Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Every Little Thing
Every Little Thing
(#) mikeywayismymanslice 2013-07-14
Ok. So here go my thoughts (for the second time because I hit a wrong button) I wasn't able to review the last chapter cuz I read it on crappy phone internet that wouldn't let me log in, but it was totally obvious that you were listening to for good. And it was awesome. Even made me cry a little, truth be told. So great job. As for this one, I got on tonight and was so happy to see it sitting there for me. And it was just posted today...or technically yesterday whatever. Anyway it was cute and amazing and I really just can't wait for for more. I hope that if no one else reviews this makes up for it because I pretty much only stay on ficwad to keep reading this story. I'm In Love with it :)Every Little Thing
(#) raina224 2013-08-03
I loved it! I still love this story. Is it over? I don't want it to be over but I sorta thought it was over after the last chapter that's why this took so long. I'd look at this story occasionally and would check but it's been a while but I freaked out when I finally saw that there was a new chapter and it was amazing and I loved it soooo much! I'm glad it didn't end after last chapter too because I was crying and stuff -.- I thought that they'd never get back together and got all sad ahaha but I'm glad I checked again. ^^ I can't wait for more if there is more!
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