Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Different Sort of Bond

Chapter Twelve

by Balder

In this chapter we find out why Neville hasn't changed back yet.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry,Neville - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2013-07-16 - 2020 words

A Different Sort of Bond Chapter 12

Disclaimer: I don't own the Potterverse!
Warnings: AU, Nudity, TMI, NC-17
Author's Note: Sorry it took longer than usual. Hope you like it.

When Harry woke up he was in the shower with Daphne again. He gave her a look, “Oh please just lug my sleeping body around with you whenever its convenient. I don’t mind waking up in strange places naked and wet.”

She snorted, “If I’d stayed in bed any longer you’d have woken up naked and wet anyway but it would have been pee as well as all the things Bode had me smear on your skin. This way you’re safe from that and clean and I did all the work.”

“So I should be thanking you then?” Harry smiled, “Thank you Daphne for all your help. So just for information purposes is this the start or end of the shower?”

“End,” she replied. “I have good news and bad news for you Potter. Good news is all the bedroom furniture is back in place, the funky designs are off the floor, and dinner is waiting for us in the outer room. Bad news is that Hermione had to take the box back so you’ll have to be conjuring tampons for the next week.” She kissed him, “I truly am sorry about all this Harry. You are experiencing all the downsides of being this close to a woman before you get to enjoy all the good bits.”

He kissed her back, “It’s okay Daphne. It hasn’t been all downside. It’s been embarrassing sometimes but it’s been more good than bad. I am glad it happened. How about you though? You’ve gotten no more privacy than I. Are you wishing it never happened?”

She smiled, “I could do without losing the use of my right hand but overall I think I came out ahead. I have access to more power. I have learned the truth about what happened the last five years; and remember Potter, knowledge is power. I have phoenix tears in me, making me the healthiest I’ve ever been. I now have a built in protection against the deadliest wizard in centuries. Lastly, I have a boyfriend who’s kind, generous, handsome, rich, and powerful. I’m definitely scoring this as an overall win.”

He grinned, “Glad to hear it. Let’s go dry off and get the er, conjuring done then go eat.”

She smiled back and shut off the water, “Certainly dear.” Shortly thereafter they appeared in the suite’s sitting room in white terrycloth bathrobes.

“Hi guys!” Harry said. “Glad you could join us for dinner Hermione.”

She smiled, “I tried to bring Ron but he said he’d rather eat in the great hall because there’s more food there.”

Harry chuckled, “That sounds like Ron. Oh well, as long as he’s happy.”

Daphne had been watching her friend. After they sat she asked, “How did your exam go Trace? Nothing too embarrassing I hope?”

Tracey turned red, “I, we learned why Neville is stuck as me and that we’ll be here in this room until May.” She stopped there and looked at her temporary twin.

Neville was blushing too, “I’ve owled both my gran and her father. I expect howlers. I just hope neither shows up in person to yell.”

Tracey hugged the now cringing boy, “I’ll take all the blame if you like dear.”

Neville straightened up at that, “No. I can’t let you take the blame. It’s not anyone’s fault.” He sighed, “I just hope Gran sees that.”

Harry and Daphne were both getting worried now. “What is it?” Daphne asked.

Neville sighed, “We’re pregnant.”

“What?” Harry said, shocked.

Tracey nodded, “That’s why he hasn’t switched back yet. He can’t go back to being a guy until after he gives birth to our baby.” She blushed and sighed, “It’s why you are never supposed to make polyjuice from a pregnant woman. He has done the honorable thing and asked for my hand in marriage. I expect my father to accept. Since we’re both in school we’ll probably get married over the winter holidays.” She looked Daphne in the eye, “Will you be my Maid of Honor Daphne?”

Neville nodded, “Will you be my best man Harry? You should be separated by then and able to stand on either side of us.”

Harry and Daphne both nodded, “We will.” They said it in unison.

Tracey turned to Hermione, “Will you be a bridesmaid Hermione? I’d like to have one from school and you’d be a much better choice than either Pansy or Millicent.”

Hermione smiled, “I think you’re damning me with faint praise but I accept.”

Everyone got hugged by everyone then until Harry’s stomach started grumbling loudly, then they ate. After dinner Harry was trying to find a way to ask an embarrassing question delicately when Neville let him off the hook.

“She wasn’t pregnant before the accident Harry,” he said. “Bode made that clear. I seem to caught some of your weird luck because we’re both pregnant by me.”

Harry could only stare amazed until Daphne slapped his chest, “Close your mouth Potter and stop staring.”

“Yes dear,” Harry said and looked sheepish. “Sorry guys, I was just shocked.”

"It's okay Harry," Neville said. "I'm still shocked too."

After that the conversation wound down and they worked on homework until late then went off to bed.

Daphne got up the next morning and debated waking Harry before heading in to shower but then grinned and shook her head. It was too much fun doing it this way. She levitated him along behind her as went about her morning routine and as usual he woke up in the shower.

