Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Story of The Lost Boys

The Transition

by BitterLoveBlackHeart 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-05-02 - 481 words

The Story of The Lost Boys.

The Transition…

The Third World War began on September 18th 2013, after a battle with North Korea that spanned almost a year; they finally gave the order to strike America with Nuclear force…
America retaliated almost immediately; Britain and Russia came to our aid whereas North Korea had its own allies. In a war that spread only a year, over twice as many men, women and children were killed mercilessly than in The Second World War. The world was burning in front of our eyes and it took all of the world’s leaders to understand that nuclear weaponry was something that our world wasn’t prepared for so after the leaders lay down their arms, they signed the treaty and all nuclear weaponry was disposed of and after the destruction and death that plagued America over those years of warfare, we, the people were left with nothing, our homes gone, our lives destroyed and the government had spent every dime on nuclear weapons that they just got rid of. So here we were moneyless, hopeless little people scavenging and only surviving on faith and the hope that things would get better.

Then Better Living stepped in, they promoted their company, told us all of the wonders their food, drinks, medication, they gave it to us for free, so we’d gain their trust, and when they had it, they made a deal with the government that was basically selling the entire country and government rights to them, if they make things better again…and they took it.
It was slow and almost painful, the corruption sank in slowly, the lies, the deceit, it wasn’t just in the movies anymore, it was spreading across a nation and it was very, very real. No one knew Better Living had such brutal plans when they bailed out America, the speeches they made and the decisions they took seemed right and good for us all, but what we didn’t know, that our belief in them was what led to our down fall, our faith and trust in them left us only to follow what they said, what they did, what they produced, because anything Better Living was the best quality of life. And now America has been stripped of its Colour, It’s Imagination, It’s Individuality. The Country of Freedom was no longer so, as we were all slaves to one ruler. Better Living Industries.

After the president sold off America to Better Living, everything collapsed.
Better Living began to produce weaponry unlike anything seen across the world, not nuclear, but just as powerful, things you’d only see in science fiction movies, but these are the weapons we use today, altered and modified for us to use in the fight to get back our freedom.

Some people call us rebels.

most call us The Killjoys
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