Categories > Books > Harry Potter

thats all it takes

by Ijuatliketoread 0 reviews

Cornered by voldemort and his deatheaters what will harry do? Oneshot

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Characters: Harry - Published: 2013-07-02 - 419 words - Complete

Disclaimer:yeah I'm just a guy that enjoys reading so in no way possible am the esteemed J.K.R nor do I own any of the Harry Potter universe.

Summary: just a little something. My first fic ever really. Sooooo I'm def open to some advice. Thanks and enjoy.

   i rolled out from under the table wand in hand, and began to fire reductor curses as the shadows grew closer, then i heard a deep chilling voice that was as smooth as silk but as laced with pure evil as lucifer himself.

   "this silly game of cat and mouse is getting us no where. why dont you just drop your wand and come out here so we can talk no one will hurt you." Cooed the shade wrapped in the cloak.

   i inched out from my hiding place with thousands of scenarios racing through my mind each one seeming to end more wrong and painful than the last.

  "Reducto." cried one of the shades followers. the table slightly to my left blew apart into millions of  splinters and dust.

   "I wont be hurt huh, ha i dont think your cronies got that memo." i yelled from behind the desk trying to sound alot stronger and braver than i actaully felt.

  "CRUCIO. You fool, none shall harm him but I" He hissed out as the death eater that was Avery screamed and thrashed about on the floor.

"I do say tommy if you continue to treat your friends this way youll have none left". I mocked as I racked my mental repretoir of spells.

   As i heard the the shuffling of feet getting closer and closer I sucked in a breath that I was sure to be my last rolled out into the opening between the desk I was currently hiding behind and began to unleash every spell I ever heard of.

"CONFRINGO, EXPLOSIO, INFERNO FLAGERRITAE, EXPELLARIURMUS, THUNDAGA, SECTUMSEMPRA". I yelled in rapid succession watching as death eater after death eater hit the ground. Not even watching what spells connected and what spells and which spells didnt I began to sprint to the door to my immediate right as I saw the acid green avada kadevra curse fly past my head and disintegrate nearby book shelves and tables.

   Only a couple more feet and I was beyound the apparation wards. As I thought destination, determination, and, dedication I spent in mid air and with a loud crack I was gone leaving behind a n infuriated lord voldemort screaming, "POTTER"!!!!
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