Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Sinking Ship

by JustAGhost 9 reviews

OneShot for -Veronika-

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2013-08-02 - 1025 words

"Mia?! Mia?!" The two Way boys ran around the deck of the ship, frantically chasing after their rather mischevious younger sister.

"Mia, this is not funny. Come 'ere this instant." Gerard, the eldest of the three, stood with his arms crossed and waited for the dark haired girl to turn around and face him.

Sheepishly, Mia walked over to her brother, her eyes glued to her dainty little shoes that scuffed on the wooden panels of the deck. Gerard to a firm grip of Mia and she winced. He raised his free hand and planted a firm smack on the 6 year olds behind. She let out a gasp but refused to let herself cry in front of her brothers.

"You can't run off like that, Mia. Do you want us to get thrown off this ship?" Gerard scolded. Mia shook her head before running over to Mikey, who immediately lifted her up off the ground.

The frown embedded on Gerards face disappeared as the ship suddenly made a horrible scraping sound causing everyone on deck to be stop what they were doing. The Way children could make out, in the darkness of the night, a ice berg that towered over them. Mia shrieked as frozen chunks smashed off the ship and crashed onto the floor they stood on. All three of them ran as far from the falling ice as they could. Gerard fell straight into the arms of who appeared to be a ship mate judging by his uniform.

"What's going on 'ere?" The man yelled after helping Gerard to his feet.

"We've hit an ice berg!" A young woman screamed at him, pointing in it's direction. The ship mate's eyes widened and he ran off towards the Captain's office to inform him of the disaster.

Crowds of passangers and workers began running around the ship causing Mia to begin crying. She clung to Mikey as she sobbed and he whispered calming words to her "Shh Mia. It's ok everything will be ok." His eyes met Gerards as he said, "I promise".

Gerard grabbed Mikey by the arm and the children ran down the stairs and shoved their way through the crowded hallways. "Gee, where are we going?" Mikey called after him.

"There's something I have to get!" He shouted back over his shoulder. They stopped at their room and Gerard fumbled in his pockets for the key to the door. The dark haired boy took out the small trunk he shared with his sibling. He tipped out the trunks contents onto the floor and sifted through them until he found what he desired. Opening up the old bronze locket, Gerard smiled momentarily at the faded photograph of the parents he tragically lost in a train crash the year before. He clasped the chain around his neck and tucked it into his shirt to keep it safe from harm.

Once the children had left their room they were forced into uncomfortable life jackets and shuffled over to where life boats were being boarded. A ship mate took one of Mia's hands in an attempt to pull her towards a boat. She screamed and clung to Gerard's leg.


The ship mate frowned at the two boys. "What age are you son?" He adressed Mikey.

"16 Sir." He replied nervously, glasses sliding down his nose.

"And you?"

Gerard replied "I'm 19."

The ship mate shook his head. "You'll have to wait then. Women and children first only."

"No Sir, he must come with us!" Mikey insisted.

"My hands are tied son! Now you and your sister get on a boat before all of them are gone!" And with that the man left to atten to other protesting passangers.

Gerard looked upon his younger siblings and hugged them both. "I guess this is goodbye then."

"Don't you dare say that, Gee. I'm not leaving without you."

"So you're going to let Mia go away by herself are you? Or would you rather she stayed on a sinking ship?" This caused Mikey to look down at his crying sister.

Gerard took off the locket and slid it over Mia's head. "Look after that for me, Kitty." She wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed even harder. A young man helped lift her onto the closest life boat and held her on his lap while the Way boys stood in front of each other.

"I don't want to leave you, Gee." Mikey choked out. Tears began to steam up his glasses.

The elder boy pulled his younger brother into a tight embrace. "I'll get another boat. I'll find you and Mia if it's the last thing I do. I made a promise after Mom and Dad died that I would protect the both of you." He paused to compose himself. "But now you need to do that for Mia."

"I love you, Gerard." Mikey hugged him as hard as he could.

"I love you too, little brother. Tell Mia that I love her too. I'll be thinking of you both the entire time."

Mikey finally seperated from his brother and boarded the life boat. Mia immediatley climbed onto his lap and he held her close. He burrowed his face into her thick, curly hair. The sibling cried for their lost brother as thy drifte further and further from the sinking vessel. Eventually after they had been moving for quite some time, they saw the last of the ship plunge under the water and could no longer be seen. They could only pray that their brother had made it out alive.

A/N Hope you enjoyed it Mia, it's shorter than I wanted it to be so uh sorry. I was a little concerned about writing anything today after what happened earlier. My confidence is kind of rocky right now with regards to writing after seeing all the horrible things that were posted on this site. I can only say that I wanted to cry a little because it made me feel like my writing is shit and yeah ok I'm going to be quiet now because this doesn't matter ok bye.
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