Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Naruto's Wonderful Training Exercises

Light's camera, MANNERS

by NaruHinaSakuFan1

Adpoted the story from Xorncon - Number 0 from fanfiction anyways it's a story full of oneshots so Naruto x every female in the show enjoy!

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2013-04-25 - 6966 words

Chapter 4.

Light's camera, MANNERS


"Listen you little brat," Tsunade shouted, slamming her hands on the desk. "I don't care how much you bitch and whine, you're going to have to learn some proper manners!" Jiraiya and Kakashi were off in the corner of the room, looking calmly, but inside they were cowering like beaten dogs.

"I made one mistake, so sue me!"

"MISTAKE," Tsunade repeated with a shrill tone. "I was in a meeting with the Land of Fire's Daimyo, and you bust in here like a freaking crazed murdered and broke his nose while running from half of Konoha!"

"It wasn't half," Naruto muttered. "Just my graduating class…Iruka sensei…a couple of ANBU squads…but that's small time Granny, seriously!"

"Enough excuses! You need to learn some proper manners Naruto Uzumaki!" Tsunade shifted her eyes towards the two adults in the corner of the room. "I'd ask one of the two of you to do it, but Jiraiya has to learn manners himself first, and Kakashi hasn't taught Naruto a thing since the mission to the Land of Waves. Where were you two anyway during Naruto's little prank-spree?"

"Visiting Obito's grave," Kakashi quickly spat out. Tsunade nodded with approval then turned her gaze to Jiraiya. The older Sannin simply sighed then shrugged.

"Research," Jiraiya answered. Tsunade sighed then balled her hands into fists. The busty Sannin leaned forward, rubbing her temples to ease her stress. "He's going to leave with me in a month anyway, what's the big deal if he needs to learn manners?"

"I don't want this mistake to happen again, and I said so," Tsunade seethed. "Kakashi, Jiraiya, out." The two nodded then exited Tsunade's office. Naruto huffed and crossed his arms, waiting for Tsunade to dismiss him too. "You're not going to listen to me if I tell you what to do, so instead, I'm going to put you in the capable hands of another teacher. An old friend of yours: Princess Koyuki."

"Wait, I know that name." Naruto cupped his chin and stared up.

"She's the princess from the Land of Snow, you saved her on that mission remember?"

"OH, right! But you're not really going to send me all the way out to the Land of Snow to learn a lesson are you?"

"Nope, luckily for you Princess Koyuki is in the Land of Fire, shooting a scene for her latest movie. She said she'd be more than happy if it were for a chance to see you again. The crew will come by the village later today to pick you up. I hope you'll be polite to Princess Koyuki…"

A few hours later and Naruto was waiting at the village's gates with a backpack and his hands behind his head, staring up at the sky as the birds flew by. He had been standing at the gates for nearly a full hour with no one coming in or out of the village. It all seemed a little fishy to the hardheaded Jinchuriki. Suddenly, something in the distance caught his eye. A wagon was closing in from the distance. Naruto narrowed his eyes to focus, but couldn't make out anything more than a wagon being pulled by two horses with a driver at the reigns. The wagon stopped in front of the gates and the driver looked down at Naruto. The two stared at each other for a moment before the old driver looked up at the gates.

"Is this Konoha," he finally asked. Naruto face planted with disbelief.

"God damn it, if you brought me to the wrong village again!" The wagon door flew open, revealing an angry young woman with long black hair and fierce blue eyes. Koyuki looked at the gates then back at the driver. "Of course we're at Konoha you idiot!" Naruto pushed himself up from the ground, groaning with effort as he looked up. Koyuki looked over then jumped out of the wagon, a huge smile on her face as she ran towards the blonde Jinchuriki. "NARUTO!" The princess grabbed the boy, lifted him off the ground and spun around on her heel. "Dear god I've missed you!"

"A-air, c-can't b-," Koyuki gasped then released Naruto, letting him drop to the ground like a sack of bricks. Naruto's head flew up as he took a deep gasp of air then panted as he looked up at the princess.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

"Yep, fine. It's nice to see you again princess." Koyuki smiled then helped Naruto off the ground.

"Our chariot awaits." The two hopped in and then they were off.

The entire ride, Naruto and Koyuki were telling one another about what they had been doing since they last saw each other. Koyuki was successful, both as a princess and actress. Naruto was telling the princess about his training with Jiraiya, the legendary Sannin three-way, his run in with Akatsuki, and all of his missions. The two had hardly noticed that the ride was nearly three hours before finally coming to a stop.

