Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Naruto's Wonderful Training Exercises

Escape and Evasion

by NaruHinaSakuFan1

Adpoted the story from Xorncon - Number 0 from fanfiction anyways it's a story full of oneshots so Naruto x every female in the show enjoy!

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Anko,Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2013-04-25 - 4654 words

Chapter 2

Escape and Evasion


Naruto growled to himself as he tapped his foot impatiently on the ground. Kakashi sensei was once again late to yet another training session. The annoying part was that Naruto didn't even ask to train with Kakashi.

- - - - -Flashback- - - - -

Naruto entered Tsunade's office, "Ah, Naruto, good of you to join me. I have an assignment for you."

"What is it granny? Is it some big S-rank mission ya got for me?"

"Don't get a swelled head just because you defeated an Akatsuki member," Tsunade replied as she turned to face the young boy. She spoke of Kakuzu of course. "I need you to head to the training grounds and wait for a sensei to show up. It's an important training lesson you need to learn."

'An important training lesson with Kakashi sensei? Wonder what this is about…?'

"Well don't just stand there gawking: GO!"

"Right, you got it granny!" Naruto turned and ran straight out of the door.

- - - - -End flashback-- - - -

"I should've known better than to think Kakashi sensei would be on time," Naruto muttered.

"Who said anything about Kakashi," a smooth voice questioned. Naruto shouted and dove forward in fear. The voice started laughing, prompting Naruto to look back and see who it was. Anko and Shizune stood side by side, the former laughing away and the latter having a look of concern. Anko was wearing her normal attire, and Shizune was dressed in her Jonin uniform. "Sheesh kid, do you need to change your pants or something," Anko questioned.

Naruto quickly stood up and dusted himself off, "No. And where's Kakashi sensei? He was supposed to be here by now!"

"Kakashi isn't showing up Naruto-kun," Shizune replied. "We're giving you the lesson today." Naruto tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Lady Hokage said that as a Jinchuriki, you'll need to work on escape and evasion," Anko continued. "After all, if you're faced with TWO Akatsuki members by yourself, you're gonna have to run quickly and without a trace."

"Screw that," Naruto yelled, "I'm not running from anyone!"

"What if you had to run from a pair of Akatsuki members to get to Sasuke," Anko questioned with a sly grin. Naruto opened his mouth to rebuttal, but couldn't find the proper words to respond with. "Beside, I'm not about to piss off that old bat. Now, there are a couple of reasons Shizune and I are your instructors. One: I'm a great tracker and one of the fastest Jonin around."

"So why is Shizune-chan here," Naruto asked.

"Because she can keep up with me, and she's acting as the other Akatsuki member," Anko replied. "With that new jutsu I've heard about, one Akatsuki member shouldn't be much of a hassle for you. Now, on your marks-,"

"Hey wait," Naruto pleaded.

"GO!" Anko lunged forward with a certain evil look in her eye that her old snake sensei could've envied.

Naruto yelped as he jumped back from Anko's forward strike. Shizune flipped over her partner and fired a group of needles from the gadget on her arm. Naruto yelped as he turned and ran away. Anko stuck her arm directly forward with a pleasurable grin. A group of snakes shot out from her sleeves and moved directly towards Naruto. The Jinchuriki turned at the last moment and yelped with fear as he ducked under the serpents. Naruto then ran the other way and headed straight for a forest.

"He's not that subtle," Shizune stated with a disappointed smile. Anko had a malicious sneer on her face and a sparkle in her eye.

"That's what makes our job easier…" The two female Jonin chased after their prey.

"Jeez," Naruto exclaimed. "Those two are seriously going to kill me if I don't watch it! Anko-san and Shizune-chan, who the hell would've put those two together?"

"BOO," Anko shouted as she suddenly appeared in front of Naruto. The blonde screamed with fright as he ducked below Anko's snake-like jab.

"Got you Naruto-kun," Shizune yelled as she sprung out from behind a tree. Naruto looked up, seeing the black haired medic pulling on some steel strings. Naruto looked around, seeing glowing lines coming towards him. When the strings hit, Naruto disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "Oh come on," Shizune exclaimed as she landed, "a shadow clone?"

