Categories > Original > Poetry

Happy Place

by Polka-Dotted-Sock 0 reviews

Original poem, rate, review! :)

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Published: 2013-06-07 - 99 words - Complete

Neon colors
And cotton like clouds
Paint out the sky
And make me feel so amazing inside

It takes my breath
But in the way that makes me feel alive
Through all the rough times
The sky became my life line

With a cool spring breeze
Carrying and spreading smells
Of life filled flowers and rippling water
I can only feel free

The sunset fades away
And all around creeps in
As a pitch black sea
And sounds of lone crickets

I still can't help
To indulge myself in the thought
That this kind of sky
Is my favorite
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