Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Naruto's Wonderful Training Exercises


by NaruHinaSakuFan1

Adpoted the story from Xorncon - Number 0 from fanfiction anyways it's a story full of oneshots so Naruto x every female in the show enjoy!

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Kurenai,Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2013-04-25 - 3659 words

Chapter 5.


Jiraiya was at the end of his rope as he sat leaned back on a nearby rock, while Naruto was flailing his arms around, screaming his head off. Kurenai, a Konoha Jonin, had been asked to help Naruto with his genjutsu training and so far the young Jinchuriki had made no progress whatsoever. The two adults sighed at the pitiful sight of Naruto's freak out before Kurenai finally released the genjutsu. Naruto froze in his tracks and looked around with wide eyes before focusing on the Sannin and Jonin.

"I failed again didn't I?"

"No," Jiraiya replied, "you completely and utterly humiliated yourself! Don't you listen to anything we tell you about how to get out of a genjutsu?"

"Sure I do…it's just really hard to understand sometimes." The two adults sighed.

"Naruto, the only reason we haven't started our travels is because of your genjutsu training. Kurenai is doing us a huge favor by taking the time every day to help your training in this area!"

'Please, the Hokage practically force me to help this brat,' Kurenai thought to herself bitterly.

"We'll continue this lesson tomorrow. Kurenai, you may return to your room at our hotel in town, and as for you Naruto, you're going to be studying until morning!"

"Awe come on pervy sage," Naruto whined. Jiraiya grabbed Naruto's ear and dragged him back to their hotel as Kurenai watched.

"Those two certainly are quite a pair," Kurenai said to herself. "Jiraiya must have his hands full trying to teach more than just genjutsu to that kid." Kurenai followed the two goof-balls into town, heading towards their hotel.

Naruto and Jiraiya obviously had a room to themselves, and Kurenai had her own room next door. The kunoichi teacher lied on her bed wearing a bathrobe, staring at the ceiling with nothing to do but let sleep take over. On the other side of the wall, Jiraiya was peeping through a small hole he made in the wall, waiting for something 'exciting.' Naruto meanwhile was holding an unraveled scroll while glaring at his shameless teacher.

"Can't you stop being such a pervert even for one day," Naruto asked while reading the scroll.

"Yes I can; I didn't spy on her at all yesterday," Jiraiya boasted proudly. "Besides you should be studying. No reason for you to keep failing at breaking a simple genjutsu." Naruto mumbled angrily to himself while Jiraiya simply huffed. The pervy sage went back to peeping while Naruto studied.

The next day once again ended in Naruto failing to break the genjutsu with no progress made from the day before. The three Konoha ninja made their way back to the hotel, going to their individual rooms. Jiraiya flopped in his bed and closed his eyes. Naruto looked up from his scroll with a curious look.

"Not going to do any 'research' today pervy sage? What's wrong, are you sick?"

"I'm tired and I want to go to sleep," Jiraiya replied with half of his mouth muffled by the pillow.

"So you haven't seen her naked," Naruto asked in a laugh. The Sannin groaned into his pillow, confirming his student's theory. "Well you can't see every girl in the world nude pervy sage."

"Shut up and study," Jiraiya shot back. "I'm going to bed so don't wake me up." Naruto sighed and turned back to the scroll. Almost an hour had passed and Naruto was dangerously close to falling asleep.

'I-I can't stay up any longer.' Naruto rolled up his scroll and rolled it aside. 'But I can't fail again tomorrow. Oh wait…this hotel has hotsprings! That's sure to wake me up!' Naruto stood up and quietly exited the room, headed down the hall, and towards the hotsprings. The blonde youth was half asleep as he walked in, undressed and walked towards the edge of the pool. The warm steam relaxed every part of Naruto's body, causing the boy to stumble around in an effort to stay awake. 'I-I didn't think this…th-th…through…' Naruto fell face first into the water. Surprisingly enough; the water was extremely hot, hot enough to cause Naruto to jump up and scream with burning pain as he flew back. Naruto hit the rock hard ground and rolled back several times before coming to a stop. The blonde let out a sigh of relief as he let his eyes close. His body was fully relaxed and now his head was resting on something soft.

