Categories > Original > Horror > Friendship Kills

School and a Scuffle

by Axel_Insanity 0 reviews

I see you, rather big and built. You think that gives you a right to pick on my best friend? You will pay for this eventually, then what good is the football team?

Category: Horror - Rating: G - Genres: Horror,Humor - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-05-22 - Updated: 2013-12-06 - 1930 words

Desmond's POV

I fiddled with my pencil and stared at my biology test. Sylvester is 2 years older than me and he’s more than capable of taking care of himself, but I still worry about him. Who knows what he’s up to out there right now! That damn fruit loop! I sigh and stare down at my paper again trying to remember what parts of the cell were responsible for what. I was just about to make a guess when I almost died.

“pssst!” said the bush. This of course scared the living daylights out of me and I jumped about a foot in the air. I will never understand why I still jump like that when i'm startled! All it gets me is a sore behind and some weird looks from class mates.
“Sorry!” I told the teacher who was now looking me like I was a nut case. “I...uh... dozed off.” She just gave me one of those death glares and told me to get back to work. She doesn’t like me much, but that’s fine with me. I not all that fond of her either.

“I said psssssst! Dammit!” the bush whispered again. It sounded a little annoyed.
“Yes I know what you said!” I whispered back at the bush. “I’m just ignoring you because you are whispering at me through an open window in the middle of class fuckwit!”

“You are not ignoring me! You just answered my previous statement, therefore, you sir, are a liar!” that bush was getting on my nerves. “and for future reference, I find “fuckwit” to be a rather juvenile insult.” Now I was getting annoyed. If it’s going to harass me, the least it could do is help me with this science test.

“Sylvester! We’ve had this discussion several times before!” I shot back harshly, trying my best to keep the teacher and other students from hearing me. “you cannot talk to me during class!” It was hard to keep from smacking the desk for emphasis. “You’ll have to wait until lunch! Do you have any idea what it looks like when I’m whispering at an open window!?” The bush just sighed. This was getting to be extremely annoying. I sighed and rubbed my temples, this was going to be a rough day.

“I'd say you look rather annoyed by your tone...” he responded thoughtfully
“Dammit Sylvester! I’m not doing this right now! I’m taking a test for crying out loud!” It was becoming increasingly harder to keep my voice down.

“Actually you are doing this, you just responded again.”

“I mean it Sly! It's just going to have to wait until lunch!” He was really pissing me off right now!

After a bit of rustling I saw my scrawny scrappy git of a best friend emerge, rather ungracefully, on the other side of the bushes. He regained his composer and brushed himself off making sure no one saw. When he turned back around he was looking back at me all sulky and dejected but still gave me that quick salute he does using his first two fingers before strolling off up the road, hands in his pockets, like nothing happened. I sighed and shook my head. It doesn’t matter how many times we have this conversation, he just doesn’t seem to understand what’s wrong with hiding in the bushes and whispering to me through the window when im in school. I mean come on, WHAT ISN’T WRONG WITH IT?! I will need to ask the teachers to sit me away from the windows from now on. I glance out of the a cursed thing one last time. Sylvester seems to have been waiting for this as hes standing at the end of the block. He grins like an idiot and starts waving entusiasticly before continuing on his way. I smile as I watch him go....what a fruit loop.

To cut a long story short, I think it’ll pass the test alright. I had to guess on a lot of answers, but there was a lot of multiple choice questions. Now it's on to math class. Joy, whos idea was it to make us do math this early anyways? I've only recently gotten out of bed and my mind is still mush, much more of this learning stuff its going to liquify and leak out my ears or something! ...what a disturbing thought! I blame thoughts like these on Sylvester, he says some rather morbid things sometimes, hell Sylvester himself is just morbid! ...i wish he was still here, that would make this whole school thing much more bearable. I sigh again and run a hand through my spike tri-colored hair, blowing a few strands of purple id disturbed out of my face. Im just going to have to brave the hallways alone.

I really hate walking through these hallways between classes. There's so many people and so much pushing and shoving. Im small and timid and it is horrible! I just keep my head down and keep moving like always, if I focus on the people to much my social anxiety tends to act up, the last thing I want to do is have a panic attack in the hallway. They already think im a freak. I just ignored them as much as I could and walked on. Well, I did that is, until someone yanked on my hair. I almost smiled at first, expecting to see Sylvester standing there. But the person in question didn’t tug and let go, like he did, he kept pulling until it hurt and I squirmed trying to get away, that's when I noticed the hem of a varsity jacket. It was another one of those guys, by the looks of the shoes I’d says it's Adam, black Nikes with light blue trim.

