Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Naruto's Wonderful Training Exercises

Information Extraction

by NaruHinaSakuFan1

Adpoted the story from Xorncon - Number 0 from fanfiction anyways it's a story full of oneshots so Naruto x every female in the show enjoy!

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2013-04-25 - 3208 words

Chapter 3.

Information Extraction


Naruto walked quickly down a dirt trail, passing everyone working away to rebuild the village. Tsunade was back, and Naruto couldn't have been happier, and Kakashi brought back a young woman who was on Sasuke's team. The bad news was that Ibiki, the village's best interrogator was hospitalized due to fighting Pain. So Tsunade sent some of the less experienced interrogators to deal with her, but she wasn't talking. Kakashi mentioned that she noticed Karin staring at the Jinchuriki the entire way back to the village. Tsunade ordered that Naruto be sent to see if she'd talk to him, and she even gave Naruto a few pointers on how to interrogate someone.

- - - - -Flashback- - - - -

"So…explain to me why I'M going to interrogate her," Naruto questioned.

"Kakashi said that the girl seemed quite smitten with you since she just stared at you the entire way to the village. Try to get her talking, and if that doesn't work then try the good cop bad cop thing." Naruto tilted his head to the side, unsure on what that term meant. "If there's anything you can do to get info then do it! I don't care what you have to do to get information from her, just do it!"

"Right, I'm on it!" Naruto turned and ran out of Tsunade's office.

- - - - - -End Flashback- - - - -

Naruto entered the small interrogation center and looked around. The building was empty, but the room was locked with her inside. Naruto undid the locks then entered the room, seeing the redhead styling her hair in the one-way mirror. The girl had a slender body with a round rear and firm breasts. Naruto hardly paid attention to that as he simply glared at her. Karin, the girl with red hair, saw the blonde's reflection in the mirror and turned around.

"Can I help you," she asked.

"Yeah, tell me about Sasuke already!" Karin sighed and rolled her eyes, shaking her head angrily.

"There's nothing you need to know. I heard you talking to him back on that river. And while we're at it: I'm not sure where Akatsuki's hideout is, which means I do not know how to get there from this village." Naruto narrowed his eyes then sat down in a chair.

"Tell me about Kabuto then," Naruto snapped.

"I met the guy like twice," Karin shouted, throwing her hands into the air. Naruto growled angrily. This is where he had to try and squeeze information from her.

"Listen: the quicker you talk the quicker you can leave." Karin rolled her eyes and sat down in a chair, crossing her leg over her knee. Naruto needed to try harder. "I can help alright?" Karin shifted her eyes over to Naruto, feeling his chakra while checking out the boy himself.

"Maybe you can help me," Karin replied, standing up with a sly smirk on her face. 'That fucking Sasuke wouldn't give me any and now I'm sexually starved!' Naruto looked at Karin who walked up to him. "I'll give you information, but first we're going to play a little game."


"That's right. First off: am I pretty?" Naruto blinked once, staring at the redhead with confusion. Karin raised an eyebrow, impatiently waiting for a reply.

"Y-yeah, yes you're pretty…" Naruto mentally cursed himself before remembering: 'whatever it takes.' Karin hummed curiously before sitting on the table, while examining Naruto again. He was becoming more nervous, but he wasn't lying. However, his answer did take awhile, but Karin wasn't picky at this point.

"Next question: how pretty am I?" Naruto made a face of confusion. What was with this girl? Did she really need that much reassurance? "Would you say," Karin continued, moving closer to Naruto, "that I was bangable?" Naruto's face turned bright red as his jaw dropped with shock.

"Wh-what now?"

"What do I have to spell it out? Would you fuck me?"

"I-I don't know!" Karin sighed impatiently. She REALLY needed some action, and this kid was too stupid or noble to just say yes and fuck her wildly.

"Fine then," Karin snapped, turning away from Naruto, "I guess I'm not going to talk about jack crap!"

'You've got to be freaking kidding me,' Naruto muttered to himself. The young Jinchuriki sighed. "I…uh…do you want to try and bargain or something…?" Karin turned her head a bit, focusing her red eyes on Naruto. Looks like she was getting somewhere.

"Well, what do you think we should bargain kid?"