"Not half bad on the twerp's end," Anko admitted. "This forest is probably swarming with the kid's clones."

"So how do we find out which one is the real Naruto," Shizune asked.

"I've got an idea," Anko said with a devious look on her face. "Naruto trained with Jiraiya right?" Shizune nodded once. "So that means he's more than likely adopted the old man's traits…which means…"

"Oh good lord…"

Naruto slowly and quietly moved around the forest, taking refuge in a nearby tree branch. In the safety of the leaves, Naruto started scanning his surroundings for anything suspicious. 'Where the hell am I supposed to go? I know I'm supposed to evade them, but where can I go that'll be safe?' Shizune suddenly came into the clearing, causing Naruto to flinch slightly. The black haired kunoichi looked the opposite direction for a moment. 'Good, she didn't see me. Wait…what the…' Naruto had just noticed that Shizune's long sleeves were gone, showing all of her arms and the same thing with her pants, which was now more like short-shorts now. Naruto's eyes widened as he held in the urge to scream 'WHOA BABY!' The Jinchuriki watched Shizune look around curiously, trying to find him. 'Why is she like that now? What's she planning…?'

"Naruto-kun," Shizune called out, "Are you here Naruto-kun? No, well then I guess I can take off my jacket now." Shizune unzipped her Jonin vest then let it drop to the ground. Naruto covered his mouth as his eyes shot open. Shizune wore a black tube-top that showed off her stomach and gave Naruto a nice view of her cleavage.

'IT'S A TRICK! If they know where I am then why are they torturing me?' Naruto swallowed heavily then looked around. 'Maybe they don't know exactly where I am, but they know I'm here somewhere. I better not make a sound.'

"Oh I'm so lonely out here on my own," Shizune spoke up, "I hope someone doesn't try to take advantage of poor defenseless me." The black haired Jonin was kicking herself on the inside. 'Damn it Anko, why did I have to be the diversion?' Shizune bent over with her back facing Naruto. The blonde shifted in the tree branch uncomfortably.

"GOTCHA!" Naruto shrieked at the sound of Anko's voice and then he leaped out from cover, landing in the tree across from him. The Jinchuriki looked back, seeing nobody in the tree that he was just in.

"Crap," Naruto shouted as he landed.

"Found you," Anko called out. Naruto looked over, seeing the bottoms of Anko's shoes inches from his face. Naruto dove towards the ground as Anko dropkicked the base of a tree. The Jonin flipped around and landed in a crouched position on the branch. "Get em Shizune!"

The black haired Jonin leapt up at Naruto, throwing a punch at the boy. Naruto moved his head to the side, narrowly avoiding the strike. The blonde then noticed something in Shizune's hands that looked like smoke bombs. Shizune squeezed her hand tightly, causing an explosion of gas. Naruto would've jerked his head back further, but Anko used her trench coat to wrap around Naruto's head and the cloud of blue gas. Shizune landed on her feet while Anko landed on top of Naruto, straddled on his back as she still held her trench coat tightly around the boy's head.

"How long does it take for this stuff to work," Anko asked as she tried to stop Naruto from thrashing around.

"It usually takes a few seconds for most targets, but Naruto is a Jinchuriki, so it may be a bit longer." Anko looked over to her partner, grunting as she held the bucking Naruto on the ground. Shizune could tell Anko wanted a specific answer, "A minute and a half at the most." Anko squeezed her jacket tighter around Naruto's head, but this seemed to cause the boy to go crazier.

"Are you sure you used that sedative gas," Anko questioned angrily. Shizune looked at her hand that held the bombs. There were a few pieces of tiny plastic still in her hand which she put together to read the symbol on the bomb.

"Uh oh," Shizune muttered.

"What oh," Anko questioned.

"Uh…I think I used the wrong bomb…"

"What type of bomb did you use," Anko angrily asked before throwing an elbow to the back of Naruto's head. The blow didn't stop him in any way.

"Apparently I used…an aphrodisiac bomb…" Anko froze, looking over at her partner with eyes as wide as dinner plates. "I should've known from the blue smoke!" (A/N: get it? Blue pill, blue smoke, funny no?)

"So what the hell does this stuff make him do?" Again, the look demanded specifics.