"Naruto," Kurenai replied in a ticked off voice. The young teen looked over to see Kurenai's annoyed face staring back at him. "Would you care to explain what you're doing?" Naruto tilted his head in a confused manner.

'Wait…considering where her face is…and I'm laying on something soft…the human anatomy would lead me to believe I'm lying on her…' Naruto's eyes shot open as he quickly sat up, covering his eyes. Kurenai sat up as well, covering her naked body with a towel. "I'm so sorry Kurenai sensei, I didn't know it was the girls' section!"

"How could you not know? There's a huge sign saying girls only out in front." Naruto's head lowered, his face red and embarrassed. "I didn't think you would be as much of a pervert as Jiraiya. At least he tries to hide his acts. You just barge into the girls' sauna acting all innocent."

"I-I swear I didn't know! I was falling asleep so I came here to try to wake up a bit so I could study more."

"You do realize that warm water relaxes a person, not wake them up right?"

"I-I couldn't think straight," Naruto lied. "Plus I thought that the water would be cold by now." Kurenai sighed then stood up, her towel barely covering her body voluptuous body..

"I think I should leave," Kurenai said as she started to walk. As she began to pass Naruto she noticed the youth trying to hide something. Kurenai stopped for a moment to see what it could have been. It only took about half a second to see his poorly covered, stiff member under his hands. Kurenai snapped her eyes away, blushing faintly. "Oh lord, Naruto…"

"I'm sorry," the blonde blurted out. "I-I get easily excited…"

"Whatever," Kurenai sighed. "What have you been doing the past few days to get rid of your erections?"

"I…I uh haven't had any erections recently…"

"Okay," Kurenai replied, getting a little annoyed. "How do you USUALLY get rid of erections?"

"In my bathroom," Naruto admitted, his face becoming increasingly red. "But there are only public bathrooms here and I share a room with pervy sage!" Kurenai shut her eyes and pinched her nose in frustration.

"Jeez. Naruto if I do something for you, you cannot tell anyone alright?" Naruto nodded once with a confused look on his face. "I'm serious, not Tsunade, not Shikamaru, especially not Jiraiya!"

"Uh…alright Kurenai sensei." Kurenai sighed heavily before she got down on her knees and pulled Naruto's towel off. The blonde blushed brightly, trying to cover his manhood. "Wh-what the hell are you doing?"

"You're a young boy and most likely this won't go away anytime soon. The only way to calm yourself down is to have you ejaculate. Most kunoichi are trained for such…predicaments. And it's my duty as your teacher to make sure that you're…relieved so that you can focus more on your training rather than your fantasies…"

"O-okay then…" Naruto removed his hands, allowing his rod to stick straight out, pointing itself right at Kurenai.

'All I had to do was just train this kid genjutsu, and now I have to get on my knees and make him cum. Great.'

The Jonin, still on her knees, placed her hand around the base of Naruto's hardened member before leaning forward and wrapping her lips around the head. Kurenai mentally sighed to herself before she started to bob her head up and down. Naruto started shaking: one from the feeling of Kurenai's blowjob, and two because it was Kurenai giving him a blowjob. The Jonin started fondling Naruto's sack with one hand, while keeping the second wrapped around the boy's base. Naruto whimpered, fidgeting slightly from pleasure. Kurenai looked up at Naruto as she sucked, wondering what was going through the boy's head at the moment.

"K-Kurenai sensei," Naruto shuddered.

Kurenai hummed to herself for a moment as she felt Naruto's hands on her head before the boy's entire cock was stuffed down her throat. The Jonin screamed and gagged as Naruto started to fuck her mouth wildly. Kurenai's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she gagged and groaned even more. This continued until Naruto's cock twitched slightly before firing a surprisingly exuberant amount of sperm down Kurenai's throat. Naruto pulled his rod out, firing two spurts across the Jonin's face.

