Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Everybody Wants Somebody

Everybody Wants Somebody

by scarsandstories93 0 reviews

Sarah Laurier was just another California girl, until a sudden turn of events prompts her move to Chicago to pursue her dream of a music career.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2013-08-12 - 110 words

I started writing this story some time ago, and I have to finish it in the next two weeks before I head out for college. So enjoy! Feel free to read or rate or review or whatever.

Happy reading!

[10/2017 EDIT: Hi everyone! If you still read fanfiction. Basically college caused me to drop off the face of the planet but finally after graduating I've found my will to write. It's so strange to write now that they're all grown up, married, and/or have kids. Like Patrick is a dad now! It's crazy! But I'm determined to finish this fucking story goddamn it. So, enjoy. Rate/review if you want :) ]
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