Categories > Anime/Manga > Bleach > Sleeping Cold

The Captains Meeting

by icegoddez333 0 reviews

Toshiro is feeling uneasy, so he doesn't complain when his lieutenant pushes him out of the barracks for a walk. While walking, he suddenly feels two spiritual pressures. One of them is a hollow. W...

Category: Bleach - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Matsumoto Rangiku - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2013-07-08 - 708 words

Toshiro’s POV
As she fell, she managed to say two words before blacking out. “Damn You.” Before she hit the ground he caught her and picked her up bridal style. Sun had officially set, and dusk was settling. He glanced down at her now peaceful face. Uta Kazume. She was definitely a mysterious figure. She was still gripping her zanpukuto tightly. I tried to tug it out of her grip, but she would not let go. I sighed. I have a feeling this girl is going to lead to trouble. Just like that Ichigo Kurosaki.

I ran back Toward the Seireitei. The head captain needed to see this girl. But she was injured, and he couldn’t present an injured girl to the head captain. He changed direction, heading towards the squad 4 barracks. Fortunately, He stopped in front of the seventh seat, Hanataro Yamada.

“C-Captain Hitsugaya! W-What are you doing here?” he looked down at the girl. “And who is she?” I held her out to Hanataro. “I have no time to explain. This girl’s name is Uta Kazume. She needs to be healed by the time I come back for her. Do not ask your captain or other squad members to help. I am sure you are capable.” He seemed flustered, but took the girl and laid her down in the room beside them. When he came out, he bowed and said “I’ll do my best Captain Hitsugaya.” I nodded and took off using flash step.

When I reached the 1st squad barracks, The Lieutenant was walking out of the captain’s office. He seemed surprised to see me. “Did you need something Captain Hitsugaya?” I gave him my usual stare. “Yes. Where is your captain?” He seemed surprised that I had asked. “He’s in his office.” He gestured towards it before walking off.

I pushed at the office doors, walking in. The head captain sat at his desk, watching me. “Captain Hitsugaya, what is going on?” I stood in front of him. “I need you to call a captains meeting sir, I can’t explain right now but please do it.” He stared at me for a while, judging my expression, even though I didn’t show you any. “Very well captain Hitsugaya.” I bowed quickly and said “Thank you” before rushing back to the squad 4 barracks.
As I arrived there, Hanataro Stepped away from the sleeping girl. “Hanataro.” He jumped and turned around. “Oh! C-Captain Hitsugaya! You were fast!” I glanced at the girl. “Is she completely healed?” He smiled. “Yep! She’s sleeping from exhaustion right now.” I went in and picked her up, then turned to the seventh seat. “Thank you for doing that. I’m sure you had other duties. Sorry to get in your way.” He seemed surprised. “N-No Captain! You weren’t in the way at all!” I nodded and flash stepped away.

I arrived at the captains meeting, pausing in front of the door to straighten myself up. When I entered the room, all eyes turned towards me, and several of them widened when they saw the girl I was carrying. I walked to the middle of the room and stopped. The head captain looked at me.

“Captain Hitsugaya, what is the meaning of this?” I placed they girl on the floor. “Sir. Earlier today, I was taking a walk to clear my head, because I had the strangest feeling something was going to happen. When I arrived at the Rukon District, I felt a hollows spiritual pressure. As I went to the confront it, I felt another spiritual pressure I didn’t recognize. When I arrived at the location of the hollow, I found a girl protecting a child. With a zanpukuto in her hand.” All the captains were shocked at this. As I described the fight, the captains put the dots together, looking down at the zanpukuto that the girl held in her hand. As I finished speaking I told them her name. “Her name is Uta Kazume.” The head captain looked at the child lying on the floor. He struck his cane on the floor once. “Awaken, Uta Kazume.” We all watched as the girl slowly sat up and opened her eyes.
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