Once the door opened, Koyuki jumped out and was greeted with a mob of fans and flashing cameras. Naruto shielded his eyes as he got out, following closely behind Koyuki. The princess smiled kindly, signed autographs, shook hands, kissed babies, and took pictures with many of her fans. Naruto was impressed with how well she was handling these obnoxious people. He still remembered his first encounter with Koyuki, and boy was she a bitch. Unfortunately for Koyuki, after the fans came the reporters of magazines, newspapers, and anything and everything else that involved playing twenty questions. Most of them involved why Koyuki was being accompanied by 'a blonde, spiky haired runt.' Koyuki's answer was that 'Naruto is an upcoming rising shinobi who is being taught by master Jiraiya and is her personal bodyguard while in the Land of Fire.' Despite the answer, the reporters kept bugging her until she and Naruto got into her trailer. Koyuki slammed the door, locked it, turned around and slid down to the floor with a relieved sigh.

"Those damned reporters," Koyuki seethed. "You've gotta answer every little annoying question. They don't appreciate you, they just want a headline to save their own jobs. The fans actually appreciate me."

"I bet," Naruto agreed with a slight chuckle. "So what movie are you shooting in the Land of Fire?"

"I'm shooting the third installment of your master Jiraiya's Make Out series." Naruto tilted his head and moved his eyes up. He remembered taking a quick gander at the book once, but thought it was too boring. "Come on, I've gotta go shoot now. You can come watch."

"Alright," Naruto exclaimed energetically.

"But after I'm done shooting then we're going to work on your manners. The studio is getting paid for me making sure you learn something here." Naruto sighed then pouted as Koyuki exited from her trailer and onto the set.

Naruto looked around, seeing people scampering around, working on the angles, lighting and so on. Koyuki walked into the center of the set and everyone else ran off. Naruto walked up and stood next to the director, which was the same guy who was with them during the Land of Snow mission.

"You ready princess," the director called out.

"Yes sir," Koyuki replied.

"Alright, Make Out F.F. scene take one! Action!"

Koyuki screamed as loud as she could, causing Naruto to cover his ears and wince slightly. Koyuki ran forward, a camera crew following her. Naruto noticed two men coming out from the woods on the side and another guy chasing after Koyuki. The two from the side tackled Koyuki to the ground while the one in the back caught up with her. Naruto's eyes widened with shock as Koyuki wrestled with the men who held her down firmly. The two men zipped their pants down and pulled out their meat sticks right in Koyuki's face, causing her to scream with fear. Naruto shot forward instinctively, screaming out with rage as he charged Koyuki's attackers. The two men turned their heads with dumb expressions on their faces before Naruto punched one directly in the face. The man cried out as he flew out and slammed right into a tree. Naruto turned to the second man who waved his hands around frantically.

"No, no, no wait!" Naruto socked the man in the face, knocking him out before he hit the ground.


"What the hell happened," the third guy called out. "I thought I was supposed to save her!"

"You were," the director shouted. "But this makes it so much better! Camera guy, get a shot behind the blonde kid!" Naruto looked back, watching as the cameraman moved behind him. "Kid, punch that guy in front of you!"


"No wait," the third guy shouted.

"ACTION!" Naruto screamed loudly as he sprung forward, punching the third man in the jaw. The man spun around and landed on the ground with a heavy thud, completely incapacitated. "CUT! Great job!"

"What the hell," the third man cried out, holding the side of his face. "I thought I was supposed to save the princess and then we have a romantic scene in the woods!"

"We were only going to do that because you wouldn't do the scene that was written in the book," the director shouted, holding up said book to emphasize his point. "You're a second rate actor who needs an attitude adjustment! This way we can actually stick to the book! I'm not going to soil my name as a director by making a movie that's NOTHING like the book!" The crew all applauded and cheered in agreement. The actor turned his head, glaring at Naruto before walking off set.

"Expect to hear from my lawyer!"

"Wait…that was all a scene," Naruto shouted with disbelief.

"Of course," Koyuki replied, dusting herself off.

"B-but those guys had their pants down and-and their things out in front of you!"

"That's part of scene double F," the director called out, "Forced Fornication! Koyuki thought it sounded better than scene Rape. Now, we're back on track with the actual book! Get ready for the next scene!"

"W-wait, I don't know how to act!"

