Categories > Original > Humor > HEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) franksfurter 2013-08-04
Hola! I managed to get the glitter tube thing around my wrist once it was like a bracelet and then I couldn't get it off for like half an hour... and... yeah...HEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) franksfurter 2013-08-04
I've heard about that, my ex girlfriend (who's a guy) was like 'I KIND OF NEED TO PEE BUT I CAN'T' and I shouldn't be telling you that but WHATEVER WE'RE FRIENDS IT'S COOLHEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) electricviolence 2013-08-04
Peens are like water guns attached to your body like you aim and stuff it sounds amusing.HEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) BeccaIsNotOnFire 2013-08-04
He then said that because he's still just a teen his penis just sticks out rather than up and I cried with laughter. He asked if I was having fond memories and I told him to go fuck himself.HEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) franksfurter 2013-08-04
I'm not saying that out of spite we're still best friends it just didn't work out
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