Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Powerless

To Save a Life

by GettingHighOnCyanide 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2013-06-30 - 1964 words - Complete

A/N: I may or may not have cried while writing parts of this.
Song of the chapter: Wherever You Will Go - The Calling

“You fucked up. Big time.” The man announced, playing with the pistol between his fingers. “I must say though, you’ve had quite the career. 8 years.”

Gerard’s head was hung low; his eyes refusing to meet either myself or his boss.

“You know what I’m talking about, don’t you?”

He hesitated, pushing his hair behind his ear nervously.


“You should know what I’m fucking talking about!” The man screamed, grabbing him by the collar. “The car, Way! The fucking car!”

“Frank, get out of here…” Gerard choked out.

“You stay right here, kid. Or you’ll end up right beside this guy here.”

I have nothing without Gerard. Wherever he goes, I go.

“Remember your little border buddy?” The man snarled. “Well, they got him. Interrogated the shit out of him, and threw him in jail for life. How do you feel about that?”

“I-I didn’t-“ Gerard struggled.

“Oh yes… yes you did. You caused such a scene that there were guards watching every single damn border crack by the time he tried to get back in.”

The man loosened his grip slightly.

“Quite frankly, I’m surprised. You were always so good at what you did. They’ve got enough information from Jay to track you down within the week. And you know what happens then?” He cooed patronizingly. “You, my star man, will be the one to cause the downfall of our entire business. We’ll all go to jail.”

“Don’t hurt Frank.” Gerard said quietly.

“I’m not planning to.”

The man pulled him in closer and held the gun against his chest.

Do something, for fuck’s sake! He's about to get his guts blown out!

“I-I’ve got an idea!” I exclaimed. “But I’ll need a few minutes.”

“Iero, I’m not stupid. There’s a reason I’ve kept this going for so long, and it’s the same reason I can’t let Way get away with this.”

God, I’ve never been a praying man, but right now I’m begging you not to let this happen.

“Thanks for the good times.” The man smirked, seconds before pulling the trigger.

What happened after that was a blur. There was a gunshot, and a scream, and the man that I now hated with every fibre of my being crawled up the ladder, leaving Gerard to die and me to watch him.

“Gerard, I-“ I screamed, collapsing beside him on the ground.

A pool of blood surrounded his wound, soaking through his clothes and dripping down onto the cold ground. His breaths were short and heavy; he didn’t have much time left.

“G-Gerard, can you hear me?” I cried, pulling at his limp arm.

He gasped in pain and nodded his head slowly.

“I-I’m sorry-“ I said, frantically trying to figure out a way to save him. “C-Can you get up?”

He whimpered, trying to sit up on his own. Strong of a person as he was, there’s only so much pain a human can take; but he tried so hard to challenge that.

“You’re doing great, just a bit more…”

I placed my hand on his back for support, although he did most of the work by himself. Countless times he has amazed me and defied the odds; this time was no different.

“R-Remember that time you shot me and then made me walk to the car?” I smiled, wiping the tears from my eyes. “I had to trust that you would take care of me, even though I was in pain. You have to trust me this time, Gerard. I don’t want you to die…”

He held his hands out in front of him. I got up and slowly, gently pulled him up with me. He collapsed into my arms, tears pouring down his face. I helped him over to the ladder, and told him to hang on to it while I went to get help.

“Stay there, please just stay with me. I’ll be back in a minute, I need someone to help…”

I climbed the ladder recklessly and ran to find someone; anyone who would be willing to help a dying man.

“I need help!” I screamed into the crowd of drag queens surrounding me. “G-Ger… Alejandro is bleeding to death, and I can’t get him up the ladder on my own.”

As soon as the right name left my lips, a dozen or so queens were more than willing to help me. They followed me to the hole, and climbed down without me even having to tell them to.

“B-Be careful…” I whispered.

A few minutes passed before Gerard was passed from the top of the ladder into my arms. The drag queens acted as crisis workers, doing everything they could to help me and save Gerard.

“Out of the way!” One of them yelled! “He’s dying!”

Wait, they do speak English.

“Follow me, you can take my car!” Another said to me, taking the lead position.

Stop thinking about that, Frank. Gerard is bleeding to death.

We burst through the doors and entered the foreign grounds of the outside world. They helped me get Gerard into the car; I got into the front seat, and the keys were tossed to me from outside the window.

“Follow the main road, there’s a hospital 10 minutes down!”

“Thank you, everyone!” I called out to them as I pulled out hurriedly. “Wish us luck!”

