Categories > Original > Humor

The Bet

by NothingToProve 3 reviews

"I bet you couldn't make him fall for you, even if you tried" ::Jalex::

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-05-20 - 883 words

The Bet

"Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me, that you Alex fucking Gaskarth, is going to seduce, date and help that loser Jack whatever the fuck his last name is?" The boy asked, baffled by his friend's suggestion.

"Yeah, I'll take this to my grave if I have to. I will make Jack Barakat popular, no matter how far or deep I have to go." Alex leaned over the table, smiling as he saw the younger boy out of the corner of his eye. The boy's dark brown eyes adverted to the ground as he made his way to a table, tripping over various feet that where stuck out in his path.

"Can you stop? I don't really want to end up belly flopping on my lunch." Jack whispered to the latest asshole who tried to trip him.

"Hell no faggot. You don't deserve to eat." The guy stood, smacking the tray out of the smaller boy's hands. "Now go join your little freak show, and shut the fuck up." He growled, pushing the lanky boy towards the table where his friends sat.

"Fuck you asshat! Have fun fucking your dog." Jack watched as his friend screamed, her eyes filled with pure anger.

"Have fun fucking your pillow bitch." The guy growled back, watching as the girl's hands pulled into firm fists, at the point of pouncing him, to start total shit.

"Skye; chill. Not worth the time or effort." Jack mumbled, only to hear the guy laugh.

"Shut up faggot, this is about me, and that little whore!" The guy walked up to the table, leaning over to his latest challenger.

"Hm, you're surprising. Never seen a freak who could look so damn fine." The guy grinned at the girl, only to receive a blank stare in return.

"Zack, fuck off. You're an asshole." With this, the boy rolled his eyes, leaving the 3 alone; returning to his table where his friends laughed at what just happened.

Hearing their laughter, the names they spat at him; Jack leaned his head down on the table, counting down the days until he would graduate and leave this shithole. The only thing between him and this goal was 2 more grades, various more courses and credits, and various more assholes who would make jokes about him behind his back.

"You okay man?" Jack's best friend, Rian inquired; watching as his friend lay deathly still. Rian had been with Jack through it all since pre-school, which was when Zack and his group began to start shit with the boy.
Well, back then the drama he used to cause was kicking down Jack's block castle, but the pain and suffering remained the same.

"Fine." Jack groaned, feeling a tray poke into his arm, as he pulled his arm away growling.

"Skye, fuck off I don't want to eat."

"I didn't do it man." Skye mumbled, distracted by something or another.



"I don't think we've met, actually." A new voice explained, causing Jack to look up and be greeted by the face of the most popular guy in school. This guy being Alex Gaskarth, everyone knew him, everyone seemed to love him, and he soaked it all up. Loving every moment of it.

"I know you." Jack mumbled, staring at the tray of food that was given to him.

"I don't think I know you though." Alex mumbled, eyes scanning up and down the boy; taking in as many details as he could.

"Well I'm Jack, and I fucking hate you."

"Why? I haven't done anything I don't think." Alex grinned, giving the boy a look.

"Well your group only causes me, and my friends pain and suffering. Your sister is no better, and really. We don't like your kind of people!" Jack growled, only to have Alex narrow his deep chocolate brown eyes at him.

"Really now? Open your eyes faggot! Not all of us act like that, and we sure as hell haven't done shit to you." Alex growled, losing his temper and causing a scene.

"/Faggot/? Really, you're a fucking asshole." Skye growled, looking at the boy with dark tempered eyes.

"Yes, he's a faggot like any of you guys are. It's plainly obvious." Alex shrugged, walking away; realizing his mistake only moments afterwards.

"Really 'Lex?" His sister, Ash asked; finding amusement in the way he just fucked himself over.

"What?" Alex asked, taking a bite of his food.

"You want to make him popular, seduce him, the full nine yards. Yet you screamed at him, made a scene and called him a faggot. You're sucking at this." She laughed, only to receive a middle finger in return.

"I'm going to do this, no matter who I have to pay, who I have to lie to. Or how gay I have to act." Alex growled, only to have his sister roll her equally brown eyes.

"I will personally pay you 500 dollars, and a hooker if you can get him to fall in complete, hopeless love with you by the end of high school." Ash held out her small hand, looking at her brother with confident eyes.

"Make it one thousand and we have a deal." Alex hustled, sticking his hand out also.

"Fine; it's on." With this the girl grabbed, and shook her brothers hand.
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