. It was Ren, hugging me. She held tightly, our soaked bodies pressing together as I held her.

Somewhere, out in the rain, I heard a scream. Ren heard it too. Both our heads snapped up to look in the direction it'd come from. "Help!!"

I felt like I'd heard that voice before. While I hesitated, Ren was already moving.

"Let's go!" She yelled. Her group and I ran after her to one of the bigger cars. "In. Fast." We all but jumped into the car as she sped out toward the gate.

It opened just as we reached it. We barreled through the zombies in seconds, sending bodies flying.

Speeding through the city, we found the ones who'd made it.

So I'm like still half asleep and was more so while writing this.

So just look over any typos and R+R. I'm gonna be going back to sleep probably.

Hugs and Damn I feel old,
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