"How should I know," Naruto shouted.

"Sheesh, you're green as hell kid," Karin muttered as she shook her head. "I'll give you a hint for useful interrogation: first you're supposed to take what the person has said and use that against them." Naruto looked up, recalling the entire conversation since he walked in.

"Oh, I got it," Naruto replied. "You want to have sex right?" Karin nodded once. Naruto blushed a bit, rubbing the back of his neck. "Why…?"

"Hey, girls have needs too ya know, just not as frequently as guys. But I'm going on nearly a year without it so you and I are gonna have sex got it?" Naruto blushed even brighter, gulping with nervousness. "Wait…you're a virgin?"

"N-none of your business…"

"Oh good lord…" Karin shook her head. 'Just my fucking luck…the first guy who I can actually do has never done it before!'

Karin sat back on the table, her hand to her head while she thought to herself with one leg crossed over the other. The sensor ninja shook her head over and over, visibly frustrated with the predicament she was in. Naruto slumped over a bit, annoyed that he may not get information now just because this girl was crazy! Karin got up then leaned forward, leaving an inch between her face and Naruto's. Without warning, the redhead stuffed her hand down Naruto's pants, causing the latter to yelp with alarm. Karin's eyes widened as her glasses drooped down her nose a bit. Karin smiled to herself in disbelief, fondling Naruto's package a bit.

'This…could compensate for him being a virgin…' Karin played with the Jinchuriki's junk a bit more, causing him to whimper uneasily. 'He's hung like a freaking horse! SCORE!'

Karin unzipped Naruto's pants and pulled out his half-hardened sausage and practically started to drool. Naruto swallow his nervousness down his throat. Karin licked the Jinchuriki's meat stick until it started getting stiffer to the point where it was fully erect. The redhead wasted no time and fully inhaled Naruto's rod. The blonde twitched with shock, but then started moaning quietly as Karin moved her head back and forth. She wrapped her tongue around Naruto, coating his rod with her saliva before she kept moving her head back and forth. Naruto groaned as his legs began shaking, unable to stand straight from the new, pleasurable sensation he was receiving. The Jinchuriki could feel his climax approaching. Naruto placed his hand on the back of Karin's head, not allowing her to pull away too far. The redhead mentally squealed with excitement, knowing what was to come. She went faster, working towards the reward that she desperately wanted.

Naruto threw his head back and cried out as he finally reached his orgasm. He fired a spurt of thick semen, and another, and another before he released in one long stream. Karin's eyes fluttered as she swallowed every last drop. The scent, the taste, the texture, it was all overwhelming for the sex starved redhead. Naruto slowly pulled his member out of Karin's mouth and panted a bit.

"Uh…how—how was that," Naruto asked.

"Good," Karin admitted breathlessly. The redhead then pulled her shorts down to her ankles and kicked them off. Karin moved back and lied on the interrogation table and spread her legs wide open. "Now we're on to the main event."

Naruto was once again nervous as could be. He shook his hands quickly, trying to get the jitters out as he approached Karin. Naruto let his pants drop to the ground and kicked them off. He moved over Karin, and looked down to line it up with her.

"Y-you're sure about this," Naruto questioned. Karin sighed, a vein in her forehead popping out of her forehead.

"Listen: almost a whole year, no sex, no contact with anyone's penis! I'll tell you everything I know about Sasuke, Orochimaru, Otogakure, whatever, but first you've gotta give me all the spunk you got! Got it!"

"Y-yes ma'am," Naruto replied. 'Why the hell are girls so scary…?'

Naruto grabbed his stiffened member and moved it around, trying to line up with the hole. Karin waited, her eye twitching slightly with aggravation. The redhead kunoichi wrapped her legs around Naruto's waist. The blonde looked back, a look of bewilderment on his face. He opened his mouth, ready to ask what she was doing but he soon discovered the answer. Karin pulled her legs towards herself, causing Naruto to enter her wet womanhood forcefully.

Naruto let out a long and extremely surprised moan while Karin grinned with satisfaction, her entire body shuddering with the familiar but long absented feeling. Karin started pushing her legs against Naruto's back, telling him to move his body. The Jinchuriki clenched his jaw tightly then started to move his hips at a slow rate. Karin grunted then pushed Naruto against her forcefully. Naruto took the message and started to move faster, thrusting deeper into Karin's entrance.

