Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Do I Run Into Your Arms? Or Do I Run Away Screaming

Chapter 18

by Sarahkilljoykid 0 reviews

Dun dun DUN!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2013-05-23 - 346 words

okay so I am so sorry about how long this took for me to update

Gerard's POV

I chased Evie through streets and forest, over rivers and fallen trees towards the centre of the forest, aware and comforted by the fact that my brother was finally by my side once more. I knew where we were going. There was once a large vampire stronghold here, over five hundred years ago. But once the humans got smarter we realised it was safer to blend in and let ourselves become something of legend in their eyes, lest they hunt us down. We liked to think that we were invincible to the humans, but that was not the case. They were able to kill us now, sure it took a lot of them to bring one of us down, and it would be extremely difficult, but it was not impossible. I had already lost one love because I was not able to protect him. There was no way I was going to let myself lose another.

I pushed myself harder than I ever thought possible, desperate to rescue my Frankie in time. As I rushed through the corridors I could no longer see Evie, but I didn't need to, I knew where Frank was. I could smell him, his delicious scent called out to me like a desperate call for help. One that I needed to answer. He was close.

There he was. Wide eyed, gagged and tied to the stone table. His wrists rubbed raw from the chains, dried blood caked his neck where he had obviously beed bitten. He was screaming out through his gag, bucking his head wildly in the direction of the door.
"Well, what what we got here?" Said a familiar voice. It couldn't be, could it? How could she do that to us! I thought frantically as a feminine figure stepped out of the shadows.
"Lizzie?" Asked Mikey, "what are you doing here?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Replied Lizzie condescendingly, "I'm here to kill you!"
With an ear shattering shriek, she lunged at me.
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