Categories > Original > Humor

A Formal Introduction

by IRemainUnknown 4 reviews

So you want to learn more about me huh? Here's your chance...don't blame me if you suddenly come out more fucked up after reading this though.

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-06-06 - Updated: 2013-06-24 - 636 words

This is my formal introduction; a way for all of you, to have a chance to get to know me a bit better, for right now I probably seem like some creepy bitch.
I'm not by the way; it's more of "don't fuck with me or my friends and we'll be good"

So here we go.

I'm Sam, Sam Fuckin' Alexx
You all should know this

I know I have like 2 other accounts (Sam41/NothingToProve) Why?
I need an escape blah blah blah
Alter egos
Blah blah blah
This is my
Original fiction
Sad shit
Account, so my warning to you about the things I'll post

I am currently 15 years old (My birthday being January 17th)

My relationship status, isn't something I quite enjoy talking about; mainly because my love life fucking sucks
I've given up on dating.
Why? Oh why would someone give up on finding a love and all that sappy shit.

Because this has happened, 3 FUCKING TIMES
What happened "3 FUCKING TIMES"?

I've been left for someone else
The person I've dated talks about being happy with me
Happier than hell dating me
How they love and care about me
Only for it to crumble and fuck up

No this isn't caused by an amazing person on this site

How about a story?

I was.../was/ dating this guy
Happy as fuck because I got that second chance; FUCK YEAAAH!
I was actually thinking life was getting better, as I made a promise not to self harm, or act on my suicidal tendancies
He was the reason why I did so
This lasted about a week.

Not even 2 seconds ago (while I was going back and forth between editing a bunch of my stuff posted on here and studying/last minute homework shit); he texts me (as he's at school and I at home)

"I'm going to be honest, I love someone else. I've loved them before we got together"
Pretty much what he said

Which leads me to think

I'm un-loveable
I've given up on that shit
Why keep trying to get hurt?

I am content with being alone, I think.

I have a large list of bands I like
Which are usually metal and punk/pop punk
With the exception of bands like You Me At Six who have more of an Alternative sound

I honestly couldn't choose a favorite author for the life of me, for I've seen many great authors, with so much potential come and go. I just can't seem to find a favorite or two

The fanfiction part is the same. Usually if it's well written, has a good, original plot line and well described original characters, I will consider it my favorite.
I more enjoy angsty stuff though, for no reason in particular. It just seems to relate to me most.

My face? No, my face will scar you for life.
Make your eyes melt and seep out of your skull
Cause young children to cry
And above all else; you'll see who I am, what I fucking look like. Rather than what I want to look like.

I have no confidence or self esteem.

I'll write original, sad, shit
And songs
But mostly original.

Call me whatever you want
No joke, I am sitting here like gah
It hasn't been a good week

Fail a math final
Get screamed at for a couple hours on how "fucking stupid" I am and how I fuck everything up

Get great marks in social (well, I don't know my final mark)
Nothing, they don't give a fuck

Don't hand something in for science,

End of story

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