"It's simple Naruto," Koyuki stated. "It's just like make-believe. Use your imagination to pretend that what's going on is actually happening and not an act."

"O-okay, I-I'll try…" Koyuki lied back on the ground as she was before then signaled for Naruto to turn around. The blonde quickly spun back to where he was facing before.


Koyuki slowly got up and looked at Naruto, eyes wide with amazement. The blonde looked off set to the director who motioned his hand to turn back around. Naruto slowly turned his head to the princess who brushed her hair back.

"Th-thank you for saving me from those men," Koyuki said with a kind smile.

"It's no problem," Naruto replied, trying to keep his knees from shaking.


"Was that bad," Naruto asked, about ready to pass out.

"Not at all," the director shouted. "We just need a different angle! Alright, now you're going to offer your hand to Koyuki and help her up. After she gets up, she's going to brush herself off twice then you ask who were those guys, got it?" Naruto nodded once. "ACTION!"

Naruto held his hand out to which the princess took with a smile. Naruto pulled her to her feet then watched her as she brushed herself off twice. "So who were those guys," Naruto asked.

"The one behind me was some creep I met at a bar in the town a few miles back. He made a pass at me and said he had friends when I rejected him. I'm just glad you showed up when you did."

"It's no problem ma'am…"

"Cut! Great job kid! Alright, what's the next scene?"

"Am I the only one who thinks Naruto shouldn't have the headband," Koyuki asked.

"We can cut it out in editing," a crew member replied.

"Alright, blonde guy, she's going to ask you if you can accompany her on her trip to her kingdom for protection. You're going to tell her that you don't do anything for free and that she has to pay you. Understood?"

"Yeah," Naruto replied.


"I know I'm asking a lot of you, but I need to make it back to my kingdom before tomorrow. I'm afraid I'll need more protection on my journey. Would you mind…helping me get there?"

"I don't do anything for free lady," Naruto replied, trying to put on a tough-guy persona.

"CUT! Next, Koyuki you know what to do right?"

"Yep," the princess called back casually.

"Alright, kid, the next part is important so listen up! You know what Jiraiya's Make Out series is about?"

"Most likely perverted stuff," Naruto muttered.

"Right," the director shouted, happy that he didn't have to waste time explaining everything it to him. "Koyuki is going to 'pay' you by giving you a blowjob. You know what that is?"

"Yes I know what a bl—A WHAT?"

"A blowjob," the director repeated.

"K-K-K-Koyuki is g-g-g-g-g-g-gonna g-g-g-g-give m-m-m-m-me a-a-a-a-,"

"Blowjob, yes. Can you handle that?"

"One sec," Koyuki told the director. She knelt down next to Naruto and pulled him closer to her. "Naruto, if you don't want to do this it's alright. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything…"

"N-no it's okay," Naruto stammered. "I've gotten one before it's just-,"

"Wait, you've gotten one before," Koyuki questioned. "From who? That pink haired girl you like so much?" Naruto blushed then lowered his head to the ground. "So you're okay?" Naruto nodded. "You're sure?" Again, he nodded. "You're just freaked out because it's me?" Once more, a nod. "We don't have to…"

"B-but then I'll ruin your movie. I screwed up that one scene already. It's the least I could do…" Koyuki smiled then kissed Naruto on the cheek, darkening his blush.

"We're good," Koyuki called out. "He's just a little shy." The crew started applauding and cheering as an act to make Naruto feel more comfortable. Koyuki smiled then looked down at Naruto who was chuckling, shaking and waving with embarrassment.

"Alright, let's do this scene! Koyuki is going to offer you her 'services' and then you're going to be confused, she's going to pull you out into the woods and that's where it takes place. Got it?"

"Got it," Naruto replied, his voice still shaking.


"I don't do anything for free lady," Naruto repeated his last line. Koyuki sighed then narrowed her eyes. Naruto became nervous, unsure if he screwed up already or not.

"Well I don't have any money on me right now, but once we get to my kingdom I'm sure that-,"

"I need to be paid right now," Naruto snapped, surprising himself with his tone. Koyuki pouted as she tried to think of something. Her face lit up suddenly as she took Naruto's hand. "H-hey, what're you doing?"

"I'm going to pay you with my services," Koyuki stated.

"Y-you're what?"

"You'll see." Koyuki and Naruto walked deeply into the forest before the former turned around and pushed the blonde back against a tree. Koyuki got on her knees, unzipped Naruto's pants.

