Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > For Anyone Who Reads My Stories

Update thingy.

by intoyouricyblues 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-05-27 - 172 words

Thank you for trying to help me. It means a lot.

I'm scared that he'll hurt me again. Like last night. So, he found out that I was on here. You kind of know what happened after that. I'm sneaking my mom's computer right now to put this up.

She hates me too. And don't try and say she doesn't, she's said it. She hates me because I'm a fag, and because my grades are low, and because I'm not like her. She's less worse then my dad, but she'll still hit me now and then.

I'm telling the police again. Well, via a note pad. If you didn't already know, I'm mute. So it just makes it even harder to call for help. My dad takes advantage of that.

I'm probably going to get sent to that orphange, but whatever. Andything's better than here.

I miss Miles. I'm pretty sure my dad's been confiscating the letters he's sent, because he promised he'd write. It's been a a while since he left.
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