Categories > Original > Drama

Daughter of?

by ShesFalling 0 reviews

Blargh zombies

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2013-07-03 - 540 words

"Fucking rain" Alyssa mumbled as she drove along the almost empty motorway. Cars were dotted around here and there, deserted. It had been two months since the outbreak and her town was near empty. Her window wipers swished from side to side, clearing her view for just a few seconds before a constellation of raindrops regrouped on the window screen of her Fiat Punto. She picked up speed a little, trying to get to her destination before morning but she was soon stopped dead in her tracks when someone - or something - hit her car. Hard. She heard the meaty thump against her bonnet and the groan, inhumane groan, afterwards. If there was one thing Alyssa had learnt in the passed two months it was that no matter what happened, it was every man for themselves and under no circumstances should she stop to help anyone. And she'd stuck to that rule. With a quick reverse, she was back in drive, carrying on.


"Ollie, don't answer the door" Tyler said, Eve looked at him under her heavy layer of eyeliner. It made her look tough but she was just as scared as everyone else.

"Get the gun" Ollie replied quietly,

"Wait wait wait, why would they knock?" Eve asked, both of the boys looked at each other, Ollie shook his head,

"Get the gun anyway, i'm not taking any chances" Tyler nodded and quickly jogged upstairs, returning in a few seconds with a double barrel shotgun. "Stand back" Ollie instructed. Carefully, he reached for the lock and swung the door open, Tyler quickly dropped the gun.

"Safe" he said, stepping forward and pulling the small drenched girl inside the house. Ollie looked at Eve, one eyebrow raised in question, she shrugged and turned back to Tyler who had his arms wrapped around the soaking wet person. "Eve, Ollie, this is my cousin, Alyssa" he stepped back to present his relative. Ollie looked her up and down slowly. She was wearing clunky military like boots,

"They're not very good for running in when you have to" he mumbled,

"No, but they hurt when i need to do some damage" she replied, folding her arms. She wore camoflauge trousers,

"Are you in the army?" Eve asked,

"Nope, but it doesn't stop me from having the discipline and attitude of someone who is" Alyssa replied confidently, Eve nodded, intrigued by the stranger. Her top half attire was very different from the bottom, she wore a white vest under a leather jacket and her choppy red hair was up in a fearsome looking ponytail. Ollie grunted slightly before leaving the hallway. Tyler rolled his eyes at his bestfriends typicalness before turning back to his cousin,

"Where are all of your things?" He asked,

"The car. I figured it would be a smarter idea to leave them in there until tonight, it'll be light soon" Tyler nodded in agreement and watched her put a black rucksack on the floor.

"What's that?" Eve asked, nodding at it,

"Oh, just a few change of clothes" Alyssa smiled in reply, Tyler inhaled deeply and rubbed his hands together,

"Right, i best show you to your new room" he said, picking the bag up and leading her upstairs.
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