Categories > Anime/Manga > Neon Genesis Evangelion > Call of EVA: The NERV Incident


by Sairen 0 reviews

He lost friends and made new ones defending his adopted-homeland. Now he must save humanity. One war has ended and another begins. And what is NERV hiding? COD-MW X-over. AU. Formerly titled: The C...

Category: Neon Genesis Evangelion - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Romance - Characters: Rei Ayanami,Shinji Ikari - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2013-07-11 - 2516 words


Somewhere over Nottingham-Shire, United Kingdom…

Meanwhile, on the other side of the globe a team of Navy SEALs was being extracted from northern Scotland. The team had been working alongside British SAS commandos, Polish GROM and Russian Spetsnaz tracking down rogue Russian Naval Infantry that had been cut off just prior to the ceasefire. They had orders not to provoke an engagement. Instead, they were to locate the soldiers and an airlift team from the UN would arrive and ensure the wayward units stood down and left peacefully.

The SEALs and SAS were there to ensure the Russians played nice while the UN ensured that the Russian government lived up to its obligations. The Poles were there to act as a buffer and pseudo go-between for the Americans, English and Russians. If the beleaguered Russian units refused to comply with their orders then the SEALs and SAS were authorized to use whatever means to ensure their eventual cooperation, if not, then they'd be eliminated.

The ceasefire mandated that all Russian and American forces returned to their prewar positions. If a unit could not return under its own power and was still within the opposing nation's borders its position had to be submitted to the UN so that a joint retrieval force could extract it. In some areas in Alaska, and northern Canada, a few Russian units had to be forced to comply. One on Kodiak, Island was even eliminated down to the last man. This time, the Russians played ball. But that didn't make it a pleasure trip.

"That was a pain in the ass," the team's Chief Petty Officer said as the SEALs and SAS were on their way back to base on board an RAF HC-3 Chinook.

"No kidding," the medical Corpsman agreed. "Half the time I thought the Spetsnaz were going to shoot us instead of helping us round up their strays."

"Bloody politicians wanted Russia to take point," the SAS captain shrugged. "It was their people we were going after. And it would give the Russian's a chance to make nice. But, I agree. The Spetsnaz weren't exactly the most cheerful blokes about it." The radio crackled and the SEAL commander listened to his new orders.

"Okay, listen up," he said. "As soon as we're down at Hereford you Brits will be returning to your CO for debrief."
"What about us, sir?" A SEAL asked.

"We're to report to the USS Gerald Ford," the officer replied. "It's currently off the coast of Greenland. That's all they've said. Ostensibly we'll receive further orders on board."

Somewhere in Greenland…

Hours later the SEAL team, wearing arctic gear, HALO jumped from a C-2 transport into a remote area on the northern end of the island. There they proceeded towards a small encampment that consisted of three tin huts. It was a Russian outpost that was not disclosed to the UN as part of the ceasefire agreement. Furthermore it was set up in a neutral nation. That made it free game for the American special operatives.

They could eliminate the post and Russia could do nothing about it without admitting that it had violated not only the ceasefire but also the sovereignty of a neutral party. The team split up and would hit the camp from two sides. "Red Team," the first group announced. "In position."

"Roger," the SEAL lieutenant replied. "On my signal. Three…two…" Safeties were flipped off of four AT4 rocket launchers. "One…FIRE!" Four rockets shot out into the camp. Two targeted the generator and the Ka-60 helicopter. The other two impacted the sleeping quarters for the Russian soldiers. "Red team, hold position. Blue team, attack!" And with that, the commander led his group into the encampment.

"Target! Ten O'clock!" A SEAL announced. A burst from his SCAR dropped the Russian soldier. They entered the first hut and dropped the three Russians who were inside before they could get to their rifles.

"Clear!" The lieutenant announced. "Moving on!"

"Movement," the marksmen from Red team announced. "Outside the next hut." Long range fire from their SCARs dropped four Russians who tried to assault the other hut. "You're clear, go!"

"Roger." The SEALs filed outside and stacked up on the opposite end of the hut from where the Russians had been sniped. "Prep a banger!" A SEAL pulled a flashbang grenade off his harness and primed it. "Now!" The door was opened and the grenade was tossed in. The loud bang and flash disoriented the remaining two Russians inside, making them easy targets for the SEALs as they came in. "Sound off!"



"Red team, clear! No movement."

