Categories > TV > Doctor Who > An Unexpected Journey

Exploring, Dreams, and Crash Landings

by TheDoctorsTARDISXO 0 reviews

Kayden has this funny dream about a man in red trainers and a blue suit, but she doesn't know who he is. Also, the TARDIS is acting up....again.

Category: Doctor Who - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2013-08-12 - 3172 words

Steven Moffat Dark Lord of all & his minions at the BBC again own Doctor Who. I own posters and DVDs! Oh and Kayden, her too! ~XO TheDoctorsTARDISXO

"Did I ever tell you about the time I met Cleopatra? Oh she was a bad bad girl!"

Amy and Rory both groaned simultaneously as the Doctor jumped into yet another story about the people he has met and the adventures he has been on during his long nine-hundred and nine years of time traveling. I just had to smile at him; he was quite oblivious at how much Amy and Rory could not stand hearing him talk about the same adventures again, and again, and again. The four of us were gathered around the table in the TARDIS kitchen enjoying a meal of fish fingers and custard (both Amy & Rory tried to talk the Doctor into a good meal of anything but that, but he was being stubborn, said as a new companion I had to try this cool combination). I had to admit it wasn't as bad as I initially thought it was going to be. There was a steady flow of conversation from everyone at the table, Rory included, that lasted the whole of dinner. Once plates were cleared and everyone was full to contentment Amy kidnapped me for my grand tour of the TARDIS. Our first stop was the library.

There was a pool, in the library! A bleeding Olympic sized swimming pool surrounded by rows and rows of books! Some of the books I knew, others were from other planets, different time periods, everything. It was fantastic.

"So, what do you think?" Amy asked with a grin as we walked around before settling down on the sofa by the pool to chat.

"I think it's absolutely brilliant! I honestly thought you were joking but no there's a pool in the library."

"I thought the same thing when I first met the Doctor. Thought he was a complete loon, a madman with a box. Which as you have come to learn he really truly is."

"But you wouldn't have him any other way, am I right?" I asked and Amy shook her head before we both burst out into laughter.

Amy told me all about her life with the Doctor. How everyone thought he was just her imaginary friend, how he left her waiting for a grand total of fourteen years before she was able to see the inside of the magic blue box, and even how he has taken her to places she never thought existed. She also told me about the other side of the Doctor, the darker "Oncoming Storm" which strikes fear into the hearts of those who know him best, his enemies. I just couldn't picture the Doctor as anything but the cheerful Time Lord bent on showing his companions the wonders of the universe. Then I remembered his face when I mentioned Gallifrey and involuntarily shivered.

"Amy," I couldn't stop myself from asking, "What happened to the Time Lords? The Doctor told me that there was a war, and that now he's the last of his kind. Was he forced to watch them be slaughtered?"

The most serious look I ever saw crossed Amy Pond's face right there. She debated on telling me what she knew, which was a lot more than the Doctor had said. With a sigh and a look over her shoulder to see if the Doctor somehow magically appeared she told me what she knew.

"The Doctor himself destroyed Gallifrey," she began, "there was only one way to end the Time Lord and the Doctor took it upon himself to bring it to an end. He sacrificed his entire race to stop the Daleks. He succeeded, but it cost him his home, family, and his people. Worst part is that the Daleks keep coming back. Every time he thinks he has defeated them they just come back for more."

"I never forget though as much as I want to forget I never do, and I'll never stop fighting them until I have defeated them permanently." A voice said from behind us and both Amy and I jumped. There was the Doctor leaning against one of the bookshelves looking a little cross.

"Doctor!" Amy cried out in alarm, "How long have you been there?"

"Long enough Pond." Was his response and she threw a pillow at him. "What was that for?!"

"Don't sneak up on us and give us bleeding heart attacks you lout!" She yelled at him and I tried to hide my smile, failed miserably on that I did.

"I've come to fetch the two of you. It's late time for bed." The Doctor told us as he made his way back to the console room, Amy and I following behind him.

"Sheeze Doctor, you sound like my mum." I told him with a smile on my face. Amy chuckled in agreement.

The Doctor, he just shrugged though. "Just looking out for you. Now, off to bed the two of you go. Come on now off you pop." He shooed us away in the direction of our respective rooms before heading back towards the console.

"Does he ever sleep?" I asked Amy on a whim wondering if Time Lords actually needed sleep.

"I wonder that too Kayden, all the time." She answered. We bid each other good night before parting.

