Categories > TV > Doctor Who > A Companion's Diary: My Adventures With the Doctor
“Now do you believe me?” I asked him. I already knew the answer from the look on his face.
“Yes I believe you! But this is bad…very bad. Last I checked I was on my way to the Nebula of the Cosmic Sentinels and next thing I’m here! On Earth! In an alternate universe! It’s impossible! I should know… I’ve tried everything to find Rose. Now I’m in an alternate universe and it’s not even the right one,” he said sadly. I felt bad for him. Where was the babbling, endearing Doctor I knew? This one was all…melancholy and depressed.
“Doctor…I don’t think you’re going to solve anything by moping. You don’t realize this, but the TARDIS doesn’t take you where you want to go…it takes you where you need to go. So for some reason you’re here…in my basement…where I’m home alone…and you have a time machine. No one would even know I’m gone.”
“Just what are you trying to say here? You can’t be any older than fourteen. You have a family, and an ordinary life. I can’t put your life in danger when you still have so long to live.”
“What I’m saying is…maybe I can help. You were brought to my house for a reason. Weird stuff has been happening to me lately as well. I’ll forget what I was doing a second earlier. Little things have been disappearing. And now this! The TARDIS brought you here! Not some random house that belongs to people who wouldn’t know who you were. Here. To me. That’s got to mean something.”
“It does mean something. You’re probably more important in all this than we realize, but you’re just too young! You have your whole life in front of you! I can’t take that away.”
“A life of what? Boredom? All my life, I’ve imagined that there was something more out there. Not just going to school, more school, and working a boring nine-to-five job that I’d hate. I imagined that I’d see the stars, do impossible things full of action and adventure and near death experiences. Magic, romance, sonic screwdrivers! Anything and everything extraordinary. Now that I know it exists, I’m not letting this opportunity escape.” I pushed past him and walked straight into the TARDIS.
“Go on and say it, you know you want to…” said the Doctor resignedly. He couldn’t argue with a stubborn teenage girl and he knew it.
“What? That it’s bigger on the inside? I already knew that. What I want to see is just how much bigger. I want to find the swimming pool and the library. I want to fly through the time vortex going anywhere in all of time and space. I want to do amazing and nearly impossible things, see impossible creatures and planets. And most of all I want to do it by your side Doctor. I think the TARDIS brought you to me because I was meant to be your companion.”
“I think that may be taking it a bit far. The whole world doesn’t revolve around you.”
“How do you know? This universe just might. After all, Donna was just a temp and yet she was the most important woman in your universe.”
“Alright, alright, fine. One trip only. After all, I only take the best of the best.”
“Is this a Martha Jones one trip, or a one trip one trip.”
“I’m not sure yet. I do find it odd that you know this much about my life though. This could prove to be interesting if uncomfortable.”
“Think of it this way, you don’t have to start over. In fact, I know more about your future than even you do.”
“Please don’t tell me. That could create a massive paradox and…” he trailed off as I shot him a glare.
“I know perfectly well what could happen. And I won’t tell you. Spoilers, remember?”
He shuddered. “Please stop saying that. You sound like River when you do. One River is quite enough. Where to? Forward or back?”
“Back,” I replied. “I have always preferred historical episodes of the show, not that the future ones aren’t great. I just think that we are less likely to run into Daleks or Cybermen in the past.”
“Seems logical. But time isn’t just a straight line. From a nonlinear nonsubjective point of view time is more of a wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey ball of…”
“Stuff, yes, yes I know. Anything could happen. Come on, allons-y! Lets get this show on the road!”
My first trip on the TARDIS was relatively uneventful, if bumpy. That is, until we actually opened the doors. The Doctor refused to check the scanner first, saying it would ruin the surprise. I wasn’t sure if he meant just for me or for him too. I’m leaning toward the latter. I stumbled out of the TARDIS, and was almost immediately assaulted. I screamed for the Doctor, and very quickly, my mouth was covered by a very big, very alien hand. I kicked and thrashed, and screamed unheard. The Doctor was still mucking about with some piece of machinery inside, and didn’t notice me being kidnapped. That daft man. He never even asked my name.
I kicked and struggled and kicked some more. I felt something pierce my neck and my body began to relax against my will. I fought the haze with all my might but it was fruitless. My last thought before I passed out cold was ‘Doctor, I’m sorry. This was all my fault.’
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