Categories > Original > Humor > HEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) BeccaIsNotOnFire 2013-08-04
The pedophile maths teacher put all the guys in the back of the class and made every girl sit in the front.HEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) atomickilljoy 2013-08-04
(I have pepperoni nipples)
Sexting is the reason I have to go through a scanner before schoolHEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) BipolarUnicorn 2013-08-04
In the locker rooms at my school this chick was giving this guy a blowjob.HEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) Death_Herself 2013-08-04
My (guy) gym coach sent my friend in the boys locker room to help with papers... and then another coach had a boner watching the girls run.HEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) Obsessive-Fangirl 2013-08-04
There's this girl in my class who doesn't participate in science, yet she still gets A's. anyone else see the fishiness here?
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