Categories > Original > Poetry

Shut Up Before You Start Speaking Nonsense

by AlexisSCREAM 0 reviews

A heart that craves rejection.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2013-07-15 - 83 words

Guys, seriously, here's a quick request. Listen to Too Many Friends by Placebo ^^

Choking on poisonous perfection,
A heart that craves rejection,
Blinking eyes,
I despise,

Endless teardrops scream, “freak,”
Closed eyelids that continue to leak,
Disappear without a trace,
I’ll erase,

Me and you,
You and me,
The same,
You see?

You and me,
Me and you,
A plan,
Fool proof.

False realities,
I aim to please,
Such a tease.

All abilities,
A new disease,
We freeze.
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