"Alright," he turned to his team. "Secure intel and prepare the demo charges." The SEALs nodded and proceeded to pull hard drives out of laptops, grabbed every memory stick and document they found. They even checked the bodies of the dead Russians, taking every possible bit of intel they found. Cameras, notepads, maps, everything. They did the same for the first hut. As the wind and snow had snuffed the fire in the third hut they searched it as well. Not much was found because of the explosion and resulting fire. They also policed up all the brass they had fired.

"Sir," the Corpsman said rolling over a dead combatant. "This one doesn't appear to be a Ruskie." The soldier was wearing a black uniform that contrasted with the brown and white ones the Russians were wearing. He had no identification on him, but his clear Hispanic features made it obvious that he was not one of the Russian soldiers.

"That's strange," the officer said. "Take pictures of his mug and get a DNA sample. Hopefully, Langley can ID him." The unknown's appearance was not expected. Inwardly, the lieutenant wondered if this guy had something to do with why the Russians and, by extension, why the SEALs were there.

"All done, sir," a SEAL reported a moment later. "Demolition charges are in place."

"Alright, let's get to the extraction point," the lieutenant ordered. "Move it, people!" As the team left visual sight of the camp C4 charges blew what remained of the camp to pieces and eliminated any trace that the team had been there. If the Russians came to investigate why their post went off the air there'd be no proof as to who had hit it. Even if common sense as to whom the responsible party was were obvious.

The SEALs were on the ground for little more than an hour when a HV-22 Osprey came and returned the team to the Gerald Ford. Mission accomplished.

The intel was sorted by specialists on board the carrier and the data was scanned and transmitted to the NSA and CIA back in the states. There, it would be dissected by multiple analysts. And from the resulting analysis…who knew what would come next?


Back in Tokyo-3, Shinji placed the girl back on the gurney as the medics reoriented the equipment. "It'll be alright," Shinji whispered to her as he gently brushed her sky blue hair out of her face. 'I don't want anyone to die for me. I'd rather die for them.' Shinji then returned Misato's gun to her and removed his jacket and handed it off to her. Doctor Akagi walked up and handed him a halo looking device. "What's this?" He asked holding it up. "A tiara?"

"They're A-10 neural connectors," she explained.

"Really," Shinji replied sarcastically.

"They enhance the pilots' psychic output so that you can synchronize with the EVA."

"Right, whatever," Shinji said as he walked up to the EVA. He then climbed into the 'Entry Plug' as it was called and strapped into the seat. The others departed the cages as the device closed. In the dim amber glow of the interior Shinji could hear and feel the plug moving and enter something, obviously the EVA.

"Entry completed and locked," a female technician's voice announced. "Flooding the Entry Plug."
"Flooding the-What the fuck!" Shinji blurted out as a strange liquid quickly filled the plug. He held his breath as the liquid completely filled the plug.

"Don't worry," Ritsuko said on the bridge. "The LCL will oxygenate your system directly. You'll get used to it." Not hearing any deceit in her voice Shinji let his breath out and took in some of the liquid. It tasted horrible, like a really bad nose bleed.

"AW! Jesus Christ," his grumbled echoed over the line into the command center.

"What's wrong?" Ritsuko asked over the channel.

"I feel like Dracula coming in from a binge on St. Pattie's Day in Dublin."

"Stop complaining!" Misato snapped. "You smart ass!" Shinji just leered at her image on the pop-up in front of him.

"Synchronization has leveled off," Lt. Ibuki announced from her station. "Synch ratio holding at…I…I can't believe it…"

"What is it?" Ritsuko asked leaning over her shoulder. "Incredible. It's his first time in the EVA and he's already generating these scores?"

"What is it?" Misato asked.

"His Synch ratio has leveled off at 49.7%," Ritsuko announced.

"Almost fifty percent?" Misato blinked. "You're right. That is incredible."

"And that's without the benefit of a plug suit."

"Very well then. Move Unit-01 to the launch pad," Misato ordered.

As the Evangelion was released from its restraints and moved into position Shinji steeled himself for the battle to come. 'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,' he prayed to himself as he played with the shark tooth necklace. 'I will fear no evil…' He smiled to himself. 'For I am the meanest, badass motherfucker here.'

"Evangelion Unit-01," Makoto announced to the Major, "Ready for launch."

"Understood," Misato nodded. She then turned to the Commander. "Can we really do this?" She asked softly. "Last chance to abort." She was still hesitant to send an unprepared boy to face the angel.

