Categories > Original > Poetry > Raindrops


by Acid_Joker 0 reviews

The collection of words that come freely through my fingers, and become alive in through my chords

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2013-07-28 - 123 words

though nobody'll read this, but I'll take the liberty to share my sorrows and happy moments with you throughout my songwriting, even though its dull and inexperienced, senseless words trying to express feelings that I couldn't speak even if I tried.
I Welcome you to the world of my love notes and suicide letters.
This is the first time I dare to show my work to an audience, no matter how small. My writing isn't professional, as of I only do this for fun. I would appreciate constructive criticism, but no offending words.
Please keep your hands to yourself and don't steal any of my work, as I would consider it an act of indignation for myself.
Thank you, and enjoy.
xo, ~C
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