Categories > Original > Romance > You're Already The Voice Inside My Head

Chapter One.

by MCR-99 0 reviews

Packing up and leaving.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2013-04-25 - Updated: 2013-04-26 - 601 words

Chapter One.

"Sadie, why do you have to leave, can we talk about this?" My so-called boyfriend, Robbie, followed me from our room, where in my hand were two suitcases. See, I was leaving my boyfriend behind, in rainy old Portsmouth. He cheated, my so-called boyfriend. He had an affair with one of my school friends, Amber, for about six months. While I was pregnant with twins, Iris and Caraphernelia, who are currently six months old, and were asleep in their cots in our room.

I sighed, turning to face Robbie. "I'm sorry, Robbie, but you said you changed and you haven't. I'm going to stay with my sister, Jazzy, for a couple of days, in a hotel, before we go back to America. By 'we', I mean me and the twins."
Jazzy wasn't exactly my sister, she was one of my best friends, but the kids thought of her as my sister, so I made her that. Jazzy lived in Michigan, a small town, quiet and serene, and I was going to live there with her for a few days, until I had enough money to get back on my feet. I was also going there to study at the Maryland's School Of Arts.

"But, you never told me why you had to go." Robbie said, and I sighed again.

"I have to go, because I just do. I know we were never happy in what we had, and I have a life out there." I hear a car horn, and I know it was Jazzy. I hear her light footsteps on the concrete steps outside, and a light knock at the door, before her bumbling voice sounds in.

"Sadie, it's me. Ready to go?" I pick back up my bags, and answer the door. Jazzy had nice, brown hair with blonde highlights, and her dark eyes lit up when she saw me. I handed her my bags.

"Put these in the car, Jaz, I'll be there in a minute." Jazzy ran down the steps with my bags, and I put the door on the latch and walked back to our room, looking at the sleeping twins. Caraphernelia was first-born, she had black hair, like her father, and nice, pale skin. Her eyes, when she was awake, were a nice shade of grey. Iris had my colour hair, and was the spitting image of me, as people said. I placed a light kiss on their heads, and they turned slightly, before relaxing again, which made me smile. I then walked to my wardrobe, taking out my black jacket, and grabbing my phone from the bedside table, the headphones connected to it. I see Robbie stood in the doorway.

"I'll be back to pick up the kids on Monday, giving you two days for goodbyes." I say. "Be sure to pack their things and get them ready."

"Okay." Robbie said, and I left the room, walking toward the front door. Before leaving, I put the keys on the table, and look back at our small flat for the last time, before going to Jazzy's car and getting in. I put my seatbelt on and Jazzy smiled at me.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Let's go." I say, and we drive off towards a hotel. As we drive, the same voice I've had in my head since I was thirteen years old, talked to me again.

You've left him, that's good. He can't hurt you no more.

"Right." I say under my breath, so Jazzy didn't hear. I then stare blankly out the window, as the night rolled by.

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