Categories > Original > Drama > One Final Note

Back for only a bit.

by MCR-99 6 reviews

Let me explain. Again.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-05-17 - 248 words


So, I am returning to FicWad, but that is only to write one final fic.
I have it all planned today, and I tried to write it on this new site I joined called Bandfic, yet I have no fucking idea how to fucking work it, so after a long, mental argument with myself, I decided to come back here for a little while, because I'm going to try and 'broaden my writing horizons' and I think this fic will be the perfect way to do that.

Also, one tiny bit of sadness, for me anyway.
You know how I said I was seeing PTV?

I never got to go.
For three reasons, and three reasons alone.

1. Not old enough.

2. The place was a nightclub/bar.

3. School.

I cried, for maybe an hour.
And, this is fucking pissing me off thinking about it, but my stepdad, when he came up to my room to shout at me about crying, said to me these two things.

"Get over it." and "You're not special for listening to rock music."

And, this is why I fucking HATE my family. Like, did they not SEE how I REALLY WANTED TO FUCKING SEE PTV LIKE GOD.


Long story short. I'm back, for a bit. Well, if I like where my story went when it's complete, I may be back indefinitely. Who knows?

Right. That's all I gotta say really.

BRING ME DA HUGS! (if you wanna give me some, I mean..)
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