Upon arriving to my room I immediately went over to my wardrobe determined not to end up in Narnia as I hunted down a pair of jimjams. I was amazed when I opened the door and saw a neatly folder pair waiting for me. It was the TARDIS again, just had to be. I was again getting that feeling that there was something so familiar to me about the Doctor and the TARDIS, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. It was like when you're trying to remember something so important and you know it's on the tip of your tongue but you just can't get it. That was how I felt. I made my way into the en suite, jimjams in hand, and did my business before grabbing my messenger bag off the floor and climbing onto the huge bed. Digging through my bag I found the item I was looking for, without even really knowing why I wanted it. The most beautiful fob watch I ever saw I held in my hands. I traced the pattern of exquisite circles along the cover wondering again how it came into my possession. I vaguely remember someone giving it to me, but I couldn't remember whatever for or for what occasion. I drifted off to sleep clutching the fob watch to my chest.

I found myself in a dream, one that felt so shockingly real. I was running down a long corridor hand grasped tightly by a strange man leading the way. Who was this man, and how did I know him? He had brown hair that stuck out in all different directions (like he stuck his finger in an electrical socket). He wore a blue suit, red trainers, and long brown trench coat. I don't know how I knew this, but I knew he was there to protect me, to save me from whatever it was we were running from. I knew this man, he meant a great deal to me like he was the most important person in my life, but who was he?

"Kayden, oh Kayden I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I should have never brought you here." He spoke to me from over his shoulder.

I tried to speak but found I couldn't. If this was a dream, then why couldn't I speak to him? I wanted to ask him who he was and how I knew him. Why was he so important to me? Faster now we ran, hand in hand, until we made it down the corridor. A door, I see a door up ahead! Freedom is right there in our sights. Just when I think the strange man is going to charge for the door, he skids to a stop and I practically crash into him. He turns to face me now with a look of the most intense sadness on his handsome face. I am lost in his brown eyes which seem to hold so many secrets. His eyes are ancient, full of unspoken wisdom. They remind me of the Doctor's eyes. Except the Doctor's eyes are green while the strangers are brown. He pulls something from his pocket and I glance at what it is. A watch, a beautiful fob watch is in his hand, my fob watch.

"Kayden, I need you to trust me. Oh my beautiful, brilliant Kayden Grey I need you to promise me something." His gaze holds mine in the most intense way and I can only nod, feeling breathless. He places his hands on either side of my face before placing a kiss against my forehead. "Kayden, I need you to be brave for me. You've always trusted me, and I need you to trust me now more than ever. Trust me and be brave." I nodded again and he smiled at me. A small, sad smile but one that spoke of so many things left unsaid. "There's one more thing I need to tell you. Kayden I-"

I jolt awake and realize that I am on the floor. What the hell just happened? The watch is still clutched tightly in my grasp so I place it on my bedside table before scrambling to my feet. Outside my door I hear shouts coming from the Doctor and that's when I notice something is not right. The TARDIS lurches and I go flying forward barely managing to catch myself on the foot board of my bed. As quick as I can I throw on some clothing and shoes before making a mad dash to the console room. Along the way I run into the Ponds, neither of whom looks very happy at being woken up.

"This is the third time this week Doctor, the third time that the TARDIS has gone all crazy and we've been woken up in the middle of the night!" Amy yells the doctor as the three of us join him on the console platform.

He is running around like crazy asking the TARDIS what's wrong and why she has to choose the middle of the night to begin piloting herself to a new destination. "It's not MY fault!" He shouts back at Amy feeling hurt, "Do you think I purposely plan this so that Amelia Pond can lose sleep?"

"How am I supposed to know? YOU'RE the madman with a box!" Amy yells back and Rory and I back away a little afraid of her. Hell hath no fury like a woman rudely awoken.

"Does this happen a lot?" I whispered to Rory. Judging by the fighting going on between Amy and the Doctor, I want to say that it does.

"It's been happening a lot more over these past few weeks. Whenever the TARDIS decides to pilot herself, it spells trouble for the rest of us." Rory whispered back, a small smile on his lips like he was enjoying watching his wife yell at the designated driver.

This goes on for another fifteen minutes. Amy and the Doctor yelling at each other, the Doctor yelling at the TARDIS, and the TARDIS going completely haywire as either an act of rebellion against being put on autopilot for so long or because she wanted to go on an adventure herself. When she finally does quiet down, the four of us let out a relieved sigh. The Doctor is quick to check the scanners to see where we ended up, and judging by the look on his face it was somewhere he wasn't quite expecting.

"Well, where are we Doctor?" I asked him while trying to peer around his shoulders at the screen of the scanner.

"The question is not where, but when Grey. We're in London."

"Well that's rubbish!" I cry out thinking the Doctor had set me up, "You could have just TOLD me you were dropping me off home. No reason to play these childish and mean games!"

The Doctor turned to me now with a look of genuine shock and hurt on his face. He looked like a scolded schoolboy in trouble for stealing one too many cookies.

