Categories > Original > Poetry

The Purpose

by BipolarUnicorn 0 reviews

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-05-04 - 235 words

We're nothing but, dying souls.
In the jet stream.
When living is just a waste if time,
And when you begin to forget the walls around you.
Knowing this happened so many times before.
There's room inside our heads,
Where all the voices are laid to rest.
Still skating on thin ice,
With our surrounding problems.
We become numb and frigid, incomplete and broken.
Piece by piece we fall apart.
All we want is someone there,
That's afraid to lose us.
Some say they care, but we can see through the lies.
You see the falsehood in their eyes.
You can see your nothing to them,
And nothing to anyone.
We are nothing by withering humans,
Singing to the anthems we made.
Living day by day, in sadness.
In the next life, we'll be just as miserable.
Suffering and destroying the ones around us.
We're nothing but a horrible race,
Judging, hurting, killing each other.
What makes us do this?
We were put on earth for a reason,
To live and thrive, and make peace.
But we are just a waste of space on this rotating planet.
Ruining the beauty of what surrounds us.
Whats our purpose?
To destroy each other and shatter the art?
Make war and wipe out the land.
This is our planet, we all have a purpose,
A fate, a destiny.
Why don't we start acting like we give a shit?
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