“Why don't you get to class you little freak?” a voice taunts me. Yup, it's Adam. I’d given up of squirming away, it just made things more painful. My only form of defiance now was sarcasm,

“Because you're latched onto my hair maybe?” I respond sarcastically, which, as it turns out, wasn’t a good idea either.

“Oh I'm sorry!” he said with mock sincerity “Here, then, I'll let you go” He gave my hair a good yank downwards before letting go, making sure I fall to the ground before turning to leave. He turned back around and gave me a sharp kick to the ribs before starting to walk away.
“Glad I could help!” he yelled from up the hall, laughing with the rest of the Neanderthals he called friends. The rest of the kids in the hallway alter their walking pattern so they can go around me. Why didn't anyone do anything? The whole thing only lasted about a minute but still, people saw what was happening. I'm just waiting for the day one of them pushes me into an empty hallway and beats me. What will people do then? Will they still do nothing and pretend they didn’t know? I heave another sigh, despite the pain in my side and pick up my things. I started on my way again, shaking the thought from my head. I’m going to be late for class.

Sylvester's POV

I sat in the bushes and waited for my friend to walk by. If I recall correctly, the seniors have an online course next, getting there should require a walk across the yard. The bell rang and I saw a number of kids file out of classrooms, some into the yard, other into the proper classrooms. None of the kids in the yard, to my confusion, resembled Dez's classmates. Perhaps senior math is this hour, I didn't make it a point to lock my high school senior schedule in my brain, I put useful things there instead. I peered over the bushes and through the open doors, jock, prep, bitchy prep, nerd, outcast, loner, stoner, cheerleader, goth, where was he? I do hope he hasn't gotten himself locked in the elementary bathroom, that was a rather awkward and embarrassing experience for him. I was prepared to give up my fruitless efforts when slowly from the very end of the hall I saw a gangly frame clad in black skinny jeans and black and white striped shirt. I smiled as I watched my best friend come down the hall, only to frown a moment later. What this school had reduced my friend to was rather sad. To take a leave from my eloquent manner, this school is shit. Desmond was a kind, cheerful, hyper, glowing mass of adorable energy in his aunts words...i agree, but i might word that sentence a little differently. Then again, no one has asked this of me so the sentence must be fine the way it is. Regardless of the state of the sentence, that is not what I saw in front of me now, the figure I saw in front of me was broken. Fingerless skeleton gloves tightly gripping school books, black green and purple haired head cast down to the floor, walking as fast as he could, he almost seemed to tremble. It gave me a rather awful feeling in the depths of my stomach to see him like that, how could school alter a person in such ways? Just look what happened to you at school Sly! Giggled the voice in my head. Slightly startled I slapped a hand to my forehead. I thought he had left!

“That was boarding school” I muttered pressing hard on my head hoping it would stop his voice. Whatever you say. He laughed harshly, the way it was echoing now meant he must have left. All the better. I find experiences like that positively dreadful. What he says is true...but perhaps it wasn't the school, I glared at the two apes who dared to lay a hand on my friend. I was unable to make out their words from my distance, but that did nothing to quell the anger and hatred welling up inside. What sort of person would do that to another person?! When they knocked him to the ground I really snapped, when they kicked him, I almost let all hell loose. I had to get myself under control before I released something other than my anger. I would not stand, or in my current situation in the bushes, sit, for this! They would pay in some way, maybe not now...but soon. My rage turned into a feeling of sadness as I watched him gather up his things, I wanted nothing more than to go help him up, give him a hug, and send him on his way with a few reassuring words, but I couldn’t. For one, I don’t know where that thought came from, such things aren’t in my nature. Secondly, It would wait until this afternoon. He must not want me to know or he would have told me of such occurrences, I would only embarrass him. And I am a good boy, I will wait and talk to him at the time he has declared proper! Anyways i mustn’t dwell on this for too long, i have other things to take care of right now. And later even more things. A small group of tall stocky and rather stupid things. I need to do some planning....or get some ice cream. Let's do both.
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