Categories > Original > Poetry

Words Hurt

by IsolabellaFae 2 reviews

Your jokes you tell or things you say in the hall, without a thought, they have an impact that you could never imagine.

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-05-02 - 362 words

This is what your 'silly little jokes' can do.

She's in the corner, crying again. Thinking about all the horrid things that had been said to her.
"You disgusting pig"
"Why do you even try, you whore?"
"You're so fat, how 'bout a diet you skank?"
"You disgust me."
"Make sure you bury that razorblade deep enough this time, you whiney little emo bitch."

It makes her a slut because she's lost weight and clothes don't fit her right.
Being raped makes her a whore.
Being bisexual makes her a demon.
In her opinion, which didn't matter much, if being a dyke meant being with someone who would treat her right, she was fine with it.

Her mom tells her it'll never last.
Her ex's refuse to leave her alone. Constant e-mails, calls, and texts.
"Let me do it, you BITCH!"
"You still belong to ME!!!"
"You're mine!"
"I'll get you somehow."

She's afraid to leave her house.
Terrified to go to SCHOOL!
Words hurt, they really do.

"Fat pig “made her believe it and she starves herself and exercises until she passes out.
"Whore"Makes her afraid to be in public.
"Dyke"makes her feel sorry for her girlfriend and family.
"Whiney"Scared her away from talking to anyone about anything.
"Emo"made her think. . . Who would care? Maybe I am.
Anyone? Am I really so bad that people take time out of their day to hurt me?

She did as she was always, she obeyed.
As if in a trance, she walked to her room, and took out that box...It had started gathering dust...she had been doing so well...
Took a few pills out...she didn't know what they were called or what they were for...She took them and said goodbye...She took out her knife and started to feel high.
This time, it would work. Unlike the other times she tried...She measured the rope wrong...didn't fall far enough...Never was a cut deep enough...She was always careful with her drugs...
Well, so much for being cured...
It only takes one person...Watch what you say, it could end a life...
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