"Wh-what the-,"

"I'm going to service you," Koyuki stated. "I hope that it'll be enough payment for you."

"W-well let's just see how good you are…"

"CUT! Just wanted to say you both are AMAZING! Kid, how'd you know you that 'let's see how good you are' was your next line?"

"I-I just said what came to my mind," Naruto admitted sheepishly.

"That's the sign of a good actor," the director shouted. Naruto blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

"Good job Naruto," Koyuki whispered. Naruto looked down at the princess who gave him a wink as the director screamed action. "I assure you my services are the best." Koyuki started rubbing Naruto's crotch. The Jinchuriki shifted slightly and bit his lower lip to keep from moaning. "Does that feel good?" Naruto could only nod, for fear that he'd moan if he opened his mouth.

Koyuki smirked then pulled down Naruto's boxers, allowing his enlarged member to flop out. Koyuki and the crew's eyes grew wide at the sight of Naruto's rod. They didn't expect him to be so huge for his age. A few of the crew members pulled out their waistbands and looked down to compare.


"Did I screw up," Naruto shouted, again fearful that he messed up once more.

"N-no, j-just give us a minute…" The director stared for a moment then shook his head, still staring. He noticed Naruto's embarrassed look once the boy tried to move his hands in front of his privates. "Don't worry kid, I've shot a lot of pornos in my time. I just never expected a kid like you to be carrying a freight train in your pants. Alright, here's how it's gonna go, Koyuki is gonna start stroking your train and giving it a few licks. Then what you're gonna do is put your hand behind her head and shove that cock down her throat!" Naruto's jaw dropped as his eye twitched slightly with shock. "We'll cut right after that so she can breathe. You're not gonna kill her. Then after she catches her breathe off camera, she's gonna put her mouth back around your thing, then you're gonna say 'I'm gonna need more than just that.' After that she's gonna do the blowjob, and maybe her boobies. That's up to her."



Koyuki stared at Naruto's dick for a few more seconds for the camera then started to stroke it with her hand. She looked up at Naruto, whose face was flinching as he tried to control himself. Koyuki leaned forward, opening her mouth to run her tongue in circles around Naruto's tip. The blonde put his hand behind her head then thrusted forward. Koyuki's eyes widened as she gagged and coughed on his thing, but stayed there. The director waited for Koyuki to give a signal if she needed to cut. The signal didn't come and Koyuki looked up to Naruto with wide, innocent eyes.

"I'm gonna need a bigger payment than that," Naruto stated.

Koyuki moaned as she started bobbing her head back and forth, closing her eyes as she secretly enjoyed the taste. Naruto kept his hand on the back of Koyuki's hand, panting lightly as she moved her head. Naruto thrusted his hips forward again, causing Koyuki to gag a bit.

"G-go faster!"

Koyuki moaned, closing her eyes as she started moving her head faster, sucking harder, and moaning more audibly. The crew members, except the director who had plenty of porno directing experience, were sweating a bit as they loosened their collars. Koyuki wiggled her hips, moving back so she could put her hands on the ground to suck off her acting partner better. Naruto bit her lower lip hard before letting out a satisfied moan. Koyuki continued moving her head, pulling down Naruto's pants further until they were at his ankles.

"I-I'm going to c-c-cum," Naruto exclaimed. Koyuki quickly pulled her head back, removing her mouth from Naruto's penis. The blonde's eyes snapped open as he looked down. "Wh-what the hell?"

"I don't want you cumming just yet," Koyuki stated seductively as she pulled her robe open, showing her perfectly rounded breasts. Naruto and the crew all stared wide eyes as Koyuki moved up closer to Naruto. She put his cock in between her breasts then started moving them up and down. Naruto threw his head back, slamming one of his fists against the tree he was now leaning against for support. "Does it feel good," Koyuki asked with a velvet tone.


"Where do you want to cum? On me or in my mouth?"

"I-I-I dunno," Naruto screamed.

Koyuki smirked then put the tip of Naruto's rod in her mouth and moved her breasts faster. Naruto shuddered and let out a shaky moan as he reached his climax. Koyuki moaned with surprise as she felt Naruto's thick seed firing into her mouth. The princess tried swallowing it and stopped moving her breasts, but Naruto's cum kept flowing. Koyuki pulled her mouth back, as Naruto's cum weakly shot out. She smirked then grabbed his dick and started stroking it furiously. Naruto threw his head back, moaning louder as he released his seed all over the princess's face and chest. Finally the Jinchuriki stopped cumming and he let out a relaxed sigh. Koyuki looked down at the cum covering her chest then back up at Naruto.

