Categories > Original > Poetry

Look On The Brightside.

by MCR-99 21 reviews

Just look on the brightside, and you'll be alright.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Published: 2013-07-11 - 374 words

Look On The Brightside.

You all know the feeling of sadness, and you feel all alone. No one there to hold your hand, no one to guide you into the light and make you feel on top of the world. No one there to cheer you up. Yeah, we've all had that feeling.

That feeling where you want to just curl up into a ball and die, because no one would ever notice, right? No one would ever care? Well, you're wrong. Someone would actually care. That someone would be me.

So, if you feel like you are hated, not loved, there's one thing you gotta do. Stop, because you are loved, by me. If the world makes you feel tall, just remember these words: You're only as tall, as your heart will let you be. You're only as small, as the world lets you seem. When the going gets rough, and you feel like you may fall. Just look on the brightside, you're roughly six feet tall.

Just look on the brightside, and you'll be alright.

A/N: I'm happy again. I just remember to look on the brightside. :) so you got a happy me again, plus it's sunny so that's an ultimate mood booster by about 10+ moodlets. Yes, this is Sims Talk. I actually had a pretty good day today, beside the fact I got told off at lunch because I apparently had my music way too fucking loud, even though it was on full blast but with my shitty volume on my phone, it was medium. But, I turned it up when miss wasn't looking, but then it got deadly serious. She said 'turn it down or I take your phone away.'. No one, and I mean NO ONE takes away my phone. So, I was kinda like a little rebel today. Right. Off to download some songs. Rate and Review! (With happy positive things, if it gets sad I will internet-bitchslap you.) Peace and Cookies! XO Sadie. PS: I thought I lost my house-key today, but it was at the very back of my bag, as my bag has a lot of pockets and it's hard to remember where everything is. lol. such a wally. Right. Now I'm gone.
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