Categories > Celebrities > Beatles

Anytime At All

by BeatleBug 0 reviews

Brian and John encounter a rude man on their holiday in Spain.

Category: Beatles - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Characters: John Lennon - Published: 2013-05-31 - 1175 words - Complete

Brian awoke to something cold and hard on his face. He shivered and picked it up. It was a piece of raw meat. “What the...”

“Oh hey, Eppy,” John said in the doorway, sipping a cup of tea. Brian lifted himself up and realized he was back in their hotel room in Spain, resting on his bed. He noticed the night creeping into the room, and John turned on a lamp.

“Wh-What happened?” Brian asked, adjusting to the sudden brightness. “How’d I get back here?”

“I brought you back,” John said. “That is, after I straightened out that idiot.” He chuckled a bit and walked over to him.

“How?” John sat in a chair next to Brian’s bed.

“Don’t worry about it,” John replied with a wink. “Just be happy you’re fine. Your eye’ll get better within a few days or so.”

“My eye?” Brian brought his finger to it and yelped.

“Yeah. That guy had quite an arm.”

“What guy?”

“Ya mean you don’t remember?”

“What are you talking about? What happened? Who did this?”

“Calm down, Brian! I’ll tuck you in and tell you the bedtime story in a minute!”

Brian grumbled and did as John told him; he was a bit chilly, now that he thought about it. John settled a bit more in his seat and looked at the older man, who had been ridiculed for who he was.


“Perfect day for being in the sun, isn’t it, Ep?”

“Yeah,” Brian said as he put more sunscreen on his arms, “if you were stuck in Antarctica for three years. How’d you get me to come out here again?”

“I told you about how cool the water must feel on your skin,” John reminded. “Plus, what if someone got into our hotel room and knew who you were? You’d need someone to protect you, wouldn’t you?”

Brian rolled his eyes. “I’d be fine,” he scowled, “but wouldn’t they be more focused on where you were?”

“Yeah,” John said. “And they’d find ways to get you to tell them.”

Brian sighed. “I suppose so...” Suddenly another individual caught his eye and he couldn’t help but stare for a moment. John followed Brian’s brief gaze and noticed an attractive man (or at least one that he thought could be considered an attractive man, for he couldn’t tell). A smile rose from the corner of his mouth and he looked at his manager.

“You like ‘im, don’t you, Eppy?” John asked slyly.

Brian made a soft chuckle. “He’s probably taken.”

“What about that one?” John asked, nudging him toward another man.

“He’s a bit too short.”

“So you wouldn’t be interested in Ringo, eh?”


John laughed. “How about ‘im?”

“Good lord, no!”

Their little matching game went on for a few more minutes.

“Would you even consider that one?” John asked, looking at a larger man.

“Oh, come now, John, this is getting silly. Why don’t we get into the water?”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to do earlier! C’mon!” John ran to the water, while Brain calmly walked. Right before he could get into the water, John had covered bits of him in the water.

“John, stop splashing me”.

“Aw, Eppy, lighten up! It’s only water! Doesn’t it feel nice on yer boiling skin?”

“I guess so...”

“Well don’t just stand there, get in! Or else I’ll have to make ya get in!”

Before he could protest, John quickly grabbed Brian and pulled him into the water. At first, he just laid in the water, glaring up at John. Then, a smile cracked his frown, and he started laughing with John.

As the boys enjoyed their swim, the first man Brian had noticed watched closely. His face was grim as he slowly made his way to them. He cleared his throat to grab their attention. The two men looked up from their fun.

“Oh... H-Hello...” Brian said, trying to maintain himself. “Can we help you?”

“Yeah,” the man said. “You can start by leaving this beach.”

“What the fuck?” John asked. “We’re allowed to be here as much as you are!”

“I’m warning you,” the man said in his teeth. “We don’t need the likes of you here. There’re children that swim here, too, y’know!”

“Well, I’m so fucking sorry my fucking language isn’t so fucking proper!” John shot back.

“I’m not talking about that,” the man hissed. “I’m talking about the queers that won’t leave!”

“Queers?!” John asked. “I’m not queer! Just ‘im!”

“John, shut it,” Brian said.

“Oh, so it’s just this little pipsqueak, eh?” the man said, grabbing Brian.

“Let me go!” Brian cried.

“I will,” said the man, “if you get out and promise to stay out!”

“Sod off, ya arse!” John shouted, trying to get Brian out of his arms.

“Stay out of this!” the man replied, kicking John down into the water.

Brian squirmed more and tried to push his way out of the man’s grip. He was dying to flee, but he couldn’t just leave John, nor could he prove to him he wasn’t strong enough.

“L-Let me go... Sh-Shit face!” Brian said. The phrase felt weird on his tongue.

“Oh, so now you’re going to try some insulting?” the man said as Brian looked down to check on John. “You son of a bitch!” John came back to the surface all right, and Brian sighed in relief.

“BRIAN!” John shouted, scrambling up. Unfortunately, the younger man was too late. Right when Brian turned back to the man, he felt himself being pushed away, and darkness filled his sight.


Brian was speechless. John had finished his tea, and was now coming back into the room with tea for him. “Maybe this’ll get you to stop gaping into space,” he said as he handed him the cup. Brian sipped slowly and swallowed. They sat in silence for a few minutes until John rose up from his chair.

“Well, I’m gonna get ready for bed,” he said, leaving the room. “It’s getting too late for me.”

“John, wait,” Brian insisted. John sighed and stood in his doorway.

“Yeah?” he asked impatiently.

“Thank you,” Brian said with a small hesitation.

“Ah, it was nothing,” John said with a shrug. “Don’t worry about it.”

“No... I... I really mean it... Thank you...”

“Anytime. No problem.”

“If you say so... But... We don’t need to mention this to the others... Do we?”

“If you don’t want to, your secret’s safe with me.”

“Thanks.” Brian said with a small smile. “I appreciate it.”

“Again, no problem.”

From that day forward, Brian put up with whatever John had given him; after all, it seemed he did need John a little more than he had realized, and that day had proved it.
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