"CUT! Fantastic, fan-TASTIC! We'll finish the rest of this scene tomorrow, until then, you two take five!"

"Alright," Koyuki replied as her assistant handed her a towel. The princess cleaned herself off then handed the towel back. "Come on Naruto."

"A-alright…" The blonde pulled up his pants and zipped up before following after the princess. The two went inside Koyuki's trailer, Naruto sitting on a couch as Koyuki closed the door. The princess turned to Naruto, a huge smile forming across her face.

"Wow," she exclaimed. "Naruto, you were amazing today!" The blonde's head snapped down and a huge blush formed across his face. "No seriously you were on the ball, you knew exactly what you were doing. It was amazing! I think if we just went over some stuff you could become a really great actor as the movie goes on."

"Really," Naruto asked.

"Of course, but we're still going to work on your manners."

"DAMN IT!" Koyuki giggled then sat down next to Naruto on the couch. "Do we have to waste time on trying to teach me manners I'm never going to use?" Koyuki moved her arm, placing it behind Naruto on the back of the couch.

"How about…we make it interesting?" Naruto looked at the princess's arm then looked at her dead in the eye. "I'll tell you proper manners, then I'll quiz you and you'll get a score for it. The higher the score, the better my 'services' will be." Naruto blushed furiously, both embarrassed and confused.

"W-we're not on the s-set anymore Koyuki," Naruto pointed out.

"I know, but it'll help you learn. Come on, let's do it. If you get an F then I'll walk around the trailer naked and you can sleep in the same bed with me. Which, considering the other options I'll be naked anyway, so essentially you'll win nothing. If you get a D, I'll give you a hand job, C gets you a blow job. If you get a B then we get to have sex."

"A-and if I get an A," Naruto questioned. Koyuki smirked then leaned forward with a perverted smile on her face.

"You get to do anything you want to me." Naruto's eyes nearly popped out of his skull and his face almost ignited in flames. "Sound like a plan?"

"Y-yes." Koyuki smiled then scooted back a bit.

"Then let's get started. You're at a party with another country's leaders like their Kage and Daimyo. Your countries have been at war, and this is the one chance to form an alliance. You and your country's representatives are in the room awaiting the other country's arrival. They come in, what do you do?"

"Introduce myself and shake their hands," Naruto replied.

"Good," Koyuki said with a nod.

"Then I tell them that we can stop fighting and get along!"

"Wrong," Koyuki snapped. "You don't just jump into the main issue right from the get-go. These leaders most likely don't trust, and hate your people. You're right with the introducing yourself and shaking hands, so I'll give you…half a point." Naruto's shoulders slumped down. "Alright, so you're sitting down and discussing politics with the country's leaders while waiting for the food. It's taking a while for the food to come out and you haven't heard anything from the waiters. The Kage of the other country makes a comment to the Daimyo about the food taking forever. What do you do?"

"Make a joke agreeing with the leaders," Naruto said.

"Wrong," Koyuki stated. Naruto groaned and threw his head back. "You're not there to question the competence of their staff. Instead you try sucking up to them, saying something like 'I'm sure that they're doing their best.' Never insult the work, for all you know they're testing you. So you're at half a point. Next question, the food comes and they set it out in front of you all. The Kage asks you about your village and what the alliance will do for them. What's your response?"

"Well, obviously I don't talk with my mouth full, so I get done eating and then tell them."

"Alright, that's another half a point." Naruto's jaw dropped with disbelief. "You do not eat before your hosts, ever." Naruto groaned and lowered his head. Koyuki sighed and shook her head. It was gonna be a long night.

Unfortunately, and predictably, Naruto got an F that night, but seeing Koyuki walking around naked all night was still worth it. The next day they did some filming, non sexual scenes that basically portrayed the princess and her bodyguard bonding on their journey to the kingdom, and the princess's payments, only as a blowjob usually. The filming took nearly a week, followed by Koyuki continually testing Naruto on his proper manners as well on tips on acting. It was the day of the final scene where Naruto and Koyuki's characters finally admitted their feelings to one another.


Naruto and Koyuki walked down a dirt trail with a castle off in the distance. The sun was beginning to set as the blonde lowered his eyes to his feet.

"There it is," the princess finally spoke.