"What? No, Kayden that's not it at all! There's one thing you need to know about me, well many things actually but this one is pretty important as well. I don't just drop my companions off home in the middle of the night nor do I make a big show of it. You're here for the long haul Grey, an actual companion. And also, unless you're from London in 1526 and you neglected to tell the dear Ponds and I that you can also travel through time and space then I don't believe that you're home."

I felt my cheeks flame up with heat and I swear I was as red as Amy's hair. Boy do I feel absolutely stupid now. I looked away sheepishly and mumbled an apology to the Doctor not wanting to look him in the eye. He laughed his usual madman laugh and mussed my hair. All was forgiven it seems.

"Doctor, did you say London in 1526?" Rory asked him.

"Yes I did Rory. London, 1526. Anyone care to tell me who was on the throne at this point?"

"Henry VIII!" I exclaimed and the Doctor smiled at me.

"Right you are Kayden Grey. You're very clever. We are in the court of King Henry VIII. This is when he was courting Anne Boleyn, future Marques of Pembroke. Now, does anyone remember what happened to her?"

"Beheaded for adultery and witchcraft." Amy chimed in and earned a high five from the Doctor.

"Exactly, very good Pond!" The Doctor exclaimed as he bent down to pick his tweed jacket up off the floor. He threw it on, ran and hand through his floppy hair and led the way out of the TARDIS.

It was bloody cold outside! The cold didn't seem to bother the Doctor one bit, but Amy, Rory and I ran back inside the TARDIS so fast that it would have made your head spin. Jackets, Amy pulled out some jackets from the chest beneath the console and we felt ready to brave the cold of London, 1526. The Doctor looked like royalty in his own right, leading the way through the gates and towards the palace. Not just any palace though, Greenwich palace we were told. Something didn't feel right. I had a feeling that something terrible was going to happen. I looked over at Amy and Rory and saw that they had the same look on their faces. Nothing seemed to faze the Doctor though. If he thought at all that there was some impending doom or danger heading our way then he hid it well. I was quite shocked as I looked around and noticed multiple stone statures adorning the palace grounds. I thought back to history class and could not remember anything on Henry VIII or Anne Boleyn being such avid statue collectors. Again that feeling of impending doom returned.

"Is it just me or does anyone else have the creeps?" I whispered to the Ponds as the Doctor began going on another rant about the first time he met Elizabeth the first.

"I don't think we should be here." Amy whispered back. "We need to get back to the TARDIS before something bad happens."

"I agree," Rory chimed in, "Let's stop the Doctor and turn back. Nothing good can come from our being here; something is bound to go wrong."

As soon as Rory spoke those words the sky darkened to an unnatural color. We all stopped moving, standing frozen in place staring at the sky. There was a huge flash of light and at first we thought it was only a storm. Until we realized that there was a voice coming from the sky.

"The Doctor and his companions have arrived! The Doctor will pay for his crimes. He destroyed our planet, banished us to the farthest reaches of the universe. The Doctor will PAY!" The voice bellowed that last word on the sound of thunder and another flash of light. The Doctor turned to the three of us now.

"Whatever happens you are to stay back and NOT interfere. Do I make myself clear?" He spoke with such a fierceness that my heart seized in my chest. Something awful was about to happen. "Do you understand?!" The Doctor yelled now and we jumped before relaying to him out understanding. He reached into the pocket of his tweed coat and pulled out that funny looking device from before, what was it called again? Oh the sonic screwdriver and a key. The key he tossed to me and the sonic to Amy. "I need you three to be brave. Whatever happens now I need you to be the bravest you can be."

I shuddered at how at that moment the Doctor sounded like the stranger from my dream. There was another flash of light at that moment, one so bright Amy, Rory, and I needed to shield our eyes. I heard the Doctor cry out as the light dimmed. He was he was GONE! The Doctor had vanished before our very eyes.

"Doctor!" Amy cried out and ran forward only to be grabbed and held back by Rory. "He's gone, why does he ALWAYS do this to me? Doctor get back here right now! DOCTOR!" Amy screamed and screamed until she had no voice left. Then she did all she could do, bury her face in Rory's chest and cry.

I was worried, furious, and a little bit afraid. The Doctor had just vanished. The three of us were left with nothing but his sonic screwdriver and a key. I studied the key in my hand and a realization struck me. The Doctor had given me a TARDIS key. The sky had cleared with the disappearance of the Doctor and a light snow began to fall. I shivered suddenly cold to my bones and held back tears I knew were trying to escape. The Doctor had told us to be brave. I was not going to start weeping like a child now. One deep, shuddering breath after another until I felt like I had my emotions in check. Something still didn't feel right to me. Here we were, stranded in the middle of London in 1526. No Doctor, no human being in sight, surrounded by dozens of stone statues in period dress. It just couldn't get any worse for us, could it? I prayed that I didn't find out the answer to that question. What we needed now, was a plan. It was up to the three of us now, but what could we do?
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