Categories > Original > Drama

Looking For Jack

by EternalGlory 0 reviews

Jack walks alone around barricaded America. The once familiar dusty sands are replaced with towering electric fences, designed to keep people like him from getting back in. Turns out, everybody's l...

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-07-04 - 1451 words - Complete

Written by Josie King
Looking For Jack

2019, a year defined by division and disconnection. The open lands of America had become heavily separated, tall, towering electric fences, the last remaining partition of the world. Barbed wire lay menacingly and the distinct sound of electronic gunfire could be heard sharply upon the orange horizon. A hazy hue hung densely over the area like a pungent smell that held on through most attempts of abolishment. The rush of dusty air surged at your face leaving you disconcerted with no sense of direction. This wasn’t a dream. As the sun sank deep into the rolling sands, the greeting of night graced the desert. It wasn’t always like this; the air never used to hang so heavy with uncertainty. Before everything, it was an idyllic, tranquil setting, fueled by the luxury of open spaces. The sun scorched down upon the warm dusty air with a sense of happiness and unity. Feelings of contentment rang throughout the entirety of the small yet strong town. What could have possibly gone wrong? Jealousy, fueled by extreme anger led to the aftermath. An aftermath so horrifying, words would never captivate any similar description. The flickering light in the distance behind the threatening fence was a brutal reminder of what happened here. It shaped the future; it shaped the people.

Alone, a wandering soldier, Jack Callaghan, was searching desperately for some kind of reassurance; a reassurance that would comfort him from the extreme heat and the thoughts of disownment. He wandered aimlessly for a while longer until his feet could carry him no more. He slumped down underneath a rock, casting a perfect shadow, offering security and protection from the fiery climate. Perfectly in front of him, was a darkened view of the dominant barricade that separated him from his old life. His eyes misted with the disappointment as he ran over the same thoughts endlessly. He missed the old America; the free America. Where he could live to his heart’s content, with his family. Ever since the world had come crashing down and emotions of intense envy and greed had taken over, Jack had become a victim. Thrown out and with no one else to guide him, he wondered constantly of his existence and importance. He took a sip of water from his old, brass canteen allowing a refreshing feeling to revive him. For a brief second he closed his eyes.

“If they’re here, we’ll find ‘em.”

Jack stopped breathing for a brief second. Careful not to move and attract attention, he cautiously searched for the source of the voice. To his far left, walking parallel to that of the fence, were two soldiers, both averagely built but with the most advanced technology slung over their backs that anyone could ever own. He instantly recognised the symbol located upon their uniforms. These were the people who had taken over, driven him away. He hated them incessantly. Jack knew that if they found him, his life would be cut short. “You are banished and if any sight of you is ever gained in the vicinity, expect consequences.” Those were the orders he remembered, word by word, on the day of his trial. He began moving back, to camouflage into the rock face. The clambering of his canteen being knocked over triggered a frantic movement and startled him immensely. His heart began to race, his hands grew sweaty.
“It’s him.” The two soldiers had changed their path and were walking directly towards Jack’s location. The darkness swallowed him; he felt around for some kind of escape. Nothing. He was trapped. This was it, he’d manage to save his own life by escaping the trial yet he would lose it just metres from where it all began.
“Reveal yourself, I know you’re there.” The soldiers crept closer, engulfed and masked by the darkness. A cold wind blasted Jack. He wiped a tear from his eyes and shut them tightly. So this is how it ends.

“Take my hand.”
He turned sharply to see another man in the same uniform, before being dragged away into the night.

“So you mean to tell me, you’re offering to help?”
He gazed in confusion at the man, standing at a proud 6 foot, his hands slung over an electronic firearm. The black outline of a bare room complimented his brown, messy hair that covered one eye and his slender figure was a misleading stereotype of those usually within the army.
“Those people, they want to get you, they know you’re back. You won’t stand a chance out there.” he explained. Jack stared at the symbol upon his chest; it was a perfect match to the army of troops that caused his suffering. He couldn’t understand why this stranger, supposedly an enemy, had taken to protecting him. The man caught sight of Jack staring at the symbol on his chest.
“Oh. Well, you’re probably wondering-”
“Who even are you?” Jack interrupted.
The man took a brief second. He stared at him and noticed the worry, the suffering present in Jack’s eyes. He wiped back the hair covering one side of his face. His strong expression weakened, as if a part of him let go at the revealing. Instead of the typical eye, a deformed, stitched up mess of skin remained. He was blind in one eye.
“My name is Randall Hart and you need me. We owe each other. ” he sighed deeply. “Jack Callaghan, I need you.”
This was too much information to process and Jack awaited answers. He looked down to see his hands, not bound surprisingly.
“And why would that be?”
“I am the enemy. I shouldn’t be even attempting to communicate with you. My life was endangered by your actions. Technically, right at this moment, my hands should be around your throat sucking the remaining life out of you.”
Jack gulped.
“But I’m not. I could have left you to die, but I didn’t. I saved you because you’re important Jack Callaghan.”
“Why would I be important? Why am I even here? Is this some kind of joke, am I being re-sentenced? I am aren’t I, I knew it!”
Randall grabbed him “stop!” He relaxed and stepped back embarrassingly.
“I’m sorry.” he said. “The way you attempted to take back what was yours, break the divide-”
“I get it. It was stupid of me, completely irrational; heartless even.”
“It was the greatest idea anyone has ever thought up.”
A light flickered on revealing the room coated in a thick layer of dust and debris. Jack couldn’t make out what his intentions were.

“My army, they took your home, I understand that. I can only apologise. They, they killed my only remaining family too in a bid to get me to ‘man up’. I seek vengeance.”
It finally made sense to him. Retalliation, of course. His life had been saved in order to finish what he had started. Jack was a man of peace, he sought comfort in community. 6 months previously, an army had surged their town and held everyone captive. Their greed, their envy of other armies, led them to barricade them in and send out an incredibly clear message. They were in power; they had the control. In an attempt to rid them of their demanding degenerate ways, Jack attempted to bomb his hometown and take back what was his. His plan failed, he was caught and caused irreparable damage. He took a look at Randall’s face again. Jack had tried to kill him. He felt mildly sympathetic but then he thought back through the disturbing images that awaited him, of his family, the day the soldiers took over.

“I may not ever be able to forgive you nor will you ever feel comfortable with me, but together, we form an unlikely pairing. My family are gone, your family are gone. We’re alone and all because of one group of people.” Randall stared at Jack, his blue eyes clouded with disappointment.
The atmosphere grew tense. Jack stood strongly. He was known for being a fighter. It went silent. The only sounds that could be heard were the familiar gunfire outside of these four walls and the heavy breathing from each of them. Both had caused the other suffering. What other choice did Jack have?
“Okay.” Jack held out his hand, in agreement. Randall shook it accordingly.
“This may be just the beginning of a new life.”
Jack couldn’t focus on the future. Thoughts of the past only overwhelmed him.
“Finish what I started” Jack said. “Finish what I started.”
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