“You’re a little twisted you know that?” Harry said. He looked at the enchanted washcloth currently scrubbing him and sighed, “Could you please wake me before we leave the bed next time?”

She smiled, “Certainly dear. Are you hoping for morning sex? I mean there are ways around my little problem and they have the advantage of not needing contraceptive spells beforehand...” As she’d expected he turned bright red at that. “I’m sorry, I just love to see that look on your face. I’ll try to be good but I can’t promise anything.”

Harry shook his head, “I’d threaten to spank you but I’m not sure I could manage that with us connected this and besides I’ve a feeling you might enjoy it instead.” Ignoring her giggling he tried to look stern, “I will tell you not promise things you’re unwilling to deliver or I might surprise you one morning.” Unfortunately it was obvious to him from her laughter that she knew he was bluffing so he sighed again and just went with the flow.

As they were getting dressed Daphne reminded him it was a Hogsmeade weekend and she was planning on buying him new clothes. “I remember dear,” Harry said. “Let’s eat in the great hall today. I want to see if Draco’s still at school and I’m sure he’ll be at his table if he is.”

“If only to show that he is still here,” Daphne agreed. Once both their clothes met with her satisfaction they exited the room and she told Tracey they were going to eat in the great hall.

Tracey nodded and Neville said, “Maybe we’ll see you there. I need some supplies and so does Trace.”

When Harry and Daphne entered the great hall all conversation stopped briefly as everyone looked at them. Harry ignored the stares with the ease of long practice and checked the Slytherin table closely. He grinned when he saw no sign of Malfoy, Crabbe, or Goyle. After a whispered conversation with Daphne they headed over the Gryffindor table. Ron failed to notice them but Hermione did and slid over some to make room.

“Hi guys,” Harry said as they sat down. Harry grabbed a plate and Daphne started loading it up for two. “How are you Ron? Been awhile since we’ve chatted mate.”

”Well, its been awhile since you left that room,” Ron replied. “There’s no one to play chess with or go flying with. I’ve been hanging with Seamus and Dean but its not been the same.”

“Sorry mate,” Harry said. “But I could hardly stay in the boys dorm with Daphne now could I? As for the rest of the time, well its been pretty full yeah? The usual stuff I get into.”

Ron smiled, “So you’re the one who’s responsible for the lack of Malfoy in the air? Good on you mate! Now if you can just get separated we can win the Quidditch cup easy.”

Hermione rolled her eyes, “Is that all you think about Ronald?”

Ron blushed and looked her in the eye, “Not anymore.”

Hermione blushed too, “Er, just so you know Harry, Ronald and I are dating. We’re going into Hogsmeade today. Are you two coming along?”

Daphne nodded, “We are. I’m finally getting him some clothes that are fit to wear without being transfigured first. Would you like to meet for lunch? I think we’ll be done by one p.m.”

Hermione smiled, “Lunch would be lovely Daphne. Will the Traceys be there too?”

Harry opened his mouth to say something and felt Daphne step on one foot gently. Knowing that meant she wanted to handle the talking he went back to his breakfast.

Daphne nodded, “Oh yes, both girls will be there. They need more school supplies if nothing else and I’m hoping they’ll join us for lunch.”

Hermione said, “Three Broomsticks?” She gave Harry a look saying she’d explain later. He nodded, familiar enough with her looks to interpret it.

Daphne agreed and only then turned to her breakfast. Finding Harry had cleaned the plate she stepped gently on his foot again and reloaded it. After breakfast the four separated into two couples briefly to gather their things then met back together to share a carriage ride.

“So why are we calling them ‘the two Traceys’,” Harry asked.

“Because Neville doesn’t want anyone to know he’s temporarily female,” Hermione explained. “We’ve been using that name to hide the fact that one of the girls who look like Tracey is him. Also now that the faculty know he won’t be changing back anytime soon they’ve come up with an official cover story. It was announced this morning before you got to breakfast.”

“What did they decide on?” Harry asked.

Hermione replied, “Officially Neville is recuperating at home and being tutored privately for this year. We were told that he might be back for the end of term tests but that it wasn’t certain.”

“Thanks Hermione,” Harry said. “Thank you as well Daphne for keeping me from saying the wrong thing back there.”

“No problem Harry,” she replied. “It’s what a good girlfriend does. Updating your wardrobe is part of that too. You’ll get some input on the new stuff but you cannot keep wearing such rags. Nor can you wear only things I’ve transfigured. It would look wrong if everything you wore was something from my imagination. We want you to look good but like yourself. Understand?”

“I think so,” Harry said. “I’m just glad I don’t have to do all this updating by myself. I’d make a hash of it for sure!”

Daphne kissed his cheek, “No worries Potter. I’ll be your guide to fashion and understanding high society. I may not like them any better than you but I know how to keep them from dismissing you out of hand and listen to what you have to say. You have tremendous potential influence, you just need to learn how to use it.”
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