"Yeah…princess…" Koyuki turned her head, eyes staring at her bodyguard with curiosity. "I just wanted to thank you for this crazy adventure. Before I came along with you, I was just stealing stuff and causing trouble. Now that I have you I…I know there's more…" Naruto lowered his head even further as he turned away from Koyuki who looked extremely worried. "I…I love you…but you're a princess and—and I'm a…" Koyuki placed her hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"I don't care if you're a peasant or if you were a king of some other land. I love you, and I want you to be the king of my new kingdom."

Naruto turned his head around, eyes watering as he stared back at Koyuki. The two embraced each other for a long moment, locking lips together in a passionate moment. They broke their kiss and held hands as they walked towards the castle and into the sunset.

"Cut," the director exclaimed. "Edit and roll film! Koyuki, Naruto you're both done with this movie!"

"Awesome," Naruto shouted.

"Naruto, come back to my trailer. We'll pack up and hit the road tomorrow." Naruto smiled and nodded before following the princess. Inside the trailer, Koyuki closed and locked the door, turning to Naruto who was already on the couch. "Ready to be quizzed?"

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess," Naruto sighed out.

"Alright. You're meeting with a Kage as a representative. Your villages have been allies for quite some time, but your alliance is wavering slightly. You enter the building and you're in front of the door. What do you do?"

"Knock twice and wait for the Kage to invite me in."

"Very good Naruto, that's much better than opening the door and saying 'Hey Gaara what's up!' So what happens if there's no response?"

"Knock again, no louder and no softer and wait to be invited in."

"And if there's still no response?"

"Find someone in the building who may know where the Kage is."

"Good," Koyuki replied with a smile. "That's one point."

"Come on, I answered like three questions." Koyuki smirked then leaned back against the couch.

"Alright, three points. Next question, the Kage invites you in and he or she is clearly upset and stressed over their duties and they angrily asks what you want. How do you respond?"

"Apologize for interrupting and ask if now is a bad time, and if he says no then ask if he's sure."

Koyuki smiled, "Very good job. I would've just taken the asking if now is a bad time. You gave an extra two answers so you get two bonus points."

"Sweet! What's the next question?"

"The Kage decides to talk to you then and there to just get it out of the way. He's obviously not interested in your meeting right now, what do you do?"

"I sit there and listen to him, and if he just nods and says 'uh-huh' then I continue on and towards the end I tell him or her that I'll meet again with him tomorrow."

"Alright, there's another three points, making nine total. Final question, if you get this right you get an A." Naruto turned his body towards Koyuki, sitting cross legged on the couch. Koyuki leaned forward, a slight smirk on her lips.

"Do you think you deserve an A?" Naruto grinned as Koyuki hovered inches from him.

"Yes I do…"

Koyuki placed her hand on Naruto's chest then pushed him onto his back. They both smiled as Koyuki pulled her robe open then discarded it on the floor. Naruto unzipped his jacket and pulled his shirt off over his head. Koyuki locked lips with Naruto then she stuffed her hand down his pants. Naruto moaned into the princess's mouth as she rubbed his cock until it became erect. Naruto quickly moved his hands down to pull his pants off and allow his rod to become free. Koyuki giggled then removed her hand and helped the poor disoriented boy. Both were completely naked as Koyuki continued to make out with the young Jinchuriki.

"So, you got an A," Koyuki whispered into the boy's ear. "You can do whatever you want to me." Naruto grinned then in one swift motion spun the princess around so that he was on top. Koyuki blushed, but grinned devilishly at the blonde before her. "Ooh, how naughty…"

Naruto smiled then looked down, placing his hand on his dick to line up with the princess's entrance. Once he was lined up, he slowly inserted the tip. Koyuki bit her lower lip as Naruto slowly pushed his entire rod inside of her. Koyuki threw her head back and let out an ecstasy filled moan. Naruto panted heavily as he started to move his hips back and forth, gradually quickening his pace. Koyuki's eyes rolled up as she grinned from the pleasure, clenching her jaw tightly as she was unable to think straight. They both had shot plenty of scenes where they'd have oral sex, but never actual intercourse, despite both of them wanting it badly. Koyuki moved her hands up to her nipples, massaging them while Naruto started swaying his hips faster. The blonde inhaled sharply and prepared himself for what he was about to do. Koyuki looked at the blonde who had nearly stopped with confusion. The confusion was replaced with a yelp of surprise as Naruto thrusted as hard as he could.

