Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Different Sort of Bond

Chapter 11

by Balder

An unusual mishap in Sixth Year Potions makes Harry and Daphne Greengrass spend a lot of time together.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry,Neville - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2013-05-26 - 2973 words

A Different Sort of Bond

Disclaimer: I do not own the Potterverse!
Author's Note: More TMI in this one but only a bit. If you've made it through the other chapters you shouldn't mind this.
Second Author's Note: Several people mentioned that the ritual I had previously used was a little too simple and/or easy so I have changed it. I hope you like this one better.
Third Author's Note: Sigh, adjusted yet again to be consistent in mentioning chakras used. Also the languages used are Icelandic and phonetically spelled Hindi in case you wondered.

Chapter 11

Daphne tapped the crystal with her fingernail and nothing happened. Frowning she put her palm against it and it lit up. “Hmph, security I suppose.”

“Actually a combination of that and letting me know who is calling,” came the voice of Bode the medically inclined Unspeakable. “How can I help you?”

“We want you to remove Harry’s scar. I’ve reason to believe it’s a horcrux,” Daphne said.

“I was afraid of that,” Bode replied. “Just for curiosity’s sake why isn’t it Harry calling?”

“He seems to think that knowing when another piece of the same soul is near is worth his eventual death,” she replied with a scowl. “As far as it concerns his own health he’s got the instincts of a lemming. How soon can you get here?”

Bode said, “I’ll be there by nine tomorrow morning unless the scar is growing, bleeding, or glowing?”

“It isn’t doing any of those,” she confirmed. “If it does before I see you I’ll call back.”

“Good,” Bode replied and the crystal’s glow went out.

Daphne scowled at Harry and he ducked his head, “Sorry dear.”

Neville sighed, “Harry, you do realize that not all heroes need become martyrs right? I mean you can defeat ol’ moldyshorts and continue to live you know.”

Tracey gasped at the nickname then giggled. She stopped after seeing Daphne’s glare.

Daphne turned back to Harry, “Potter, why don’t you have any self preservation instincts? Has your life been that bad up until now that you are indifferent to losing it?”

Harry gulped, “It used to be, but its gotten much better in the last year or so. No more returning to the Dursleys, the D.A. experience, and most importantly I have you for a girlfriend. If we hadn’t had that accident I wouldn’t know this horcrux in my head could be removed and even with everything else in my life going better that would have made me reckless.” He frowned, “Dumbledore told me he knew of no way to get rid of one with destroying the thing it is in.”

“Well obviously he never asked any specialists because the Unspeakable certainly doesn’t seem to agree and he would know,” Daphne said. “Are you sure the headmaster was looking out for your best interests?”

“Well, I don't think he's been actively malicious but he did ignore me all last year and he did tell me that at first he'd seen me more as a weapon against Voldemort than a kid. Supposedly he's changed his mind on that but that's why he placed me with the Dursleys and never checked up on me,” Harry said.

“He has worse guardians than I do,” Neville added. “Or did until last summer.”

“Yeah, after the fiasco in the Ministry the Weasleys became adamant about my staying with them for the whole summer,” Harry replied smiling. “Although I’m not sure it would have happened if my guardians hadn’t been scared enough to do a runner during the school year. Still not sure what put the fear into them after so many years but as they were only protected at home I guess it was inevitable.” He shrugged, “Good riddance to them but I’m glad they are out of the line of fire. If only because we are related.”

“There are more Potters?” Tracey asked. “And what’s a horcrux?”

Harry shook his head, “No, I’m the last Potter. They were my mum’s sister, her husband, and their son. They have no magic so they don’t count towards not being the last of my house.” He frowned, “Although I guess I should check to see if there are any other relatives out there. Maybe mum’s parents are still alive or something. Well, once I don’t have some psycho wizard gunning for me I’ll look, otherwise it would just expose more innocents to danger.”

Neville smiled, “You’ve been happier since you learned you’d not be staying with your relatives. Hopefully Daphne will make you less reckless as well.”

“Oh I plan to Longbottom,” Daphne said. “He’ll learn to take care of himself if its the last thing he does.”

Harry grinned, “Live or die trying? Sounds like something Sirius would say.”

“As for a horcrux Tracey, it means Harry has a bit of soul stuck in his scar,” Daphne said. “The Unspeakable will be by in the morning to remove it.”

Tracey blinked, “Oh, now I see why you were so worried.”

“I’m tired,” Daphne said. “Emotionally if nothing else and we are going to be up early tomorrow Potter so …” she trailed off looking annoyed and uncomfortable.

"Something wrong Daphne?" Harry asked, looking at the girl.

She sighed and grabbed a tampon from the box, "Let's head to the bathroom Harry. It's come early."

"What has?" Neville asked confused,

"Trust me, you don't want to know." Harry said, heading to the bathroom with her.

Daphne led him into the bedroom, "I'm going to spell our clothes off in here just in case." She said then waved her wand and suddenly all their clothes but her panties were on the bed.

