Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Five Swordsmen

A brief explination

by Kyleson 0 reviews

The tale of five swordsmen who embark on a quest to destroy a cursed sword. Rated for violent content later on.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-08-02 - Updated: 2006-08-03 - 617 words

All characters, weapons, plot ideas, and bottles of Iced Tea in this story are (c)Kyle Beckett 2006
Those who use my ideas without my permission will be scowled at.


This is a description of weapons you will find in this story.

The story you will soon read contains swords and other weapons that you would never find in reality.

The following are descriptions of the five swords carried by the protagonists of this story.

Keep in mind, these are not the only unusual weapons, but these five are the most important, and hardest to describe in a hurry.


The first sword is known as Cravan, it is a /Giansword/. A Giansword is a fascinating weapon, especially in its creation. Only a certain type of metal is used; known as Atmos Iron. Atmos Iron is strong, versatile, durable, easy to make into a weapon, impossible to break, and easy to clean. A buster sword has to be a minimum of three feet long, and one foot wide. The sword has a diamond edge, allowing it to cut almost anything in two. A Buster sword is not actually heavy, and is in fact incredibly light because of the metal used to make it. However, it is nearly impossible to learn how to wield it properly, and takes years of practice and learning to be able to master it. In this story, Cravan is wielded by Joshua Davidson.

The second sword is known by the name Edge. This sword is a /Handle blade/. A Handle blade is basically a normal steel sword, with a special handle, allowing the wielder to maneuver the sword into otherwise impossible attacks and moves. Every handle blade is custom made, the handle, and, in rare cases, the blade is made exactly to set specifics. Edge is a 2 foot long Atmos Iron double edged blade, with a handle; curved, twisted, and flattened to make it resemble a hockey stick. Edge is wielded by Paul Nielson.

The third sword was given the name Relinquisher. This one is called a /Scythe blade/. A Scythe blade is a sword with an extra long handle, which has a scythe on the handle's end. Scythe blades are incredibly difficult to wield without hurting oneself, and almost impossible to master. Relinquisher is a special scythe blade, because it is the only one in existence that is fused with magic. The blade has a mind of its own, and it chooses its own wielder, who will never be injured by it. Nothing is known about the sword's creator, but it is known that Relinquisher is a Three foot long double edged blade, about two inches wide, and its scythe is one foot long, and about an inch wide, it's handle is also a foot long. Both the sword and the scythe have a diamond edged blade. Relinquisher's chosen wielder is Alexander Lincoln.

The fourth sword is called Balance. Balance is a rare type of weapon called a /Twin sword/. Twin swords, when apart, are two swords, with identical designs that mirror each other. Every set is different, and no two sets are ever alike in any way. The swords can be combined together to create one large, double edged sword. A wielder can combine or separate the swords at any time, and master wielders, though rare, are rarely defeated in battle. Balance is wielded by a man named Craig McGillion.


The fifth sword is the most important, and will be described at the story's beginning.

These swords are fiction, and do not exist in reality, unless I am mistaken, which I may be.

Please, do not attempt to make any of these swords real. You may hurt yourself, or others, which is bad.
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