Categories > Original > Fantasy > Mystical Hearts

Mystical Hearts

by RescuePatrol98 8 reviews

Arianna is a normal girl but something unexpected happens that changes her life. Arianna must take the journey to find herself where she will have to overcome her fears. Along her journey she'll me...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2012-12-06 - Updated: 2012-12-06 - 1275 words

A/N: I wrote this story for Nano (National Novel Writing Month) and I wanted to post it here. Hope you enjoy. I would also like to thank my beta for correcting my spelling mistakes and also picking the name of the story for me.

I can hear voices all around me, but can't understand what is said. Blurred images of faces peering down at me and then moving away, then darkness comes again. Consciousness fades in and out. I can't tell if I'm dreaming or not. Suddenly something unexpected happened and I woke up in a fright.
When my eyes fluttered open, they were overtaken by the midnight sky that was overlooking me. I gaze upon the moon as it struggles to shine through the trees that cover its path. I can actually see the stars as they wink and twinkle within in the sky; it is like they are dancing to a different beat of music. All of a sudden there was a sharp pain that filled my body in an instant. I quickly put my hand to my arm where the major source of pain was coming from. I steadied myself on a tree before I stood being careful not to stumble in the process. When I was confident I wasn’t going to fall, I let go of the tree and started walking down the rocky path, having no idea where I was, or where I was going to end up.

“Hello?” I called into the mystical trees, as they swayed within the wind.

“Is anyone there?” I called again and still no answer.

“Where am I?” I called again and no one responded, so I guess I was alone. I kept following the rocky path not knowing if I was going in the right direction or not. As I walked through the avenue I could feel tears streaming down my face; I didn’t bother in wiping them away because no one was going to see me. I was alone and afraid with nobody around to ask for help. I kept walking down the avenue as the trees swayed in the wind. The trees to my left were an orange brown colour and the trees to my right were so green. Everything was beautiful, I kept walking on the rocky path and when I looked up I got a real shock. This place was beautiful a few seconds ago and now everything was so dark and gruesome. I saw some movement deep within the trees but I just forgot about it because I thought it was a kangaroo. I kept walking and within a few minutes it was back to being bright and beautiful. The grass was a beautiful spring green colour while the trees were a pine green and spring bud colour. I smiled at how everything was so beautiful here, and I never wanted to leave. I knew deep down in my heart I would though, and that was going to break my heart a little, but I would also be relived because I would get to see my family again, well that’s when I recover all the memories I had lost. I wanted to know who I was, and I would do anything in my power to achieve my ultimate goal that I was seeking. I was still alone and afraid, but I tried to put that past me and kept walking. While I was walking I heard this voice, it was like inside my head, but it was like someone talking to me. I listened to what this person was trying to say to me but I couldn’t figure out what they were saying. I waited for a little bit before someone appeared in front of me.

"What is your name?" I asked the first thing that came to mind.

“My name...I don't have a name, but I am a creature that is called a Fae.” She explained and I nodded before she continued. “I have been ordered by master to warn you of the dangers you will face ahead.” She said.

“What dangers?” I asked, worried.

“I can’t tell you everything, because you have to find the rest out for yourself. I do warn you though, stay on the paths.” She said and I nodded.

“I understand.” I replied before she spoke again.

“You will meet someone soon who will change your life forever and will guide you the right way.” She replied and I nodded. I kept walking on the path remembering what she had told me. I walked for a while, when I had the feeling I was being watched, so I turned around quickly and no one was there. I just shrugged it off and kept walking, but I just couldn’t shake the feeling of someone watching me deep within the trees. I kept walking trying to shake off the feelings I was feeling, terrified, alone and now I could add paranoid to all my feelings. I looked around one more time and I saw something or someone dart within in the confines of the trees. I stared for a little bit and then it moved again, I wanted to investigate so I walked over to the trees.

“Is anyone there?” I asked because I couldn’t make a figure out.

“Where am I?” I asked but it tried to get further into the trees.

“Please come out.” I said and soon enough a kangaroo jumped out of the bush and I couldn’t help but laugh. I was just talking to a kangaroo; my day just couldn’t get any weirder. I smiled, turning around and walking down the path again but I could here something following me. I turned around and sure enough the kangaroo was hoping after me, I smiled at how cute it was being. It was coming closer, but then something scared it, and it darted for the trees leaving no trace of its existence behind. I looked around to see if I could find the source of the noise, but couldn’t see anything. I was so scared at the moment, and there were so many feelings and questions going through me head. Most of my feelings that were going through my mind was being alone, afraid and mostly scared out of my mind. Most of the questions that were going through my mind was, where am I, how did I get here and the major one that was going through my mind was how was I going to get home. I felt so alone when I heard something again, it almost sounded like someone or something was in the bushes watching me. I looked behind me when I saw some movement deep within the trees. I stared for a little bit but then the bushes moved again and being the curious one I was, of course I went to investigate.

“Is anyone there?” I asked and I could make a figure out in the trees, it was a person.

“Where am I?” I asked and the person tried to get further into the trees but soon stopped when I said something else.

“I’m not going to hurt you. I just need help.” I replied and the person moved out of the trees so I could see his face.

“I’m Arianna.” I replied holding out my hand for him to shake, he looked at it and almost hesitated before he shook it.

“Caleb.” He replied before he smiled which made me smile.

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