The Jinchuriki grabbed Koyuki's waist and started thrusting quickly and forcefully, pulling out until only his head was inside then slamming his entire dick back inside like a piston. Koyuki grabbed the pillows above her head, her eyes fluttering wildly as she held her tongue out of her open mouth. Naruto's speed increased, causing Koyuki to claw through the pillows and reach her climax. As she squeezed down on his cock, Naruto slowed down, but didn't stop thrusting.

"I'm, I'm gonna cum Koyuki," Naruto shouted.

Koyuki was too far engulfed by her own pleasure to understand what the boy was saying. Naruto pulled out then stroked his lubricated penis until it twitched and fired all over Koyuki's body. The princess sighed out as her fluids ran down her legs and Naruto's seed covered her body. Koyuki smiled deviously as she thanked god for sending Naruto to her. She looked up and looked quizzically as Naruto was in front of her. Koyuki looked back, once again seeing Naruto. She looked with confusion before it suddenly hit her.

'When in the world did he have a chance to use the shadow clone jutsu?'

"Open your mouth," the Naruto in front ordered. Koyuki snapped her head forward, once again looking puzzled. "You said if I get an A I can do whatever I want, so turn over on your hands and knees and open your mouth."

Koyuki smirked then moved around as she was told. Naruto blushed, surprised with himself at how direct he was being. Koyuki was now on her hands and knees and opened her mouth wide and sticking her tongue out. Naruto put his hands on the side of Koyuki's head then quickly inserted his cock into her gapping mouth. The princess could help but think back to act four, scene three where she had to pay double for her bodyguard's protection since he nearly died in battle. Still, that scene didn't have a second Naruto right behind her.

Naruto started moving his hips back and forth, sliding his rod back and forth in the princess's mouth. Koyuki closed her eyes and started sucking on Naruto with her mouth when she felt a pair of hands on her hips. She lifted her hips up, still sucking Naruto's cock while the second one entered her soaking pussy. Koyuki moaned loudly, only to be muffled as Naruto thrusted his rod down her throat. The princess screamed into the boy's cock as she was being pounded from two ends. The Naruto's alternated their thrusts, one would go in as the other pulled back. Koyuki's eyes fluttered as they rolled up into the back of her head. Her mind was swimming in a pool of pleasure she never dreamed of.

Naruto's thrusts, from both ends, became more violent, snapping Koyuki out of her dazed trance. Koyuki's eyes were wide and she whimpered and screamed with pain. This seemed to encourage the Naruto's as they kept going. The blonde in the back lifted Koyuki's left leg up, and continued thrusting at a different angle. Both Naruto's threw their heads back and cried out as they reached their explosive climax. Koyuki screamed as loudly as she could, feeling Naruto cumming into her womb first. Her muffled screams turned into gags as Naruto fired his seed into her mouth. Naruto held her head in place, making sure she couldn't pull away. Koyuki whimpered and her eyes watered as she was forced to swallow every last drop of Naruto's cum. The blonde sighed heavily with a satisfied smile then poofed into a cloud of smoke, revealing it was the shadow clone. Koyuki panted heavily, trying to catch her breath before turning around to Naruto who just pulled out.

"Y-you came inside of me," Koyuki stated.

Instead of replying, Naruto leaned forward, placing his hand on the back of Koyuki's head and pushed her face first into the couch. She opened her mouth to scream at Naruto, but a pillow muffled her once again. Koyuki could see Naruto looking down, his rod in his hands as he slowly inched forward. Koyuki was confused until she felt something prod her butthole. Koyuki screamed, eyes wide with fear as she shook her head as much as possible. Naruto's eyes were fixated on the puckered hole as he pushed forward slowly until he finally penetrated her. Koyuki's eyes nearly did a back flip as she screamed as loudly as possible into the pillow.

"S-so tight," Naruto grunted before he started moving his hips. Koyuki yelped with each movement as she very slowly got use to the shape.

'I-I can't believe this is happening. This kid is taking a—ADDD…vantage of me…'

Koyuki didn't even realize her fingers were rubbing her soaking pussy while Naruto's hips moved back and forth. The blonde didn't notice it either, trying loosen the princess up as much as possible. After a few moments, Naruto grabbed the princess's hips and started thrusting at a steady pace. Koyuki whimpered with each thrust, but at the same time she rubbed her clitoris harder. The Jinchuriki inhaled sharply then started pounding his hips into Koyuki's rear as hard and fast as possible. Koyuki's eyes snapped open and she shrieked with pain, once again fully aware of everything, including her shameful masturbation. The princess quickly removed her hand and looked up as her body grinded against the couch. Naruto grunted and panted, almost savagely as he continued, feeling another orgasm about to hit.