They waved to us as I drove away. I looked back at Gerard, who was at this point lying motionlessly in the back seat. The queens had wrapped a strip of fabric around his torso, decreasing the bleeding to some degree; but nothing could change the fact that he had already lost a potentially fatal amount of blood.

“Gerard, we’re gonna get you to a hospital, and you’re gonna be okay, I promise you.” I cried, returning my eyes to the road. “Just stay with me, please.”

Tires screeched from every direction as I slammed my foot on the acceleration, just now realizing that all my reckless driving xbox games just might be coming in handy.

The nurses got Gerard onto a stretcher and rushed him up to emergency. I followed them, as I didn’t dare leave Gerard for a second; just in case he didn’t make it another second.

“Lesiones tiroteo fatal.” One of them said to the doctor. “Está inconsciente.”

They transferred him onto the table.

“Do any of you speak English?” I asked, hoping to God that it was another case of the drag queens.

“No lo entiendo?” The doctor said, looking confused.

Damn it!

“Tienes que irte. Vamos a ir a buscarte cuando hayamos terminado." The nurse said.

“Uh-uh… no comprende?” I said, waving my hands around involuntarily in hopes that they would understand me somehow.

Another nurse took me by the arm and led me out of the room and into the nearby waiting room. She held her hands to her mouth and then pointed at me, trying to communicate what I took as “we will call you”.

Good enough. Just take care of him; I can’t afford to lose him.

“Gracias.” I said, using what little Spanish vocabulary I had.

She returned to the operating room and I sat and waited for what felt like the longest 2 hours of my life. 2 hours of not only wondering if my everything, my best friend was going to survive the next few crucial hours, but also wondering how the hell all of this happened in what seemed all of a sudden seemed like the blink of an eye.

One minute I was in Chicago, living the shitty life that I had ever since I left the hell hole I called home. And although it was shitty, I was happy, in a sense. Every day was the same, every day was constant; I never had to wonder if everything would change by the next morning, or if I would be able to put food on the table or pay my rent. And then what do you know, before I even fully realize what’s happening, I’m in the possession of a psycho killer, who I later fall in love with.
And now, everything that I had back in Chicago, every constant, is far gone. Forget whether I can buy food or pay the rent, half the time I’m not sure if I’ll be alive to think about that stuff the next morning. I am literally a wanted criminal; a far cry from the comic store guy everyone back there knew me as.
I may not have constants anymore, but one thing I do have now that was merely an empty hole before, is someone to love. Until I met Gerard, it was fuck ‘em and leave ‘em. No such thing as love or caring, or anything of that sort. I figured it would be a mere hindrance to my career… that it would take up too much of my time and energy to feel so strongly about someone. What I’ve learned though, in more ways that one, is that you truly do have to experience something for yourself in order to understand it. As I started to fall for Gerard, I found myself wanting to spend as much time with him as I possibly could. I wanted to give him my everything, physically and emotionally. And did it seem like a hindrance or a chore? No. That’s why they can’t let him die in there. I need him.

The nurse opened the waiting room door timidly and gestured for me to follow her. She led me into Gerard’s room, and closed the door behind me.

“G-Gerard?” I stuttered in disbelief that he appeared so alive and well.

“Shut up and come here.” He smiled, stretching his arms out for me.

I ran over and hugged him as tight as I dared, what with the IV cords and all. His grip was as tight and secure as it ever was; like he hadn’t changed at all. You’d think a bullet through the chest would trigger something like a change of heart or mind, but Gerard was the type of person that wasn’t changed easily. Like his life that he had brought me into, nothing was constant. And it was normal.

“A-Are you okay?” I asked, wiping the tears from my eyes as I sat down in the chair beside his bed. “You almost died back there.”

“Thanks to you and the doctors, I’ll be just fine in the matter of a couple of days.” He grinned proudly. “You do know that if you hadn’t done what you did, I wouldn’t be here right now, right?”

“The drag queens did it!” I laughed.

“Oh fucking shut up. You got them and risked your damn life for me.” He said, reaching out for my hand. “Oh, and sorry for shooting you that time.”

“You remembered what I said?”

“I had no choice.”

He held my smaller hand in his and stroked it gently with his smooth fingers.

“We’re done there.” He sighed. “You got us, and likely most of the others out of a remaining life of crime. Do you know how big that is?”

“We’re all going to jail though...”

“One advantage of being the tough mafia guy: I can beat up any guys who lay a fucking hand on you.”

Something tells me we’re gonna be just fine.
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