Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Never Make It Through (Without You Around)


by PrisonRiot 4 reviews

Chapter 3

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-05-04 - 1026 words

Sorry, I have my exams in less than a week so I probably won't be updating until mid-june, everything is just hectic-crazy and the only reason I've uploaded this is because I pre-wrote it a while ago and forgot about it! Anyway, thank you all so much for the reviews and everything, it makes me super duper happy :* xx


Art had always been the highlight of Gerard’s week, and he had the same teacher that he had had pretty much every year, and they knew each other quite well. It was honestly the only lesson he really enjoyed, apart from throwing various things at Frank during biology. He had become Mr. Alannes favourite, due to his enthusiasm, dedication and talent, unlike some of the other pupils who were merely turning up in order to pass the class.

The first week of juggling school and Mikey had been alright, granted that Gerard slept for a good twelve hours on the Friday night. He was just glad that he’d made it a whole week without breaking down and screaming at something or someone, though he was a little concerned that it had only been a week and he was going to be needing to look after Mikey like this for, what, another 6 years? More? Less?

Everything was going fine until the second week of school on the Thursday. Gerard had got his timetable memorised now and knew that he just had to get through chemistry and then he had lunch and then art for the rest of the afternoon. It was definitely his favourite day. He spent his time in chemistry alternating between doodling and wondering what they’d be start in art next. Two whole hours of art.

He collapsed next to Frank in the lunch hall, getting out his packed lunch, his leg vibrating from the excitement of having art next.

“Calm down.” Frank rolled his eyes, smirking. “Anyone would think your next class is your how-to-win-the-lottery class or a receive a free blowjob class. Not art.”

Gerard made a face and took a bite from his sandwich. “You have my timetable memorised?”

“No.” Frank said shiftily, grinning at Gerard. Gerard smiled back at him and opened his can of Coke when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Gerard frowned at it. “Hang on. It’s Mikey’s school. Weird.”

He pressed the green accept call button and held the phone up to his ear, pressing his fingers in his other ear to drown out the noise.

“Hello, is this Gerard?” Said Miss Green.

“Yes, it is.” Gerard answer, confused. “Is everything alright with Mikey?”

“No, unfortunately. About a quarter of an hour ago he was very ill. He threw up in the playground and if you’re able, I think it would best if you could pick him up and keep him at home until he’s feeling better so that he doesn’t infect the other children.” She said. Gerard rubbed a hand over his face.

“Yes. Yes of course I can. I should be able to get there in twenty minutes. Sorry.” He apologised. Had Mikey been ill that morning? Gerard had been pretty focussed on getting him out the house on time and making sure he had a lunch. God, just another thing he had been doing wrong.

“It’s no one’s fault - these things just happen.” She said sweetly. Gerard sighed.

“Yeah, I- yeah, I’ll be there soon. Thank you for looking after him.” He said, hanging up and packing up his lunch.

“Who was that?” Frank asked. Gerard sighed again, shoving the rest of his lunch into his bag.

“Mikey’s school - apparently he’s just been sick everywhere and I need to go and pick him up.” He said, pack his his bag up.

“But you’re going to miss art!” Frank protested. Gerard slumped in his seat.

“Yeah. But I don’t have a choice - he’s ill and probably upset and scared and he’s going to infect the other children if he stays.” Gerard said. Frank looked at him sympathetically.

“I’ll tell reception that you’ve had to go - they know, right?” Frank asked hurriedly.

“Yeah, the school knows. They should be okay with it. If they’re not, there’s not much I can do anyway.” He shrugged, standing up. “Bye guys, I need to go pick up Mikey.”

Everyone else at the table waved bye to him, some giving him concerned glances. He hastily made his way out to the car park and rummaged in his rucksack for his keys, opening his car and shoving the rucksack unceremoniously in the back. He climbed into the car and started the engine, setting off for Mikey’s school.


Mikey was sitting in the back of the classroom, curled up on some cushions. Gerard couldn’t be annoyed when Mikey looked too tiny and tired and ill.

“Hey Mikes.” He murmured. “I’m gonna take you home now, yeah?”

Mikey opened his eyes and blinked blearily. “Yeah.” He whispered. Gerard helped him stand up and took him to his car. He placed Mikey into the back seat of the car and put his seatbelt on. Mikey slept all the way home and Gerard had to carry him rather awkwardly inside.

He put Mikey on the sofa and puts a blanket over him. Just as he left the room to fetch a some child-friendly paracetamol, he heard a faint mumble.

“What was that Mikey?” He asked gently, returning back to where Mikey was lying and crouching down.

“I’m sorry I made you miss school.” Mikey whispered mournfully. Gerard shushed him and stroked his hair soothingly.

“You know I don’t care about school - I only care that you’re okay. I’d miss a hundred years of school for you to be okay.” Gerard smiled. Mikey shook his head sleepily.

“You can’t miss a hundred years of school. You’re silly.” Mikey mumbled, taking a spoonful of the child-friendly paracetamol before falling to sleep again. Gerard smiled at him and kissed his forehead gently.

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