Categories > Original > Poetry


by BipolarUnicorn 0 reviews

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-07-04 - 168 words

her voice makes my lip tremble
shes a tough wall to climb
her breathe is removed from the summer
jacket slung over her shoulders
still cold from winter
its about time the night is bright again

shes a new star
she shines so bright
she couldn't see her wings
only blinded by her tears

But in time
she realized she was a butterfly
each time one fluttered by

millions of stars fill the sky
and lead you home to me
nonsense lies
stuck on webs like flies
blades hidden underneath the pillow
while she sleeps under the canaries nest

shes a new star
she shines so bright
she couldn't see her wings
only blinded by her tears

But in time,
she realized she was a butterfly
each time one fluttered by

some days when it rain
the pellets hit her wings
sending her into a downward spiral

shes a new star
she shines so bright
a caterpillar
ready to beautify the night
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