Karin moaned as Naruto slowly started to increase his speed. She couldn't believe she was having sex again after so long, and with the hugest dick she's ever had. Naruto panted as he started to go faster. He had never had sex, and it felt way better than he could've imagined. The young Jinchuriki couldn't even control his hips as they started to thrust faster.

Karin's glasses slowly moved down her nose while she moaned with the most satisfying smile you've ever seen. Naruto closed his eyes then started to go faster, panting more and more, feeling his climax slowly approaching.

"I-I-I'm gonna…gonna cum!"

Naruto slowly started to pull out, but Karin's legs forced him back inside. The Jinchuriki threw his head back, moaning loudly as he started to release his semen inside of Karin's womb. Naruto trembled as he tried to hold himself back from releasing too much of his spunk. Karin funneled her chakra into Naruto's rod, forcing him to release even more of his thick cum. Naruto shuddered as he moaned loudly, his meat stick twitching as it shot the last few drops out.

Karin sighed with satisfaction as she fell back on the interrogation table. Naruto panted heavily, his arms shaking as they held him up. Karin rubbed the sweat off her forehead, one eye closed as she smiled at Naruto.

"W-was that good," Naruto questioned.

"Oh hell yes," Karin replied. "But I'm not ready to throw in the towel just yet.

Ibiki walked up into Tsunade's makeshift office as the Sannin was eating a plate of rice and pork while reading a book next to her.

"Lady Tsunade," Ibiki greeted with a bow.

"Is it important Ibiki," Tsunade asked.

"I went to my interrogations quarters and an ANBU officer said that you ordered no one be allowed to enter."

"That's right," Tsunade replied casually.

"If I may ask malady, why am I not allowed within my own quarters?"

"You remember how I went to try and instill the fear of god into that girl?" Ibiki nodded. "It didn't work, and she said she'd only talk to one person." Tsunade chuckled to herself before muttering, "I suppose talk is the wrong word to use…"

"What do you mean," Ibiki asked.

"She admitted to being taken with Naruto, saying his chakra flipped a switch in her or something. She said Naruto is the exact opposite of Sasuke, and after spending that much time with the Uchiha scum, she wanted some fresh, 'company,' so to speak." Ibiki raised a questioning eyebrow. Tsunade sighed heavily, placing her chopsticks on her plate. She expected this dimwittedness from Naruto, but not from someone of Ibiki's rank.

"I asked her why specifically Naruto, and she admitted that she hasn't had sex in a long time," Tsunade replied. "She wanted someone to screw, and Naruto was the only one she was willing to do it with."

"So wait…you mean…"

"Ibiki, you're not allowed to go back there. This girl is our only source of learning anything about Akatsuki, Orochimaru, or Sasuke. If we have to make Naruto go and lose his virginity to some horny redhead then so be it."

"But…I'll have to disinfect that entire room," Ibiki stated with a horrified tone.

"Not my problem," Tsunade said with a shrug as she picked up her chopsticks. "If you try in anyway to stop them from fornicating I swear I'll beat you senseless and have sex in that office myself, understood?"

"Y-yes ma'am…" Ibiki bowed again then turned and exited the room.

Back inside the interrogation chamber, Karin and Naruto, both completely naked, were screaming with pleasure as Karin had her legs and arms wrapped around Naruto. The blonde had his hands on Karin's rear to hold her up as he thrusted upward. Karin's glasses were about ready to fall off as she was being bounced up and down on Naruto's cock. Naruto panted heavily as he thrusted harder while moving Karin up and down his shaft. The blonde moaned and let out a shaky scream as he reached his climax once again. Karin threw her head back, screaming with ecstasy as Naruto's cum shot inside her. The blonde's legs started shaking as he walked over and set Karin down on the table. Naruto pulled out of her and took a step back, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

"Alright, that was three times," Karin stated between pants. "How many more rounds can you go?"

"I-I don't know if I can go anymore rounds," Naruto replied. Karin's eyes narrowed as she pushed her glassed back up her nose.

"You don't think you can," Karin questioned, her temper rising. "I thought you were supposed to have the best stamina in your village!"

