Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The only hope for me is you.

The only hope for me is you.

by MCR_Lover12 0 reviews

Lilith was kicked out of her house at the age of 14 by her abusive father. She is now 17 and living on the streets, with only her job as a bar maid to get her money. One night, she is savagely atta...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-07-05 - Updated: 2013-07-05 - 364 words

Chapter one:

First chapter guys so if you like it can you review please. :)

I walked down the dark, empty street trying to find somewhere to sleep for the night. I get an uneasy feeling that there is someone following me so I increase my pace. The feeling does'nt wear off and soon I'm running, my trainers slamming down on to the hard pavement. My heart is machine gunning in my chest as I sprint down the pavement. I turn to run round the corner and slip, falling heavily onto the hot tarmac. I slam my head on the floor and graze both of my hands on the floor. I let out a gasp of pain as a searing pain takes over my body, starting with my head. I try to get up but I am knocked back down as the person that was behind me has caught up. They give me a hard kick in the side with the toe of their boot and dont even give me time to register the pain before they're grabbing hold of my arms and pulling me to my feet. They drag me into an alley way and I dont even have time to run before I see the glint of the knife in the light of the moon and then I feel a sharp pain in my side. They have stabbed me. I put my hand to my side and feel warm blood trickling through my fingers. I fall to the ground, my eyes wide open in shock. I try and grab hold of my attacker but they push my hand away and begin to walk out of the alleyway, their footsteps echoing in the silence.
"No" I cry, weakly "Dont go, please." But it's too late. I'm all alone. I try and stem the wound but it's no good, the blood continues to drip onto the floor beneath me. I feel light headed and dizzy so I just rest my head on the floor and fall into a deep, painless sleep....

That was really short simply because it was the first chapter, setting the scene and all
R&R's are greatly appreciated
Thank you
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