Categories > Original > Humor > HEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) BipolarUnicorn 2013-08-04
That's what weed smells like, skunk. The security guards had to smell my classes hands but we were in the class room that was worst we all ended up smelling like it. My new schools nickname is Heroin High!HEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) atomickilljoy 2013-08-04
My school is Horndog High because of all the sex scandalsHEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) Death_Herself 2013-08-04
On the news there was a report about a Tech-Ed teacher who was caught having child pornography files and was arrested... the next day my Tech-Ed teacher never showed up...HEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) BeccaIsNotOnFire 2013-08-04
My school is the same as every other Scottish school. Full of neds, sluts and is all around shit.HEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE
(#) SamLikesSheep 2013-08-04
My school
Well we don't have really anything
We're just in the middle of a shithole
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