Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > .....Forever Mines

.....Forever Mines

by writergurllw 1 review

Love. Love is like a game, an intense, crazy game You either win or lose right? This time Rouge and three others play, but danger ensues. Rated M for later chapters.

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Horror, Romance - Characters: Rouge, Shadow - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2006-08-02 - Updated: 2006-08-02 - 680 words

DISCLAIMER: Shadow the hedgehog and Maria Robotnik belong respectively to the sega corporation. I'm not sure if I own Hevallan or not.

P r o l o g u e

"Shadow," chirped the voice of a beautiful, young angel.


The hedgehog's eyes frantically darted back and forth, he knew he heard her voice; he wasn't hearing things- not this time.

"Maria," he called again. His voice echoed her name but there was no reply. He searched again for his beloved friend but saw nothing.

Again, the hidden angel spoke.

"Shadow, there is a reason why you're here."

The hedgehog half listened, why he was here wasn't important yet, he just wanted to see Maria.

"Maria, where are you?"

"I'm right here," she replied, forgetting that Shadow was neither an angel nor a demon.

"Where?" Complained Shadow. He had turned around, hoping she was behind him but as soon as he turned back to his previous direction there she was. Out of surprise he screamed, but a few minutes after, he was laughing along with his friend of 50 years ago. It had been so long since he had last seen her and it was more than refreshing to see her now. He had remembered Maria back on the ARK. Her skin always looked pale and momentarily glowed when she smiled but now, as he stood in front of her, her skin seemed to glow louder than ever before. Shadow knew that wherever his friend was, she was finally happy.

"Now I bet you're wondering where you are Shadow," Said Maria, ending the laughter moment, "And exactly why you're here. Am I correct?"

"Yes," replied Shadow. That was exactly what he was thinking in that same exact order.

"Well, you're in a place with multiple names. Some call it the decision kitchen, others call it hevallen. This is a place most dead people don't go to because it has already been decided where they will be for eternity but you're here because of a death misunderstanding. Shadow, you're dead, but you're not supposed to be. It is not your time just yet so you are getting a second chance in life."

Shadow raised his eyebrow, he was convinced this was ridiculous, but than again it was coming out of Maria's mouth so there had to be truth to it. He moved his mouth to say something but didn't know what to say in return to that so he kept quiet as Maria continued her explanation.

"For this to be done Shadow, You have to forget everything, everything but your name. I want you to start life over again."

"I'd rather die than forget you little sister, Can't you at least make me remember who you are after this is done?"

"No," replied Maria solemnly, "Remembering me will bring back too much pain for you. You have to forget everything about yourself, your friends, and enemies to start a new life. I don't want to do it but I know it needs to be done. I'm doing this for your own good Shadow; I'm doing this because I care."

Shadow wanted to protest but he knew Maria spoke wise words, words from the heart.

"I understand Maria."

Maria smiled at Shadow, it was a smile of reassurance. Shadow smiled back but didn't put complete heart in it, he wasn't really happy about this.

"Shadow," started Maria in a shushed tone, "I'll be watching you through your new life. It's a beautiful thing; I've been assigned your guardian angel. I'll help you and make sure you're okay. You don't have to remember me brother, not for me to know you love me."

Maria put her soft hand on shadow's shoulder, causing him to look up. Like a beautiful picture, large angelic wings shot out from behind her back. Shadow stared in awe at its beauty. The wings circled around the both of them. A bright, gold glow engulfed them.

"Bye Shadow the hedgehog,"

"Bye Maria."

I suck at Diologue right? This is the rewrite of A crazy game called love. hope you like.
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