"Well one bomb could keep a man um…frisky for hours. The gas unlocks parts of the brain to heighten the user's stamina so that they can um…ejaculate more. The more stamina the user has before taking the it the more uh…potent the gas is." Anko could help but form a joking smile on her face. She didn't know if it was the situation or Shizune's nervousness that Anko thought was funnier.

"So what were you doing with that stuff anyway?" Naruto screamed and thrashed again, almost throwing Anko off him.

"Th-that's not important," Shizune snapped, a blush of embarrassment forming across her cheeks.

"Okay, then how do we fix it?"

"I should have another gas that should negate the effects of…oh no…"

"You don't have it," Anko guessed immediately, focusing on trying to keep Naruto on the ground. "So what's option B?"

"Um…talking to him," Shizune replied meekly. Anko leaned up, almost lying on Naruto's back, and put her mouth right next to the side of Naruto's head.

"Naruto, calm down alright! Stop freaking out or I'll have to hurt you!" This seemed to make Naruto thrash around even harder. Anko straightened her back up then looked back to Shizune. "Plan C?"

"Um…" Shizune's face turned as red as a tomato. "C-calming him down…"

"How," Anko grunted, using one hand to push Naruto's head back down.

"S-satisfying him," Shizune replied. Anko snapped her head to her partner, eyes full of shock. Shizune could've almost trembled with embarrassment at Anko's wide eyed stare.

Anko formed a perverted smirk on her face, "Alright…"

"Wh-what do you mean 'alright?' Don't you know what I mean by 'satisfying' him?"

"Yeah, fuck him until he mellows out," Anko replied.

"H-how're you so calm about this?"

"Hey, I haven't had sex in months alright! And what about you? Being the Hokage's assistant, when was the last time you got some hanky-panky?" Shizune averted her eyes, finding the question rather inappropriate. "Months, years maybe?" Shizune's blush darkened as her face heated up with embarrassment. "This'll be good for ya, besides you should have to satisfy poor Naruto."

"M-me, you're the one whose wanting to do this!"

"Yeah, but you're the one who put him in this situation in the first place. Some medical ninja that can't differentiate knock out gas from turn-on-horny gas!" Suddenly, Naruto threw Anko off his back and forcefully tore the trench coat from his face.

Naruto's eyes looked around desperately, first spotting Shizune. The black haired kunoichi yelped meekly with terror, but knew she had to do this for Naruto's sake. She still jumped though whenever Naruto pounced her. Naruto started kissing and licking her neck and face while running his hands all over her smooth skin. Shizune whimpered and shivered as she let Naruto do what he wished. Anko was leaning back on her hands with her legs bent upward, sitting and watching like a child with a smile on her face. Naruto moved his hands up and tore the tube-top apart. Shizune's breast bounced a bit with their newfound freedom, causing the Jonin to blush even darker. Naruto forcefully squeezed her breasts and started sucking hard on her nipple. Shizune arched her back and let out a loud moan of pleasure.

Naruto removed his mouth and started rubbing her breasts, "I-I'm sorry Shizune-chan! I can't stop myself!"

"Fuck her next," Anko called out, cupping her hands around her mouth like a spectator. Naruto growled angrily as he pulled off Shizune's pants, tearing them a little bit, and found her soaked sex. "Fuck that bitch baby!"

"Anko," Shizune snapped, angrier at being called a bitch more than encouraging Naruto to 'fuck' her.

"Sorry," Anko called back. Shizune looked back, only to be shaken at the sudden feeling of Naruto penetrating her. Anko giggled at her distraction of Shizune then cupped her hand around her mouth again, "Fuck that Jonin!"