'Is a kid allowed to have that much sperm,' Kurenai thought hazily to herself.

Naruto panted heavily as he looked down, seeing his still stiffened rod. He cursed his cock as he looked up, seeing Kurenai was in a dazed state. Naruto remembered once when Jiraiya was doing the same business with a woman that he brought back. Although he'd never admit it, Naruto watched the scene out of curiosity. He remembered that Jiraiya came on the woman's face and she was in a trance much like Kurenai was in now. He also remembered Jiraiya waited a moment before he pounced the woman and began to screw her violently. That's the part where Naruto stopped watching.

Despite himself though, his cock was begging for more release. Naruto looked over at Kurenai. Her hair was wet, body was glistening, and her towel was threatening to fall off. The whole sight made Naruto's hormones crazy. The boy couldn't stop himself as he moved towards the Jonin.

Suddenly, Kurenai was knocked on her back, causing her towel to fly off of her naked body. The Jonin was snapped out of her haze and looked down as her legs were being pushed upwards. "What the hell?"

"I'm sorry Kurenai sensei," Naruto said with a surprisingly stern tone. "But I can't hold myself back any longer!"

"W-wait, wait!"

Without warning, Naruto shoved his hardened member inside of Kurenai. The older woman cried out as Naruto started thrusting his hips with amazing speed and force. Kurenai shut her eyes as tightly as possible and moaned through her teeth. She couldn't fight the blush that formed across her cheeks as she felt her breasts bouncing up and down with every thrust Naruto made. Kurenai's arms were pinned underneath her weight, which prevented her from trying to push the horny teenager off her. Somehow, Kurenai found her hands holding her thighs as Naruto savagely thrusted.

"I-I can't believe it," Naruto grunted between thrusts. "I'm fucking Kurenai sensei!"

"Idiot, d-don't say things like that," Kurenai barely managed to say. It embarrassed her to hear something like that, especially from a boy who wasn't even fifteen years old yet.

Naruto pulled back and thrusted deep within Kurenai's sex, causing the Jonin to cry out. "You don't like to hear that Kurenai sensei? Don't you like the fact you're being fucked by a kid who barely just turned fourteen?"

Kurenai blushed and screamed as Naruto continued his relentless thrusting. She was enjoying it, but to admit it was shameful for the Jonin. Suddenly, Kurenai was rolled over quickly. She almost didn't have enough time to put her hands out to catch herself. Unfortunately for her, Naruto continued fucking the Jonin less than a second after she did.

'God no,' Kurenai mentally screamed to herself. 'This is my favorite position!'

Kurenai's back arched, causing her to stick her bouncing breasts out as Naruto thrusted deep inside of her sex. The boy was slowly losing himself in the sea of pleasure. With each plunge, Kurenai got increasingly weaker. Her arms began to shake violently under her own weight before they eventually gave out. The Jonin fell onto her elbows, allowing Naruto more leverage as he leaned further forward to go deeper inside her. Kurenai clenched her jaw as tightly as possible, but eventually the pleasure got the better of her. Her mouth opened up, her tongue hung out and she moaned and panted heavily as Naruto violated her.

"T-this feels amazing," Naruto shouted, a perverted, satisfying grin coming over his face. "Doesn't this feel good Kurenai sensei?" Naruto leaned forward to look at the Jonin's face and he was rather surprised. Kurenai's breasts were puffed out and her tongue hung out from her mouth, looking like she was lost in one of her own Genjutsus. Naruto grinned deviously then leaned back and continued thrusting as hard as he could. "You like this Kurenai sensei?"

"I love it," the Jonin shouted. "Your dick feels so good Naruto!"

The blonde snickered proudly to himself then continued pounding away. Kurenai moved one of her arms underneath her body, using her index finger to play with her clitoris. Naruto grunted with shock as he felt Kurenai tighten around his member.