"Why am I naked?" Harry asked, blushing.

"If I have to be naked so do you," she replied. "Besides this way you won't get any clothes ... messy. Which, by the way is why I still have panties on. Just in case I ... drip."

"Oh right," he said embarrassed

She dragged him into the bathroom, "Now help me unwrap this damn thing." She held out the individually wrapped tampon.

"Right." he said, moving to help. It took both them to open it.

"Now I'll hold it in place, because I doubt you could find the right hole, and you get to gently push the plunger," Daphne said.

She waved her wand and sent her panties to the laundry bin and then put the wand down on the table by the sink. She took the tampon from him, and positioned it, "I think I've got it set, do it."

Harry gulped and reached for it. Trying not to let his hand shake he slowly pushed the plastic plunger thing.

She sighed, "OK, it feels like it's in. Let's just take a shower now then get to bed. This isn't what I'd rather be doing with you tonight but that will have to wait. Maybe its for the best as we do have to be up early tomorrow."

The next morning after their morning routine plus one step Daphne and Harry walked into the living room of their suite and joined Tracey and Neville at breakfast.

"The Unspeakable is coming at nine," Daphne said to her old friend. "Make sure you're ready, as I'm sure he'll want to check you both over while he's here."

"That reminds me," Harry said. "Dobby!"

"Master Harry calls Dobby?" said Dobby as he appeared.

"Yes Dobby," Harry said. "Please wait by the front doors for our guest, Unspeakable Bode. If a man with a hooded white cloak appears ask him if he is Bode. If he says yes bring him to us here."

"Yes, Harry Potter sir!" Dobby said then vanished with a pop.

"There, now we can wait in comfort," Harry said and grabbed second helpings of breakfast.

Tracey smiled then and called out, “Winky!”

The little elf appeared, “Mistress Tracey calls Winky?”

“Yes, can please straighten up the bedrooms and make the beds now?” Tracey said. “We have guests coming shortly.”

“Of course ma’am,” Winky said.

"There," Tracey said. "Now, I can relax and enjoy breakfast too."

"Potter?" Daphne said.

"Yes dear," Harry said after swallowing.

"Are you having any trouble seeing?" she asked.

"No, why?" Harry asked then felt his face. "I don't have my glasses on and I can see!"

Tracey nodded, "Well you did say he told you that the extra phoenix tears would fix problems that hadn't been fixed before because it was too busy fighting off the basilisk venom. I guess your eyesight is one of them."

Neville smiled, "I'm happy for you."

"Thanks Nev," Harry said grinning. As he turned back to his food he said, "I guess this is also why I'm more hungry lately."

"Probably," Tracey said.

Soon Dobby returned leading the Unspeakable, "Master Harry sir! Here he is."

“Greetings,” Bode said. “I’ll take care of Harry first but I want to check on all of you today so you two should stick around until I’m done.”

“We will sir,” Neville said.

“Good,” the man said. “Harry, why don’t you and Daphne go lay down. You definitely don’t want to be standing for this.”

Harry and Daphne stood up and went to lay down on the newly made bed.

The Unspeakable gestured and the other furniture moved into the common room, "Just until we're done. I'll need the room empty." He gestured again and the bed moved to center itself. After pacing around the bed he said, "I'll need a bit more room." He gestured with his wand and the room expanded a bit, "Excellent, now just stay on the bed while I inscribe the ward structure for this ritual."

"Can I watch if I stay on the bed?" Daphne asked. "I'm take NEWT level Runes and Arithmancy."

Bode smiled, "I'll even explain it to you as I go along as far as you can follow me."

Daphne dragged Harry up on to his knees and the two of them watched as Bode first drew a circle around them that touched all four walls at the edges. As he continued to gesture small runes appeared around the inner perimeter of the circle.

"The wall of unity," Daphne said. "To prevent incorporeal essences from leaving or entering right?"

"Correct," Bode said. After he'd finished that he briefly rested. Then he inscribed a six pointed star inside the circle and its runes and around him and the bed. Then again started drawing runes on the inside of the new shape.

"The Seal of Solomon?" Daphne seemed less sure. "I've never seen one but Tracey described one to me from a ritual her father did on her thirteenth birthday."

"Again correct," Bode said. "It prevents any malign influences that may be inside the ritual area from interrupting or misdirecting the ritual. You are very well versed in this Miss Greengrass. I doubt you'll recognize this next one though."

Daphne shook her head, "No, I'm not even sure I want to stare at it for much longer."

The Unspeakable nodded, "That's a normal reaction. Both of you just lay back and look elsewhere for now." He created another intricate and arcane design then sat on the bed resting briefly, "I should have said this earlier. If you two could get undressed and pile the clothes at the foot of the bed I'll send them out with the rest. Otherwise they will be damaged by the ritual." He smiled, "You can stay under the blanket so I don't see anything."

"Er, thank you," Harry said. He gestured and they were both covered by the blanket and with another gesture their clothes clothes appeared on top of the blanket at the foot of the bed.