"If we don't destroy the angels mankind is doomed," Gendo said with no display of emotion.

"Ikari," Fuyutsuki whispered in his ear. "You do realize you may be sending your own son to his death?"

"It's of no consequence," Gendo said. He then smirked and added, "Besides, he won't die. She won't let him."

"EVA LAUNCH!" Misato ordered.

Like a bolt from the blue Shinji was pressed into his seat as the G-Forces assaulted his body. "AHHH!" He cried out as he was rocketed to the surface.

Topside, a shaft opened up in the middle of the street and Unit-01 was ejected into place on the surface. After Shinji collected his senses he saw his enemy about a mile down the road. 'Bring it on,' he said to himself.

"Release final safety locks," Ritsuko ordered and the last two latches were released causing the EVA to stand on its own two feet.

"Shinji," Misato spoke to him. "The EVA is primarily controlled by thought. The physical controls are there for reference and backup. So just focus on walking for now."

"Shouldn't I try to crawl first?" He asked sarcastically before attempting his first step. 'Walk…left foot,' sure enough, the left foot moved.

"That's it, Shinji," Misato encouraged him. "Keep it up. You're doing great!"

He continued this until… "Oh, shit!" His foot caught an edge on the road and the whole unit did a face plant into the asphalt.

"Shinji!" Misato cried out. "Get up! Hurry!" But before he could he felt something grab his head. He then noticed the unit being lifted up. That's when he realized it was the angel grabbing the EVA. The angel then took hold of the left arm and began pulling.

"AHH!" Shinji howled as he felt his arm feel like it was going to break.

"Shinji! That's not your real arm!" Misato cried out to him. "Get a hold of yourself!"

"Motherfucker!" Shinji swore as he forced the EVA to kick between the angel's legs. Unfortunately, Shinji didn't know that it had nothing down there to kick. And that this only pissed the angel off which quickly snapped the left arm like a twig. "GAH!" Shinji howled in pain. The angel then began to drive some kind of energy lance into the cranial armor of the unit. Shinji felt every ounce of pain through his skull. Finally then armor gave way and Unit-01 was sent flying back into a building, blood gushing from the head wound like Old Faithful.

Emergency klaxons began blaring on the bridge. The tech bunnies began worked feverishly to determine to cause. "The synchro-connections are reading negative!" Shigeru announced.

"Synch-ratio has dropped to fifteen percent!" Maya added.

"Try to boost the signal," Ritsuko ordered.

"Negative! The command isn't being received."

"What's Shinji's status?" She asked Makoto.

"Unknown," he replied. "We've lost all connection to the pilot. We can't even read his vitals."

'It's over,' Misato realized. 'We never should've sent him out there.' "Abort the mission. Eject the entry plug. Rescuing the pilot is now our top priority!"

"Negative!" Shigeru replied. "The ejection command is being rejected by the EVA."

"No, Shinji!"

Before he blacked out all Shinji could feel was his heart pounding like a drum and a burning fire behind his eyes…he also felt as though someone was gently holding him from behind.


Munich, Germany

The agent got into the storage facility with no difficulty. The security at the Munich EVA Production plant was terribly lax. 'This is like taking candy from a baby,' he said to himself as he opened the vault. As he stepped inside he noted how cold it was. The vault was meant to contain only one thing. And the cold helped keep the sample dormant and docile. But, it would need to be similarly contained if it were going to be transferred.

He grabbed a special briefcase from a receptacle in the wall. He opened it up and primed the system and Bakelite filled the mold. He set the case off to the side and opened the pedestal in the middle of the vault. Using special, non-conductive tongs he reached inside and took hold of the sample. Slowly, he removed the sample and moved over to the briefcase. He dropped the sample into the Bakelite and pressed a button that allowed the liquid to solidify and encase the sample.

Letting out a breath he closed the case and locked it tight. He then closed the pedestal and turned and left the vault. "Well," he said as he rubbed his arms to warm them back up. "I certainly hope this little trip was worth it." He looked down at the dark green metal case. "I better get this somewhere safe. Don't want to have to repeat this job again." He then left the facility. "This assignment has been going on for too long. SEELE has been getting away with its goals for too long." He looked back at the factory where the finishing touches were being applied to Unit-02. "But, this time, they're going down. And I'll be there to see it." And with that, Kaji disappeared into the night.
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