Categories > Original > Drama

Life Goes On

by DeJaSins 0 reviews

A future me writing to my Grandchild. Inspirational

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2013-06-29 - 551 words - Complete

My sweet, beloved child,

Although I wish to speak these words to you in person, I can not deny the fact that my time upon this land is waning. Because of this fact, dear child, I leave you my words in writing.

One miserable thing that I’ve learned from living in this world is that life is full of unexpected and perilous turmoil, such as the some of the events I’ve experienced which had shaped me into the person that I was: A troubled teenager ensnared in confusion over her identity, purpose in life as well as place in the world around her. At the time, I felt as if each day I stumbled around unconsciously searching for my purpose in this world, my fate. Along the way, I had suffered horrors which forced me to recognize the absolute malignant world which we live in. Because of these events, I had begun to look at the world, nay at man, with utter disgust, fear and even loathing. I felt incompetent as a human, and incomplete as a person. But then I found a purpose, I found my identity, my voice and place here in this world, most importantly, I found a way in which I could improve this world, help those who were in need of it. I found something that I could dedicate my life to, and I did this all through music. My music has reached out to millions of hearts and created a bridge for those hearts to connect to others so that they can change and possibly even save their lives. I tell you this not to brag about my accomplishments but to inspire you to begin your own. There were so many times when I pondered if my life weren’t merely existence, and if my body were merely filling up space in this world. I pondered these thoughts so often that I started believing them to be true. But then one glorious day, I looked into the mirror and saw every single flaw about myself and I smiled. I smiled because I realized that my flaws were my identity! I realized that all the problems and hardships that I had faced were merely events in my life and once those events passed life would go on. I left that mirror and all of my confusion, anger and bitter memories and carried with me my new identity, flaws and all. Do not mistake my words. I am not suggesting that this epiphany has made this world a utopia or even that it has exorcised all morbid thoughts from my mind However this motto, with which I now live my life by, has made overcoming obstacles and uncertainties feasible. My dearest grandchild, the purpose of this letter is to inspire and hasten you to find your own manner of living through these merciless times, it is meant to be a type of solace to you whenever you find yourself in a dystopia or a nightmare that you cant seem to awaken from. My love, I am not long for this world, so I bequeathed this letter upon you so that you shall always have a piece of me beside you when I am gone. My child, I beseech you to always remember; Life goes on.
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