"K-Kurenai sensei," Naruto choked out. "You're getting so tight!" Naruto panted heavily as he thrusted as much as he could with Kurenai squeezing down on his cock. Kurenai let out a shaky moan as Naruto groaned, tightening his grip around the Jonin's waist. "I'm gonna cum now Kurenai!"

The Jonin either didn't hear or care. Naruto thrusted his hips three more times before his hips bucked and his cock twitched. The boy's rod twitched violently before it started spraying Kurenai's womb with his cum. Kurenai's eyes widened as she felt the boy cumming inside her. Kurenai arched her back, threw her head up and screamed with the warm sensation that filled her womb. Naruto leaned forward, lying on Kurenai's back as he continued little thrusts into the Jonin's sex, firing as much cum as he could. Kurenai raised her arm up and turned her head, bringing hers and Naruto's lips together as the boy filled her up with his sperm.

"So much cum," Kurenai moaned out. "This is the best…"

"I'm not finished with you yet Kurenai sensei," Naruto exclaimed as he pounced the Jonin again. "I'm fuck you until the sun comes up!" With that said, Naruto entered Kurenai's pussy again and commenced fucking her.

Kurenai sighed heavily as she watched Naruto lying on the ground with a huge grin on his face. "Fucking Kurenai sensei is so good," the boy moaned out as drool poured from his mouth.

"Good lord," Kurenai sighed as she looked at the boy's still hardened cock. "I thought that Genjutsu was high enough to make him cum. I guess I must be getting rusty."

Kurenai sighed again as she dragged Naruto to the corner of the room. She sat the boy up against a wall, his cock sticking straight up in the air. She lied down on her stomach and removed her towel, allowing her breasts to bounce freely. Kurenai wrapped her melons around Naruto's rod and started to rub slowly, allowing the moisture of their bodies from the hot springs to act as a lubricant. She started to increase the speed slowly, feeling Naruto's cock throbbing and heating up like crazy. Kurenai blushed before Naruto started to fire long strings of cum all over her face. The Jonin closed her eyes and blushed even more as the boy's dick kept firing. Kurenai opened one eye, and realized that she was still rubbing Naruto's cock. She quickly pulled away, leaning away from the boy who was still grinning and moaning to himself.

"Damn, that's one hell of a genjutsu if I do say so myself."

Kurenai then got a string of cum on her finger, still blushing furiously. Asuma's thing never heated up or throbbed whenever Kurenai gave him a boob-job, or whenever she did ANYTHING for that matter. Not only that, but the son of the Third Hokage was never able to cum this much before. She put her finger in her mouth and licked Naruto's cum off, her face burning brightly with embarrassment. Hell, the boy even tasted a hell of a lot better than Asuma. Kurenai looked at Naruto's cock, and it didn't wilt in the slightest.

"Okay, so, he appreciates my body more, he has more cum than Asuma, tastes better, and doesn't go limp after one shot…maybe I should reconsider boyfriends."

Kurenai moved up to Naruto than positioned herself in his lap. She had one hand on his shoulder, using the other to line herself up. Slowly, Kurenai lowered herself, allowing Naruto to enter inside of her. Kurenai groaned through her teeth, surprised as could be at how big the boy was inside of her. The Jonin went all the way down until Naruto was completely inside of her. She started to breath slowly, trying to get use to the boy's shape inside of her. Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed her by the waist. Kurenai gasped and looked down, seeing Naruto's hands grabbing her.

"What the?"

Naruto started to thrust his hips upward, causing Kurenai to cry out with shock and pain. Naruto soon started to pound Kurenai's sex with all his might, nearly driving Kurenai crazy. The Jonin placed her hands on the ground behind her and started to bounce, deciding it would be better than Naruto hammering her pussy relentlessly. Kurenai's eyes rolled up in the back of her head as she bounced, her breasts jumping up and down, on Naruto's cock.