'Th-this can't be happening! I-I'm about to cum!'

Almost as if Naruto heard her thoughts, the Jinchuriki continued his relentless pounding. Koyuki's eyes began to water again as she screamed the loudest muffled scream she could possibly do as she reached her earthshaking climax. Koyuki's eyes fluttered and her legs twitched as her juices trailed down her inner thighs. Despite the blissful sensation, she could still feel Naruto penetrating her tightest hole until he threw his head back, crying out as he reached another orgasm. Koyuki's eyes shut tightly as Naruto's cum flowed into her rear. The princess's eyes opened slightly and she sighed out as Naruto pulled out of her rear.

Koyuki turned her head to say something, but Naruto flipped her over once again! Koyuki noticed something was off about the boy: his hair was spikier, his whisker marks were darker, and his pupils were slit. The princess gapped for a moment before she was forcefully pushed onto her back as Naruto entered her sex once again. Koyuki threw her head back and screamed, this time not muffled, as Naruto started off pounding with full force. Koyuki reached up and clawed the arm of the couch while her other hand went towards her breast, massaging and rubbing it forcefully. Seeing this, Naruto tightened his grip on Koyuki's waist and started thrusting deeper into her. Koyuki's eyes widened as far as they could go as she reached up with her other hand and clawed the couch arm desperately. Koyuki tightened her jaw and groaned through her teeth.

'N-no, I'm going to cum again!' Naruto panted and grunted as he continued pounding the princess before she clamped down tightly around his cock and released a wave of fluids around it. Koyuki sighed out as her body turned into jelly for a brief moment until Naruto continued fucking her. 'I-I can't believe this. I'm starting to enjoy this. I'm enjoying being raped by Naruto!'

Koyuki had stopped screaming, having gotten use to how hard and deep Naruto's rod was stabbing her, and panted as she looked at the boy's face. She could tell that he was struggling to hold back his own orgasm, but the savage look on his face remained. Koyuki didn't know if that was a good sign or a bad one. Her answer came as Naruto pulled his hips back, almost pulling out completely, and then thrusting forward as hard and deep as he could. Koyuki cried out as Naruto did the same action two more times. The boy's body shook heavily and Koyuki cried out as she felt the warm liquid flooding inside her. She sighed as she felt it rushing through to her womb. The blonde's cock twitched as its rate of fire started to die down. Naruto then started pounding a few more times, causing Koyuki to cry out as more cum shot inside her. The blonde finally pulled out as his seed started to flow out her entrance.

Koyuki finally relaxed her body, finally feeling the effects of what just happened. The princess looked over to Naruto who had his head down in shame and a blush across his face. Koyuki sat up, her muscles aching in protest, but she sat next to Naruto anyway.

"What's wrong," Koyuki asked.

"I feel like crap," Naruto quickly replied. "I just raped you, the princess of an entire country! Granny is going to KILL me when I get back to the village…" Koyuki smiled then placed her arm around Naruto's shoulders.

"It was part of our deal I guess," the princess said with a shrug. "I just wasn't expecting so much action back to back I guess. It's not that I didn't enjoy it…" Naruto looked up, almost enthusiastic. "But you went WAY too fast for my tastes."

"Really," Naruto questioned. "Then why were you fingering yourself while I was doing you in the anus?" Koyuki blushed furiously and snapped her head away from Naruto. When had he noticed that! Naruto chuckled mockingly with his signature grin.

"W-well it did feel kind of good towards the end," Koyuki admitted. "But next time go slowly so that I can enjoy it more."

"But…I'm going to have to go back to Konoha soon right? When's the next time?" Koyuki smirked then turned back to Naruto.

"Well I'll have to tell Lady Tsunade that I'll have to keep you a few days to make sure I've got proper manners drilled into your head." Koyuki winked and then playfully nudged the blonde's shoulder.

"Sweet," Naruto exclaimed. "Can you quiz me again?"

"No," Koyuki snapped. "I need a break. Maybe tomorrow. Until then I'm going to sleep." Koyuki got up then jumped into bed. "We can cuddle if you want."

"How about spooning?" Koyuki inhaled sharply and looked up.

"Alright fine, but no funny business got it?" Naruto nodded eagerly with a grin on his face before he jumped in bed next to Koyuki.

end of chapter 4
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