"W-who told you that?"

"Your freaking Hokage," Karin muttered. Naruto's head rose up, eyes wide with confusion.

"You talked to granny Tsunade?"

"Yeah, I told her to send you so we could fuck," Karin seethed. "Christ, you'd think you could last more than three shots."

"Wait, Tsunade told you I'd have sex with you…?"

"Yeah…she didn't tell you did she," Karin questioned.

"That lying old bat," Naruto seethed. "When I get my hands on her I'll-,"

Karin sighed and placed her chin in her hands. Why did the huge ones have to be so stupid? He rambled on about how he was going to get back at Tsunade, devising ways of how to do so then discarding them quickly. Karin sighed as she hopped down from the table and grabbed the nearest chair. She examined it for a moment before turning towards Naruto. Karin screamed as she swung the chair, whacking Naruto in the back of the head with it. The boy froze for a moment. Karin flipped the chair around in the air, caught it then sat it back on the ground. A second later, Naruto fell face first into the floor.

"Well, that problem is solved."

Karin looked at the unconscious Naruto then poked him lightly with her foot. The boy had no reaction whatsoever. Karin formed a devious smile on her face then chuckled evilly to herself. Karin knelt down and rolled the boy on his back.

'Thank god,' Karin told herself. "He's still hard." An added bonus is that they were both completely naked, so she didn't have to fumble with his clothes.

Karin walked around and positioned herself above Naruto's shaft. The redhead chuckled with a dastardly tone before she slammed herself around Naruto's dick. Karin's eyes widened as she threw her head back and screamed out. Somehow, it went in deeper than she initially thought. Despite the shock and bearable amount of pain, Karin started bouncing herself on the pole stabbing into her. The redhead bounced as fast as she possibly could, unable to control herself despite Naruto's previous three orgasms.

'S-so good…so fucking huge!'

Karin panted as she bounced harder and faster, feeling herself tighten around Naruto's shaft, making it harder to move. The redhead bit her lower lip and whimpered as she felt her climax approaching. Due to Naruto's comatose state, she had no idea if he was going to or not. Despite this, Karin continued bouncing until she finally reached her limit. She threw her head back and shrieked with delight as she clamped down around Naruto, releasing her fluids all over his shaft. Karin's body eased a bit, but her shoulders and hips still trembled. She slowly lowered herself down and was met with a shocker. Naruto's shaft started firing his seed within her womb. Karin's eyes widened as her body shook violently in reaction to him. After he stopped firing, Karin's sex was filled and she was about ready to pass out. The redhead lowered herself on Naruto's body and closed her eyes, letting herself drift off into dream land.

Hours later, Naruto awoke to being surrounded by ANBU in Tsunade's office. The busty Hokage herself spun around in her chair, a pleasant smile on her face. Naruto shook the haze out of his mind then focused on Tsunade as much as he could.

"Good job Naruto," Tsunade said. "Thanks to you, Karin is now giving us all the information we could possibly want on Orochimaru and Sasuke, with a few tips here and there on Akatsuki. Mission accomplished."

"H-hey wait…you knew she wanted to have sex and you sent me anyway!"

"Are you complaining that you got laid," Tsunade questioned, her rage boiling as she rose from her seat.

"Uh…n-no," Naruto stammered, lacking the energy to smart off to Tsunade.

"Good," Tsunade replied, sitting back down with a smile on her face. "Your payment will be outside."

"P-payment," Naruto repeated.

"That's right, for information extraction we offer a considerable sum."

"How much?"

"One hundred thousand ryo." Naruto's jaw dropped, eyes widened, and mind boggled. Tsunade smiled, knowing that the payment would keep Naruto's trap shut once he regained the energy to scream and shout.

"YA-FREAKIN-HOO!" Naruto shot out of his chair then blew out of the door. Tsunade simply chuckled then looked down at the documents she had to go over

end of chapter 3

ok i will admit i was gonna fix this chapter a bit more and i am still kinda thinking i will considering that there arent that many Naruto x Karin lemons to beging with, after reading this particular chapter i felt that i could've add a bit more bang in this chapter but like i said i'm still thinking about adding something to this chapter if u got any opinion's or suggestion's about it feel free to share
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