'H-how is it this feels so good!'

"Kurenai sensei's pussy," Naruto droned. "It feels so good…"

Kurenai blushed at the boy's word as her sex started to tighten around Naruto's rod. She felt the boy's cock throb like a drum before it started firing again inside of her. Kurenai threw her head back and screamed with ecstasy. Kurenai lowered herself completely on Naruto's base again and let him fire his cum inside of her. The Jonin didn't move an inch, but Naruto's rod was firing endless amounts of cum inside her. Kurenai moaned shakily as the last few rounds of cum went off inside her.

"Oh god…that felt so good." Naruto grinned and chuckled to himself.

"Wake up," a voice snapped. Naruto shook his head clearly and looked at his surroundings. Kurenai stood before him, hands on her hips and an annoyed look on her face. "Naruto, you fell asleep."

"I did," Naruto asked with a completely astonished tone. "B-but I went to the hot springs and you were there and, and we did stuff and you and then, but we-,"

"Naruto, you fell asleep when you were supposed to be studying," Kurenai said. "Jiraiya went to town to do some research with some whores he found and stuck you with me."

"How long was I out for…?" Kurenai shrugged. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

"I had to go get some things I forgot at the hotel," Kurenai replied quickly, averting her eyes from the blonde Jinchuriki. "I came back and you were asleep."

"Wow…that all seemed so real though…" Kurenai moved her eyes back to the blonde and smirked a bit.

"Don't worry about it. Just don't fall asleep this time okay?"

"Alright Kurenai sensei," Naruto replied, slightly bummed. Kurenai gave a look of pity towards the boy.

'God damn guilty conscious…' Kurenai took a small breath then turned to the boy. "Naruto…come with me…" The Jonin walked towards a nearby forest, and Naruto followed after her in confusion.

Jiraiya was walking around the outskirts of town. Neither Naruto nor Kurenai had been found when he woke up. He assumed that they would be out training, but he hadn't found either within a mile of the town. "Now where the hell did they disappear to?" Jiraiya turned around and walked back to town.

Little did Jiraiya know that off to the side of the road, deep within the woods, Naruto and Kurenai were fucking like bunnies. At first Kurenai just wanted Naruto to get a quicky out to get over her guilt, but the two of them soon found themselves prolonging their 'exercise.'

Kurenai was on her knees and elbows, being pounded from behind by Naruto. The blonde was grunting and groaning with each thrust like a wild animal. "Deeper," Kurenai moaned. "Fuck me deeper damn it!" Naruto pulled back on Kurenai's hair, causing the older woman to cry out.

"I'm fucking as deep as I can," Naruto growled. "God your pussy feels so good Kurenai sensei!" Kurenai moaned loudly, wiggling her hips a bit as Naruto thrusted. "I'm gonna cum again Kurenai sensei!"

"Hurry up and do it," the Jonin pleaded. "Cum already!" Naruto threw his head back and did as his teacher instructed him. He plunged his cock as deep as possible before he started to fire an endless stream of cum in Kurenai's womb. The Jonin sighed with heavenly bliss, causing her eyes to flutter. "Alright…how many times was that?"

"Six," Naruto replied as he pulled out of Kurenai. "Um…are you sure it was okay to cum inside you that much?"

"Positive," Kurenai said with a smirk before she started to clothe herself. "Trust me, I haven't felt that good in a long time." Naruto blushed a bit as he zipped his pants up. "Still, just because we're fucking doesn't mean that I'm going to go easy on you with the genjutsu training got it?"

"Yes Kurenai sensei," Naruto groaned disappointedly. "I guess I'll just have to fuck you harder next time."

"Go ahead and try," Kurenai replied smugly, giving Naruto a playful jab. "Let's head back before your perverted teacher stumbles upon us." Kurenai walked towards the town with Naruto following behind her. As they walked, Naruto playfully spanked Kurenai then ran ahead of her, laughing as the Jonin chased after him

end of chapter 5
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