Categories > Original > Poetry > Series of My Messed Up Poems


by totheark 0 reviews

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-06-17 - 192 words

I am fearful.
I have many fears.
All of them boil down to one.
I am afraid.
Afraid of the incompetence that seems unavoidable.
Afraid of contracting the disease of laziness from others.
Afraid of not doing so and being labeled.
Afraid of being labeled and cast aside.
Afraid of being cast aside to rot.
Afraid of rotting into nothing.
Afraid of being nothing.
Afraid of nothing being made into everything.
Afraid of everything becoming a patchwork quilty.
Afraid of a patchwork quilt that is unreadable.
Afraid of unreadability being adopted as the currency of morality.
Afraid of morality becoming immoral.
Afraid of accepting the immoral because of the impossibilty of a personal moral code.
Afraid of my personal code becoming as mangled as politics.
Afraid of a world that had come to rely on political tatics for communication of everything.
Afraid of political tatics that streches words to say everything without saying anything.
Afraid of words being streched and soon becoming meaningless.
Afraid of the words I consist of becoming meaningless.
Afraid of in turn becoming meaningless.

"So she killed the man who wanted to exist without the responsibility of consciousness."
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