Naruto started thrusting his hips wildly, pounding his rod into Shizune's sex. The blonde grunted and groaned with every thrust, while Shizune shrieked and yelped in response. Anko chuckled evilly to herself as she watched the show intently. Shizune squirmed and desperately clawed the ground in an effort to hold onto something. Naruto grabbed the Jonin's thighs for a better grip and thrusted deeper into Shizune. This resulted in Shizune arching her back as far as possible, throwing her head back and screaming as loudly as possible. Anko kicked her feet, giggling like a five year old as she leaned forward a bit. Shizune whimpered, clenching her teeth together as tightly as possible as she felt her orgasm approaching rapidly. Naruto panted heavily, having calmed down slightly, but still thrusting just as quickly as when he started. Shizune latched her hand on one of Naruto's sleeves and gripped it tightly as she used her other hand to claw the ground as she let out a blood curdling scream as her climax hit like a ton of bricks. Naruto almost fell forward as Shizune tightened around his hardened member. The Jinchuriki had to stop for a moment to wait for Shizune to finish. Once the black haired Jonin's body eased, Naruto continued with the rapid thrusts. Already sensitive from her orgasm, Shizune's mind was now swimming in a pool of ecstasy. The kunoichi moaned with a low tone as her eyes rolled up in the back of her head. Naruto grunted as he thrusted with his own orgasm about to hit. Anko's grin was as wide as Naruto's and as devilish as Orochimaru's. The purple haired Jonin giggled with unbridled joy. Naruto threw his head back and screamed as he started firing his seed into Shizune's womb. The black haired Jonin moaned a bit higher, but was still more or less numb from the waist down. Naruto shuddered as he fired the last few spurts into Shizune, filling her sex-hole. Naruto turned to Anko who maintained her seductive smile.


"Oh don't you worry," Anko replied, spreading her legs apart, giving Naruto a clear view down her skirt, "I'm looking forward to this."

In the Hokage's office, Tsunade sat at her desk, sipping a cup of warm tea as she looked out the window. "I wonder how Naruto's training is progressing. Hopefully he's learning a thing or two from those two women." Tsunade turned back around then opened a box that Shizune left. "Wait…these are Shizune's paralyze gas bombs…what bombs did she take if they're here…?"

Anko threw her head back and screamed with pleasure before looking back at Naruto. The Jinchuriki had his hands on Anko's waist, giving short, forceful thrusts into the Jonin's vagina. Anko moaned sensually and licked her lips with enjoyment as Naruto stabbed deeper and deeper inside of her sex. Anko wrapped her legs around Naruto's waist, trying to get the boy to go deeper.

"Yeah, fuck me Naruto," Anko hissed seductively.

Naruto couldn't help but become aroused at the order, after all: he inhaled four smoke bombs full of a sex drug. The whisker marks on Naruto's cheeks darkened a bit and his pupils became slit. Anko looked into the boy's eyes, realizing they were still blue and was relieved. Naruto growled angrily as he went faster and harder, causing Anko to grind her teeth with pleasure. The wet smacking sound that came from Naruto's thrusts encouraged him to keep going. Anko threw her head back, grinning as widely as possible while screaming with euphoria.

"A-Anko-san! I'm about to cum!"

Anko panted as she looked at Naruto's shaft moving in and out of her, "Do it! For god's sakes do it!"

Naruto made quicker, rapid thrusts as he threw his head back and moaned until he finally came. Anko's body went limp as the warm, thick gooey essence of Naruto flooded into inside her. Naruto panted heavily and gave one last softer thrust, firing one final spurt into Anko's stomach. Naruto pulled out, his shaft still as hard as could be. Anko hummed with amusement as she crawled over off her back.

"How do you feel," Anko asked.

"Still horny, b-but I think I can control myself."

"Well…that won't do at all…" Shizune started to stir, having fallen asleep shortly after Naruto came inside of her.

Shizune sat up and opened her eyes, looking at her surroundings groggily. Suddenly, Shizune was wide awake when she heard the moaning of Naruto. She looked over, seeing Anko licking, stroking, and sucking Naruto's hardened shaft. Shizune blushed heavily as Anko continued her activity shamelessly.

"A-Anko-san," Naruto murmured.

"Just cleaning you off," the purple haired Jonin replied casually. "Ah, Shizune you're awake. Want to help Naruto's condition a little more?"

"H-he's looking a lot better," Shizune pointed out.

"But he still said he's horny," Anko fired back. "Do you really think it's safe to leave him even a little horny?"

Shizune blushed heavily, looking down in shame. The gas was like a poison, and could only be released, and the only way to release it was for sexual release. If even a little of it stayed in Naruto's system it would multiply and he would be in the same primal condition he was in just moments earlier.

