Categories > Original > Fantasy > A Tale of Shadows
The Major Powers
The Aurelian Empire
Founded over a thousand years ago, the Empire began as a conglomerate of city states in the northwest portion of the continent. In the wake of the destruction of the Old Empire, these city states began a war of rapid expansion, and within three generations had forged an empire that covered much of the continent. It is currently ruled by the Divine Emperor Amelius Aurelius, eighth in his line.
A large, mostly forested province of the Aurelian Empire, it is known for it's hardy people, who resent the Aurelian Empire for it's harshness.
The former capital of the Old Empire, a great calamity struck the land, rendering the earth dead and blasted. Large portions of Eshtan are covered by 'Dead spots', in which magic cannot be used.
A small, independent country on the east coast, it is surrounded on three sides by water, and the other by the thick Lithnian forest. It is ruled by a magocracy, where only those who can use magic are considered citizens.
Another independent country on the far southern lip of the continent, Delci is considered the holy capital of the Gods.
A rural environment filled with rolling hills and gentle streams, Kavaael is home to a number of horse tribes who roam the landscape. Some are peaceful nomads who flourish on trade, while others are brutal mercenaries and hunters.
Major Persons of the Empire
Amelius Aurelius
The Divine Emperor, Amelius strives to ensure the continued prosperity of his people.
Crispus Fabius
The renowned general of the Third Legion, he is descended from a minor noble family of the Empire. He detests Scipio with all his heart.
The leader of the famed Mercenary group 'the Rabbits', Stanislav is a mysterious man who is considered 'too useful to dispose of', in spite of the threat he poses to the people of the Empire.
Always found near the Emperor, little is known of the man called Tacitus.
The Companions
A trader from the Northern reaches of the Empire, Konstantin spent much of his youth travelling and reading. Though relatively well read, he is still inexperienced with the world. He woke up in prison with Scipio, unable to remember what had transpired over the past four days.
Scipio Marcellus
Once a famous general of the Fifth Legion, Scipio Marcellus soon lost face and was thrown into prison. He escaped with Konstantin, and now they are on the run.
A young girl from Oran, Eva's skin is inscribed with tattoos. When threatened, another being seems to awaken, and the tattoos begin to glow.
The Rabbits
A powerful band of mercenaries led by Stanislav, the Rabbits take in warriors and mages from all walks of life.
Godrick - DECEASED
A mage of modest power, Godrick is a senior member of the Rabbits.
A talented blade warrior, Isla is a senior member of the Rabbits.
Old Tomm
An elderly warrior, Old Tomm was once a tournament fighter, renowned for his inability to die.
A mysterious young man, he is described by Stanislav as 'one of the few people who truly scares me'.
Historical Figures
Corith Sula
The chosen king of Macedi during the Macedi rebellion during the early years of Amelius Aurelius' rule, he was slain by the Emperor's Storm.
A fighter of legendary fame, Vitus was known as an artist of his craft, which was spear-fighting. He would wield two spears, one short, one long, in a deadly dance that none who fought had survived. He was slain in the Macedi rebellion by the Emperor's Storm.
The Aurelian Empire
Founded over a thousand years ago, the Empire began as a conglomerate of city states in the northwest portion of the continent. In the wake of the destruction of the Old Empire, these city states began a war of rapid expansion, and within three generations had forged an empire that covered much of the continent. It is currently ruled by the Divine Emperor Amelius Aurelius, eighth in his line.
A large, mostly forested province of the Aurelian Empire, it is known for it's hardy people, who resent the Aurelian Empire for it's harshness.
The former capital of the Old Empire, a great calamity struck the land, rendering the earth dead and blasted. Large portions of Eshtan are covered by 'Dead spots', in which magic cannot be used.
A small, independent country on the east coast, it is surrounded on three sides by water, and the other by the thick Lithnian forest. It is ruled by a magocracy, where only those who can use magic are considered citizens.
Another independent country on the far southern lip of the continent, Delci is considered the holy capital of the Gods.
A rural environment filled with rolling hills and gentle streams, Kavaael is home to a number of horse tribes who roam the landscape. Some are peaceful nomads who flourish on trade, while others are brutal mercenaries and hunters.
Major Persons of the Empire
Amelius Aurelius
The Divine Emperor, Amelius strives to ensure the continued prosperity of his people.
Crispus Fabius
The renowned general of the Third Legion, he is descended from a minor noble family of the Empire. He detests Scipio with all his heart.
The leader of the famed Mercenary group 'the Rabbits', Stanislav is a mysterious man who is considered 'too useful to dispose of', in spite of the threat he poses to the people of the Empire.
Always found near the Emperor, little is known of the man called Tacitus.
The Companions
A trader from the Northern reaches of the Empire, Konstantin spent much of his youth travelling and reading. Though relatively well read, he is still inexperienced with the world. He woke up in prison with Scipio, unable to remember what had transpired over the past four days.
Scipio Marcellus
Once a famous general of the Fifth Legion, Scipio Marcellus soon lost face and was thrown into prison. He escaped with Konstantin, and now they are on the run.
A young girl from Oran, Eva's skin is inscribed with tattoos. When threatened, another being seems to awaken, and the tattoos begin to glow.
The Rabbits
A powerful band of mercenaries led by Stanislav, the Rabbits take in warriors and mages from all walks of life.
Godrick - DECEASED
A mage of modest power, Godrick is a senior member of the Rabbits.
A talented blade warrior, Isla is a senior member of the Rabbits.
Old Tomm
An elderly warrior, Old Tomm was once a tournament fighter, renowned for his inability to die.
A mysterious young man, he is described by Stanislav as 'one of the few people who truly scares me'.
Historical Figures
Corith Sula
The chosen king of Macedi during the Macedi rebellion during the early years of Amelius Aurelius' rule, he was slain by the Emperor's Storm.
A fighter of legendary fame, Vitus was known as an artist of his craft, which was spear-fighting. He would wield two spears, one short, one long, in a deadly dance that none who fought had survived. He was slain in the Macedi rebellion by the Emperor's Storm.
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