Bode levitated them out of the door and then closed it again and returned to his warding. Eventually he finished and sat again wiping his forehead with one white sleeve. "Okay for the next part I'll need someone to rub various creams, oils, and salves on Harry and for various reasons it'd be easiest if that was you Daphne. Are you willing?"

"Yes, I am," Daphne replied.

"Don't worry Harry, you won't feel any pain or wake until we are done. It would be too hard on you otherwise. If you could stay awake for this I would be having you do all the smearing," Bode said. "I'll put you to sleep right now before we do anything else," he said. Pointing his wand at Harry he chanted briefly in Icelandic, "Taka burtu vitund hans."

Harry fell into a deep, enchanted sleep. Bode nodded and pulled out a vial of oil, "Smear this on the scar." He opened the vial and poured some in Daphne's left hand.

She smeared it across Harry's scar making sure she covered all of it.

When he saw her start using it he pointed his wand at Harry's scar and chanted, "Usakī śarīra para apanī pakaṛa rilīja." There was a flare of indigo light from the center of Harry's forehead and Bode nodded, "Good work. Ready for the next one?"

"Yes, I'm ready," Daphne said. "Should I make sure my hand is cleaned in between?"

He shook his head, "I'll do it." He waved his wand and her hand was clean. Then he removed another vial from his cloak and she held out her hand palm up. He poured some oil into it. "Rub that into his crown chakra. Do you know where that is?"

"Top of his head right?" Daphne asked.

"Yes," Bode agreed.

She rubbed the oil into his scalp thoroughly.

The Unspeakable chanted , "Usakē dimāga para apanī pakaṛa rilīja!" There was a flare of violet light from the top of Harry's head and Bode smiled.

Bode cleaned her hand again, "We've already done the brow chakra when you coated the scar. Now normally you'd think the next one was throat but for our purposes breath is more important so the next component goes across his mouth and nose alright?"

Daphne nodded and held out her hand for the next component. It was a cream that smelled of roses. As she massaged the cream in Bode pointed his wand at the scar and chanted, "Apanī pakaṛa usakī ātmā para rilīja!" A blue glow showed through Daphne's fingers.

"So far, so good Miss Greengrass," he said. "Only two more to go."

Daphne nodded and peeked at the scar and found it looked even worse if anything. Extremely black and ugly looking and it seemed raised a bit. She shuddered at the idea of what was in there and held out her to be cleaned again.

Bode cleaned her hand again and pulled out a container of luminescent oil.

"Is that safe to touch?" Daphne asked.

"Yes," came the reply, "if used correctly."

She nodded and let him pour some in her hand, "Where does this go?"

"Rub it over his heart chakra," Bode replied.

As she did so he pointed his wand at the scar and chanted, "Usakī bhāvanā'ōṁ kō para apanī pakaṛa rilīja!" Harry's chest emitted a pulse of green light.

"Last one," Bode said. Then he pulled out and opened a jar of cream. He held it out to her, "Take a large handful and rub it into his groin area."

Daphne raised an eyebrow at him, "You could have just said root chakra."

He replied, "I wanted to be sure you knew what I meant."

"Well you are the expert but if find out this is what passes for humor among Unspeakables," she paused significantly, "well you'd be wise to say so now." When he just nodded Daphne shrugged and took a handful. "I'll nod when I start as I doubt you'll see it under the covers."

Bode nodded again, "That's fine." When he saw Daphne nod he pointed his wand at the scar again and chanted, "Apanī pakaṛa usakē jādu'ī para rilīja!" There was a red pulse of light that neither saw then there was a gong sound and the scar broke open and a black mist poured forth.

Bode tracked the black cloud and began a Norse chant for destroying evil. The cloud dodged wildly, trying to find a way through the arcane protections on the room while simultaneously trying to avoid the spell that was slowly destroying it. Eventually it was all gone and Bode sagged on to the bed gasping and said nothing for several minutes.

Daphne asked, "Is it gone?"

"Yes," the Unspeakable replied. "That bit of blackened soul is gone for good." When he had recovered enough he pointed his wand at Harry and said, "Vekja!"

Harry woke up and Daphne said, "You are now free of the horcrux."

"Thank you both," Harry said and Daphne smiled at him.

"You're welcome," the older man replied. "Rest here until at least lunch then eat a good meal and take it easy for a few days." Bode's breathing slowed and he wiped his forehead, "This is pretty tiring work. I'll remove the inscriptions in the floor in a little while, then go check the other two. I'm not yet close to separating two but not having a horcrux in Harry's head is progress right?"

"Definitely," Daphne agreed. "Any chance you know of a way we could detect them at a distance? So we can destroy any others still out there."

"I'll check on that tomorrow and get back to you," Bode said.

"I think I'll try to nap," Harry said after a yawn. Then he grinned, "That took a lot out of me."

Daphne groaned, "Leave the humor to me Potter. You stink at it."
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