Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Auditions for the first time in years...?


by tmbfucks 8 reviews

Most of them anyway. :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-08-02 - 314 words - Complete

Wow! Hi guys! Good morning, maybe for you, I don't know. I woke up at 5. I didn't even get to sleep till about half one. Is this what being a Winchester is like? Well, one of you guys is about to find out. The results are as follows:

Main girl: MrsWayBeckett's character, Danielle Theler. (Btw, Theler is the last name of a guy called Derek. He's on a show. He's so frickin' bootylicious.) I missed you too by the way! So much! :)

Main girl's internet friend: Hozzie. Who else? I mean, she was the person I met there. It was amazing!

Main girl's school best friend: -Veronika- MIA OH MY SWEET PISSING JESUS I'VE MISSED YOU! I love the name Kitty. It's so cool. I met Kitty from MSI, which I think basically everyone in the world knows. She's so lovely, as are you!

Main girl's favourite male teacher: AmericanHorrorStory's character, Mat York. He sounds so hot. Like, holy crap. I looked up Tasmanian man on google images as I was curious as to what one would look like. All that came up was this damn photo: and a picture of Randy Jackson. I was so confused! Haha. I love you lots too! :)

Anyway, I still need a male carer person. He's not like someone who pushes a wheelchair and changes your nappy. Just someone over 18 to take you to these things. :) And should I post it in the MCR section or not? I NEED TO KNOW! D: Anyway, thank you guys so much for auditioning! You have no idea how much it means to me. I love you guys! And, now, I must go as there are sheep baaing in my frickin' garden of this new house. GOODBAA! :/


The carer will too be the spawn of AmericanHorrorStory's imagination! So, all parts are taken now. YAY! :D
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