"Okay, fine," Shizune muttered. "What do we do?"

"Well, you could help me 'clean him off' if you get my meaning?" Anko winked to emphasize her point.

Shizune crawled over and swallowed the nervous lump in her throat. Anko giggled then licked one side of Naruto's shaft. Shizune followed her example and licked the other side. Naruto shuddered nervously a bit as their soft, slimy tongues. Anko put her mouth around the tip and started sucking. Shizune, unsure of what to do, started licking all over Naruto's shaft. The blonde shuddered harder, trying to contain himself. Anko then lowered her head down on Naruto's member, then bobbed her head back and forth a bit. Naruto threw his head back, moaning quietly as he placed his hand on the back of the Jonin's head, helping guide her down his shaft. Anko lifted her head off, then looked at Shizune. The black haired Jonin could tell from her partner's look that it was now her turn. Shizune placed her lips around the head of Naruto's member then slowly lowered her head. Naruto moaned and placed his hand on the back of Shizune's head as well. Anko giggled to herself, and then in the blink of an eye moved on top of Shizune with both hands on the back of her head. Shizune moaned with shock, but Anko suddenly forced the former's mouth down all the way to the base of Naruto's shaft. Naruto threw his head back and screamed with pleasure as Anko pulled Shizune's head back up then thrusted it back down. Naruto growled as he tried to grab Shizune's head and tried to force her to continue. Anko smacked Naruto's hands away, then forced the boy's rod down Shizune's throat a few more times before letting her breathe. Shizune started coughing fitfully, since the back of her throat was violated.

"Anko," Shizune coughed, "How dare you!"

"It's to help Naruto," the purple haired Jonin replied gleefully before moving back to the other side of the boy.

Anko wrapped Naruto's cock with her breasts then started to rub them against it. Naruto shuddered, trying to contain himself. Shizune looked at Naruto with worry. He was starting to show symptoms that could mean the poison is spreading faster than she anticipated. Shizune quickly smushed her breasts against Anko's, with Naruto's rod caught between. The two busty Jonin started rubbing up and down on Naruto's shaft. The blonde moaned and whimpered through his teeth, bucking his hips a bit with pleasurable sensation. They were so soft, it was like being rubbed with silk. Naruto's body shook harder and his hips bucked a few times.

"I-I'm gonna cum!"

Naruto arched his back and started firing thick white ropes of semen from his rod. Anko closed one eye and opened her mouth while Shizune kept both eyes open along with her mouth. The boy's seed rained down, covering Anko and Shizune's faces with thick white strings. Anko leaned forward, licking Naruto's semen off of Shizune's face. Naruto watched with wide, horny eyes while Shizune only blushed with embarrassment. Anko cleaned her own face off then looked at Naruto's hardened rod which was still hard.

"Sheesh kid," Anko muttered. "What does it take to calm this cock of yours?" Naruto and Shizune both blushed. In the blink of an eye, Anko pinned Shizune onto her back, causing the latter to blush even darker.

"Wh-what the hell are you doing Anko?"

"Shut up," Anko snapped, lowering her soaking entrance on top of Shizune's. The black haired Jonin yelped sensually for a brief moment in surprise. "Naruto, stick your cock between our cunts." Shizune's face turned completely red with embarrassment, as did Naruto's face.

The Jinchuriki slowly crawled up then sat up on his knees, putting his hands on Anko's rear. Slowly, the boy slid his hard little friend between Anko and Shizune, rubbing against their entrances. Both girls moaned, Shizune more than Anko. Naruto started swaying his hips for a moment, before he started breaking out into full on thrusts. The women moaned as Naruto's rod started rubbing their clitoris' as well. Naruto moaned at the feel of rubbing between two soaking vaginas, and soon found that he was on the brink of another orgasm. Anko sat up, still pinning Shizune's arms next to the girl since she was squirming so much. This put more pressure on Naruto's shaft, which in turn allowed him to rub deeper in the women's sex. Anko moaned, while Shizune was screaming her head off in ecstasy. Anko started grinding her hips in rhythm with Naruto's thrusting, bringing the boy closer to his climax. Anko could tell from Naruto's moaning and panting that he was about to cum. The Jonin leaned back forward, leaving room between her and Shizune's bodies as Naruto thrusted between them. With one more forceful shove, Naruto fired like a fire hose between the two women. The semen sprayed everywhere, covering Shizune and Anko's bodies. Naruto pulled back a bit, leaving the tip of his rod between the women's vaginas, still shooting his semen. Shizune and Anko could both feel the warmness between them and they could even feel a little bit flowing into them.

