Categories > Original > Poetry

Judgement Day

by MCR-99 2 reviews

Here comes the final hour, to decide for Heaven and Hell. Here comes the final hour, until Judgement Day ariives.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2013-05-04 - 118 words

Judgement Day

You heard it on the news,
yet you never believed it,
you never really thought,
that Judgement Day was coming.

You thought it was just some preacher,
crazy and delusional,
you ignore the fact he wasn't lying,
before you ordered his death.

You shrugged it off like it was nothing,
ignoring the things outside the window,
twisters, storms, all things horrid,
set to go your way.

Soon, you started to understand,
that man wasn't lying,
soon, you began to realise,
Judgement Day was arriving.

Here it comes, the final hour,
to decide for Heaven and Hell,
Here it comes, the final hour,
until Judgement Day arrives.

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