"Naruto-kun," Shizune whispered. Suddenly, the black haired Jonin grabbed Anko's butt cheeks then pulled them apart. "Fuck Anko's ass!"

"Wait, what?" Anko snapped her head around, seeing Naruto looking like a mindless zombie as he pressed the tip of his rod against Anko's tightened hole. "Hey, wait a minute here!" Anko became nervous, unsure on what to think of her sudden loss of control here.

Naruto forced his rod, already lubed with Shizune and Anko's juices, into the purple haired Jonin's rear. Anko shrieked as she threw her entire body back, curving her body almost into a U shape with her spine. Naruto grabbed Anko's hair then started thrusting forcefully into the vacuum tight hole. Anko's body trembled with nervousness and pain as her eyes were wide with shock. Naruto grunted and panted savagely as he pressed his chest against Anko's back and started squeezing her breasts. Anko screamed loudly, praying for her anal violation to end. Her prayers were answered when she felt the warm thickness of Naruto's semen shooting into her rump. Anko shuddered as her body from the waist down started to go numb. Naruto pulled out, firing two long strings of semen on Anko's back. Anko fell onto her elbows, her body trembling. Shizune walked up to Naruto and leaned forward to look at his face. He looked like the normal Naruto.

Shizune smiled then straightened up with her hands down in front of her, "Are you okay now Naruto-kun?" The Jinchuriki looked down, and Shizune followed his gaze. Unfortunately, she saw that he was still hard as a rock. 'Oh no…' Naruto turned to and pounced Shizune.

Without warning, Naruto thrusted into Shizune's vagina as soon as they hit the ground. The Jonin yelped and moaned as Naruto thrusted in and out, stabbing deeply into her sex. It wasn't as bad as when they first started. At the beginning of this whole ordeal it'd been going on for nearly two years since Shizune had had sex. Now, even though she just had sex with him once, Shizune was already loosened up and use to his shape. However, the next thing that happened caught Shizune off guard. Suddenly her lower body was being lifted up and how she was lying on the back of her neck and shoulders while her legs and breasts tried to fall. Naruto was standing up, still inside Shizune as he started to thrust down. It wasn't so much thrusting as it was rising on your tiptoes then falling back down forcefully. Still, it was enough to make Shizune scream. Naruto's speed was incredible as he pounded into her, causing her legs and breasts to bounce. Shizune squirmed, but was held firmly in place by Naruto. The Jonin moaned and screamed as she felt like she was being forced into the ground. Naruto moaned for a prolonged period and then started thrusting faster, stabbing even deeper into Shizune's body. The black haired Jonin yelped with surprise when she felt her womb being flooded with a warm thick liquid. Shizune moaned as she felt it rising up in her sex. Before it felt like she would overflow, Naruto pulled out then fired a few rounds on Shizune's face and chest. The Jinchuriki panted heavily then fell onto his back, finally running out of juice.

In the Hokage's office, Tsunade just finished a giant stack of paperwork. She leaned back and sighed with relief, "Thank god I'm finally done." Suddenly, the door swung open, and Anko walked it with a limp and with Naruto hung over her shoulder. "Ah, Anko, I see you managed to capture Naruto. What's with the limp?" Anko snapped her head around, glaring at Shizune who entered, blushing in her short-shorts and Jonin vest. "Shizune, what happened to your clothes?"

"Tactical planning," Anko replied. "Here ya go." The purple haired Jonin dropped Naruto on Tsunade's desk.

"Man, he must've given you all a run for your money." Anko smirked at the understatement while Shizune blushed brightly

end of chapter 2

ok readers chapter 2 is up as u can see, i will hopefully have all the chaps uploaded in one night! if u have any question leave a review or message me from my fanfiction account which is the same author name as this one
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